Long Shao Aojiao's skills are full

Chapter 886 I Can't Live Without Her

Chapter 886 I Can't Live Without Her
She even thinks that her mother's complexion is very good recently. A woman is the most beautiful when she is nourished by love.

Luo Qianye and Luo Fu also returned hand in hand.And sinking.

The atmosphere in the villa suddenly warmed up.

There is no need to cook tonight, according to Long Lanyue's order, the people from the Long Mansion will deliver food.

When eating, everyone sits around a table.

Si Chen cleared his throat and said solemnly: "Everyone, some time ago, because of my negligence, I thought I was sick and made an oolong, which troubled everyone and hurt my beloved Xiaoxue. I'm the bastard." , Today, I would like to say sorry to everyone.

I guarantee that similar things will never happen again in the future. I hope everyone will not be offended and not affect our relationship. "

Si Chen's words can be said to be very sincere.Not the usual hippie smile.

Luo Qianye had witnessed the time when he was decadent and helpless, so at this time, for the first time, he did not tease him again.

It was Long Lanyue who finally said: "If there is a next time, shoot or kill."

The corner of Lu Xintong's mouth twitched, and she thought to herself, should I be so strict.It's rare that everyone looked happy and harmonious, and even said something murderous.What a disappointment.

"Okay, next time I'm so confused, you'll kill me! Anyway, if there is no Xiaoxue, I can't live anymore." Si Chen leaned on Ye Xue's shoulder, pretending to be pitiful.

Ye Xue was thin-skinned, and when he made such a fuss, her cheeks flushed slightly.The hand under the table quietly grabbed his.

Brother Chen is really too bad, there are so many people here, deliberately embarrassing her!
Si Chen gave her a bright smile, held her hand firmly, and looked at her with burning eyes.The tenderness in his eyes already contained everything he wanted to say to her.

"Okay, that's what you said, so many of us are listening to you, you are not allowed to bully Xiaoxue in the future, or we will gang up on you!" Lu Xintong raised her fist, as if to beat someone.

Si Chen clasped his hands together: "Okay, I will definitely follow the instruction."

He is an optimistic and cheerful person. He usually likes to make jokes and make lively atmosphere.This evening, the meal was enjoyable and the atmosphere was particularly good.Everyone has a big smile on their face.

They didn't go home until ten o'clock in the evening, and the originally lively villa returned to calm.

Si Chen just fell ill recently, and originally wanted to drink some wine. After all, his treasure was lost and recovered, and then the relationship with everyone was restored.Of course she was very happy, but Yexue disagreed.

Said that the body can not drink, do not agree with him to drink.Si Chen has no choice but to listen to his wife now.

Since they are not drinking, they can also drive home by themselves.

In the past, it was inevitable that he would stay here in the villa, but recently Si Chen only wanted to live a two-person world with his baby.So, no matter how late, they decided to go home.Ye Xue naturally had nothing to say about this.

In some matters, she still prefers to listen to Si Chen.

Mu Xuan and Jin Cheng also went back, only brothers Ye Ning and Lu Xintong were left in the villa.

Lu Xintong was in a very good mood watching Si Chen gag and talk nonsense with him all night.

The next big event is the wedding of Ye Qing and An Yi.

The next day, An Yi made a fuss about Ye Qing early in the morning.It's ridiculous to say that he is even more impatient than his wife.

Now I just want to see her in wedding clothes, she must be very beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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