Long Shao Aojiao's skills are full

Chapter 814 She Was Kidnapped

Chapter 814 She Was Kidnapped

"An Yi, should we also call Master Luo and ask him if he knows?" Ye Qing spoke out her thoughts.

An Yi obviously hesitated for a while, before saying: "Let's fight, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, don't give up."

It has been almost half a month since he said those words to Luo Qianye last time, during this time he has been staring at her, and Luo Qianye has no chance to get close to Luo Fu.

Everything is calm and there is nothing unusual.Today's always is a bit sudden.

"Then let me call. I have a little contact with him, you send someone to investigate and make arrangements. See if there is any other way." Ye Qing didn't panic, she was always calm and calm.

Even if she was worried about Love, she would not let that emotion interfere with her ability to work.

The same is true for An Yi. He is indeed worried, but worrying can't solve any problems.

Ye Qing took the phone, called up Luo Qianye's number, and dialed it directly.

On the other end, it took a long time to pick up the phone, and Luo Qianye's hoarse voice came: "Hello, what's the matter." She seemed a little confused, as if she was drunk.

Ye Qing frowned, looked at her watch, it was three o'clock in the afternoon, it must be too early to get drunk at this time, right?However, now is not the time to think about these things.

She said straight to the point: "Master Luo, I'm Nightingale, I want to ask, did you go to see Xiao Fu today?"

The other end was silent for a while, and after a few seconds, the voice suddenly became clearer: "I didn't look for her, did something happen to her?"

Ye Qing didn't hide anything, and told him directly: "Yes, Xiaofu disappeared, just half an hour ago. I thought you knew about the one who disappeared from school."

The other end didn't say anything, just hung up the phone.

Ye Qingli was in a daze when she heard the busy tone on the phone, she thought, Master Luo must be in a hurry.

After hanging up the phone, she called Lu Xintong again and told the story again.

Lu Xintong told her without saying a word, he would ask Long Lanyue to help find her, and he would definitely find Luo Fu.

People all over the world began to look for Love, but she seemed to have evaporated from the world.

An Yi sent someone to the school to adjust the surveillance, but there was no clue.The person who took her was obviously very powerful and knew how to avoid the camera.

On Luo Qianye's side, when he heard that Luo Fu was missing, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley instantly, and a sense of uneasiness quietly grew in his heart, and in a short time, it quickly spread to his limbs and bones.

During this period of time, he had no way to get close to her, and he stared at An Yi very closely, thinking that the little guy didn't want to see him, he was a little bit ashamed.

He has no intention of doing anything and just wants to drink at home every day.

When Ye Qing called him, he had just woken up from a hangover.

He thought that such a delicate little girl, who seemed to be broken if touched, was taken away by someone. What if those people hurt her? !She has no ability to resist at all.

The more Luo Qianye thought about it, the more frightening he became. He felt trembling all over his body, and his hand holding the phone was trembling.

He recently dismissed all the women with whom he had even a little bit of an affair in the past.

He used to go to nightclubs at night, but now, he just takes it with him at home, doesn't go anywhere, and stays at home drinking.

He didn't go to the doctor when he caught a cold. His throat is still inflamed and his head is still dizzy.

Now that he heard the news, he was worried, and his whole body became tense again. He must find her quickly, otherwise the consequences...

(End of this chapter)

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