Chapter 931
Huo Nanchen said coldly: "Don't worry? Didn't she become like this in your Zhao family? You tell me to rest assured?"

Zhao Bowen showed embarrassment, "Since it's already like this, the only thing we can do now is to pray for Pianpian. This child's life is good, and she will definitely get through this difficult time."

"Or, are you sad about the child?"

It is sad and even more regrettable that this child lost Zhao Bowen.

That child is the eldest grandson of the Huo family. In the future, the Zhao family and the Huo family will be regarded as in-laws. With such a relationship, one can imagine his future official career...

Too bad now...

This is fate.

"You can have another child if you don't have it. I can only say that this child has nothing to do with you. After all, you are still young, and there are plenty of opportunities." Zhao Bowen comforted.

"This is a long time to come, Nan Chen, don't just focus on Piao's body, you should also take care of your own body. What if you fall ill when you wake up, what should you do?"

Huo Nanchen didn't have any ups and downs, and said lightly: "Mayor Zhao said so much, is he trying to drive me away?"

"No, I didn't mean it that way. If you have a relationship with why, then we are a family. I didn't mean that. Don't worry too much." Zhao Bowen quickly explained.

In fact, he didn't think there was anything wrong these few days, but today his wife came to complain to him. Suddenly there were a few outsiders in the family, and they were men. The women in the family were somewhat inconvenient.

It's not inconvenient for a big man to go out early and return late, but the women in the family are at home every day. Thinking about it this way, that's why he came to say these things to Huo Nanchen.

But it's obviously useless to say it, so what can he do.

As soon as Zhao Bowen walked out of the room, Huo Yi followed him and stopped him.

"Mr. Zhao. Ms. Gu's current situation will not leave my husband. If it brings inconvenience to your family, then I have to ask your whole family to move out for a while." Huo Yi said.

"What?" Zhao Bowen was surprised.

Instead, let the owner of the house move out?

Did he hear it right?
"Mr. Zhao is also welcome to cooperate." Huo Yi's answer confirmed that he heard correctly just now.

Zhao Bowen didn't know how to answer for a while.

Huo Yi continued: "Don't worry, the house is ready, and the environment will never be worse than here."

Zhao Bowen: "..."

Could it be that Huo Nanchen had this idea long ago?

This is all right, the person didn't send him away, but drove his family out of his gate.

"Actually, it doesn't need to be so troublesome. We are used to living in this house. If we move to another house, we will not get used to it. I don't mean to drive him away, let's go as usual."

Unexpectedly, Huo Yi had a serious face, "Mr. Zhao, please cooperate."

Zhao Bowen: "..."

There seems to be no turning back.

Such a robbery...

He really can't say anything.

Otherwise, he would turn against Huo Nanchen.

He is not stupid, turning against Huo Nanchen will do him harm but no benefit.

Zhao Bowen, who returned to the room, told his wife about the situation. Mrs. Zhao couldn't believe it, "How could he do this? We are the masters of this house! How could he drive us out?"

"Okay, don't talk about it. He has arranged a new residence for us. The environment will not be worse than here, and we will move tomorrow." Zhao Bowen himself was puzzled, "Why do you want to find trouble when you are good. "

According to his tone, Mrs. Zhao should have no room for maneuver in this matter.

Then I had no choice but to do it tonight, so as not to have too many dreams in the night.

(End of this chapter)

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