Long Shao Aojiao's skills are full

Chapter 822 Never Was Such a Serious Injury

Chapter 822 Never Was Such a Serious Injury

She grabbed the doctor's arm, her voice trembling: "Doctor, how is my brother Qianye?"

Ye Qing held onto her shoulders, afraid that she would suddenly be unable to support her and would suddenly fall down.

The doctor took off his mask, his face was a little dignified, and Love felt his heart tighten when he saw him in such a state.There is an uneasy premonition in my heart.

"He is not in danger for the time being, but there are many serious injuries to his head and body, which may lead to internal bleeding. We will have to wait until he wakes up to check carefully."

Love staggered a step and almost fell, but fortunately Ye Qing was well prepared to catch her.

Her face also turned pale, but it wasn't over yet, only a heavy voice sounded again: "In addition, his physical condition is not very good during this period, his resistance is relatively weak, and the situation is not optimistic. But we Will do my best."

"Okay, okay, as long as his life is not in danger, Fu'er, don't be too pessimistic, he will definitely get better gradually." Lu Xintong comforted him.

"Yes, Xiaofu, this is the best hospital in Longdu, and we will invite the best doctor. We won't let him have any trouble." Even An Yi also spoke at this time.

Love just calmed down a little.

After that, Luo Qianye was transferred to the intensive care unit.

Seeing what happened to her brother, Long Lanyue felt very uncomfortable.In his memory, Luo Qianye had never been so hard.

It seems that everyone misunderstood him this time. He was really serious about Love this time.

This point is beyond doubt.He's just been dealing with his relationships recently, and he didn't expect to make some women angry.From love to hatred, this incident happened.

The ICU can only be entered in sterile gowns.Love is undoubtedly going to guard him.

From being taken away to now being rescued, Love hasn't eaten for such a long time, so naturally she couldn't eat.

Right now, there is only one thought in his mind, only that brother Qianye can get better.She has no appetite at all right now.

Seeing her like this, everyone couldn't help but sigh.However, almost everyone has experienced the same thing as her, so we can generally understand her current feelings.

Now I just hope that Luo Qianye can wake up safe and sound.

Love sat on the edge of the bed, covering his hands with both hands, sticking to her cheeks.His face was pale, and his lips were bloodless.

Usually his eyes seem to be dotted with smiles, he will make her happy, and he will take her to fun places to play.

Thinking about it now, the time with him was the happiest time for her so far.

"Brother Qianye, you must get better, or I won't have anyone to play with me in the future." She was not as doted on and hurt as he was to her.

She thought that he was just as good to others, and she was very sad.But looking back now, and savoring it carefully, it's not the same at all.

"You must be good, we can always be friends, you will be my brother Qianye, can I take that letter back?" Love's voice was low and choked, but she didn't dare to cry anymore.Tears welled up in her eyes, and she held them back.

She thought, Brother Qianye definitely didn't want to see her cry.

Love told him a lot, I don't know if he heard it, but she just wanted to tell him.

"Brother Qianye, wake up quickly"

"Brother Qianye..." Love shouted loudly.There is a bit of pleading in the words.

However, he still has no response.

Love's heart gradually sank to the bottom...

(End of this chapter)

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