Long Shao Aojiao's skills are full

Chapter 81 When She Was the Most Painful

Chapter 81 When She Was the Most Painful

Lu Xintong didn't know how long she slept, it was strange that she didn't dream this time.Surprisingly, she slept peacefully.

I don't know what happened during this period of time, I always have some kind of strange dreams frequently, and the quality of sleep is really bad.No one woke her up this time, she just slept until she woke up naturally.

What caught her eyes was still this strange room, and her mind was blank for a moment.In a trance, I didn't even know where I was.

It took a few seconds to realize that this was Long Lanyue's room in the castle.

Things before going to sleep flashed through her mind like a slideshow.She closed her eyes resignedly, wishing that the fact that she was poisoned by Gu poison was also a nightmare, and when she woke up from the dream, she was still safe and healthy.

But there was no way, the piercing pain reminded her that everything was real.

If she relied on Long Lanyue's method, she would recover in half a year.Long Lanyue's blood can relieve her pain, she felt that she owed him too much.Lu Xintong silently thought that she should treat him better in the future, even better.

While she was still immersed in her own thoughts, the door creaked open.Pull her back from her thoughts.

Lu Xintong looked over, and saw Long Lanyue's handsome face and his tall figure.Standing tall and tall, a sentence flashed in her mind involuntarily: A rare handsome man in the world.

For the first time, she didn't move, she just stared at him blankly.Some obsession.

Long Lanyue realized that something was wrong with her, she frowned quietly.

He strolled over, stood by the bed, looked down at her, and Lu Xintong also looked up at him. Standing like this was really oppressive to her.

I don't know if it's because Long Lanyue made her drink his blood before, but seeing him now, Lu Xintong felt inexplicably kind.

Apart from Mira, this cruel man in front of her is the best for her now.

He is always cold, as if there is no emotion.Sometimes Lu Xintong thinks this man is very strange.People can't help but dig out things related to him.

Long Lanyue couldn't see what she was thinking, but the way she looked at him now seemed a little strange.As for what was strange, he couldn't tell.

"It's time to eat." Finally, Long Lanyue spoke first.It was his usual clear voice.

Lu Xintong was surprised for a moment, and soon recovered.I quickly got up, fell asleep, and felt very energetic.

"Long Lanyue, what time is it?!" Lu Xintong asked softly.I always feel like I slept for a long time.The room was a little dark, and it was difficult to distinguish day and night.

"8 o'clock in the evening." The moon is at its fullest, when he is in the most pain.

Lu Xintong tidied her hair casually and prepared to go out for dinner.Speaking of which, she was really hungry.I came here in the morning and didn't eat lunch.

But after she took two steps, she found that Long Lanyue was not moving.Apparently there was no intention of leaving.

"Long Lanyue, aren't you going?!" Lu Xintong asked strangely.

"No, you go, Ye Ning is outside." His voice was very calm.

Lu Xintong frowned slightly.She couldn't help but wonder, could it be that he had already eaten it? !

After he said that, Lu Xintong couldn't say anything, she knew that he didn't like others to be irritable.

Coming out of his room, she saw Ye Ning waiting at the door.

Lu Xintong bit her lip and hesitated for a moment before she asked, "Assistant Ye, has Long Lanyue eaten yet?"

(End of this chapter)

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