Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1004 Ability Attracts White-eyed Wolf

Chapter 1004 Ability Attracts White-eyed Wolf (Determination)

The old man explained, "We have to wait for the boat, and we can only go if we get on that boat, otherwise we will lose our way once we step into the sea."

"so serious?"

"Well, even if I've been there a few times, I wouldn't dare to fly directly like this."

Chu Tian asked suspiciously, "Senior, how many times have you been there?"

The old man sighed, "No, I didn't want to come out this time, but when I came out to find something, I was arrested."

Chu Tian shouted, but at this moment a group of armored guards appeared behind them, and the captain at the head shouted, "Chu Tian, ​​Hai Dafu, you will not escape today!"

Chu Tian knew that Hai Dafu was the old man, but the old man said urgently, "Don't let them catch him."

Chu Tian comforted, "Don't worry, their strongest person is only a five-star golden immortal."

That five-star Golden Immortal is a mutant ninth rank, and is also the captain of this team, Huo Sha.

When Huo Sha heard Chu Tian's words, he immediately became angry, "Boy, do you dare to underestimate me?"

"What's wrong with you? Can you still take me back?"

Huo Sha snorted, "I am the strongest five-star Golden Immortal in the Unbounded God Palace."

"The strongest, that's what you call yourself."

"Damn it, put on the shackles!"

Those people immediately recited the incantation, and the shackles appeared on Hai Dafu and Chutian immediately. As for Chutian sneered, the shackles disappeared again, and Huo Sha was shocked, "You can break the curse?"

Chu Tian smiled and said, "What do you think?"

Huo Sha became anxious, "Damn it, look at my Ten Thousand Fire Sword!"

At this time, a sword appeared in the opponent's hand, and then countless flames of sword energy flew out one by one, with only one goal, and that was to deal with Chutian.

But Chutian avoided them at a fast speed, and injected them with immortal energy one by one.

These people were confident, they didn't take this fairy devil energy seriously, and even activated their blood, but Chu Tian directly activated the ability to control blood and controlled them.

Afterwards, those people were killed on the spot, only Huo Sha was seriously injured and disappeared in the distance, but Chu Tian said indifferently, "It's so boring to just leave like this."

Hai Dafu became pensive, and Chu Tian asked, "What's wrong?"

"This captain, I really want to see it somewhere."

Chu Tian was puzzled, "The fire brake?"

"What, his name is Huo Sha?"


Hai Dafu was in a hurry, "It's over, this guy has a lot of background."

"Anything special?"

"It is rumored that in the Unbounded Shrine, there are five brakes, namely, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. These people don't seem to have high cultivation, but their abilities are very special."

Chu Tian smiled wryly, "A five-star golden immortal, is it necessary to be so exaggerated?"

"This, maybe it's just his avatar."


"Well, it is rumored that the five brakes like to release countless clones and merge them into different guards. One is to practice, and the other is to kill people, so these five brakes are also called life-threatening brakes."

Chu Tian didn't take it seriously, "If he dares to come, I'll kill him directly."

Hai Dafu was always worried, but Chutian was still very calm. As for Huo Sha, who was hidden in the air, there was no trace of breath, and even Chutian didn't feel his existence.

However, through the clouds, he stared at Chu Tian on the coast with a strange and evil smile, "Interesting, it seems that I can take him as a whetstone and become a puppet of my fire brake."

So Huo Sha turned into a ball of flames and disappeared, but after about an hour on the coast, a huge boat appeared.

Hai Dafu hurriedly took Chutian onto the boat, and the outside of the boat was wrapped in a formation, so after boarding the boat, Chutian and Hai Dafu were in the same formation, but someone stepped forward and said to them, "The boat fee. "

After digging for a while, Hai Dafu looked embarrassed, "Most of my fairy stones were taken away by those guards."

There are quite a lot of Chutian immortal stones, and he was afraid that they would not be usable, so after he took out the immortal stones, he thought he could pay for them, but the person who collected the shipping fee frowned, "This is a low-quality immortal stone."

Chu Tian was stunned, "Inferior immortal stone?"

"Well, look, this kind of fairy stone is obviously not good. What we want is the unbounded fairy stone."

Chu Tian was curious about what the Unbounded Immortal Stone was like, so he said awkwardly, "Well, what are the immortal stones here like?"

Hai Dafu knew that trouble was coming, so he hurriedly said to the toll collector, "Well, we were hunted down just now, and we really don't have any fairy stones. Look, why don't we work as coolies for you?"

The crew member seemed to meet such people often and said, "Okay, come with me."

After a while, they were taken to a house, where there were many people, and they were digging things in a pile of sand, and there were some small green particles in the sand.

The crew member said, "Each person collects a thousand, which can cover the boat fare. If you arrive at Liberty Island in five days and you haven't collected them all, then we have to take measures against you."

Hai Dafu smiled and said, "Yes."

Then the crew left, but the others looked at Chu Tian and the two and ignored them, continuing to work on their business. As for Hai Dafu, Chu Tian laughed and said, "Don't look, dig out the stone."

After looking at it, Chu Tian asked, "What is this?"

"This is the golden stone in the sea, but it is mixed with a lot of sand. These sands are called black sand. It is very difficult to separate them, because they tend to stick together, so you have to get a little bit."

Chu Tian picked up one and found that there were indeed many magazines on it, but he laughed and said, "Can't these black sands be washed with water?"

At this time, someone laughed at Chutian, "Boy, this black sand is not afraid of fire or water, and it is embedded in the thousand gold stones, so it is very difficult to get out."

The others also cast strange glances, but Hai Dafu sighed, "We can only wrap them with immortal energy, and this black sand likes immortal energy, so it will take at least a quarter of an hour to get them out of the thousand golden stones completely." , so one day, even I can only get more than 100 at most, but it is very difficult to get [-] in five days."

Chu Tian didn't believe it, and held the Qianjin Stone in one hand, and then a ball of fire wrapped the Qianjin Stone.

Seeing these fires burning wildly there, the Qianjinshi was indifferent, and the same was true for the black sand, while the others all laughed.

Chutian had no choice but to use the Immortal Fire King. In an instant, the Qianjin Stone turned into a liquid gold stone, and the black sand was naturally still sand, which was stripped out of the liquid state little by little by Chutian.

As for the people present who were stunned, Hai Dafu was even more shocked, "You, what kind of flame are you?"

Chu Tian laughed and said, "It's just an ordinary flame."

After finishing speaking, Chutian continued in one breath, and returned all the thousand gold stones. Within a quarter of an hour, one thousand stones arrived in Chutian's hands, and the people present showed envious expressions.

Someone even said to Chu Tian, ​​"Young master, can you help us?"

But Chu Tian laughed and said, "Just now, didn't you all look down on me?"

Those who were extremely guilty expressed their blindness, and Chutian didn't bother to bother with them, so he helped them fix it all at once, and these people were very grateful to Chutian, and even wanted to hang out with him.

Chutian didn't want to form a clique, let alone bring a bunch of people, so he refused them one by one, and asked Hai Dafu to take him to find the toll collector, and gave him a thousand gold stones.

The crew member looked at Chu Tian and the two in astonishment, followed by others, which puzzled the crew member, so he told the news to the captain.

At this moment, the captain is in the captain's room, and there are a group of young people there. At this moment, the captain is staring at the young people with sweat dripping down his face, and said, "Masters, I have already lost so much, so I don't need to continue."

A young man in white clothes held a fan, shook the fan and said with a smile, "I haven't played enough yet."

Another young man laughed and said, "I said Captain Mu, you should know that Mr. Duan likes to play this kind of stone guessing game the most."

The captain stared at the two stones in front of him. Although they looked the same, there was something under one of them. He had to guess, but he always lost, but he couldn't get angry. After all, the person in front of him had a lot of background.

That's when the toll collector appeared, and the captain said angrily, "Didn't you see I'm busy?"

The toll collector took out tens of thousands of golden stones, and this kind of thousand golden stones can be exchanged for a lot of fairy stones. The captain looked surprised and said, "Why are there so many this time?"

The toll collector explained the matter again, and the eyes of the captain and the young men were also bright.

You Qi asked the captain, "Say, someone can quickly extract this thousand gold stone and black sand."

"Yes, I also asked some people. They said that he is a young man who just arrived, and his strength is only eight-star Xuanxian. They don't know what plane he belongs to."

The captain immediately got up and said, "Go and have a look first."

The young man named Duan Gongzi said with a smile, "I'll go too."

So everyone went together, as for Chutian and Hai Dafu, they were watching the scenery on the boat.

After a while, the toll collector pointed at Chu Tian and the two, "Captain, that's him."

Chutian and Hai Dafu turned around curiously, and the captain was wearing a hat, a blue overcoat, and a wooden crutch in his hand, then he stared at Chutian and asked, "I heard that you can separate the thousand gold stones from the sand?"

After Chu Tianen said, the captain laughed, "My name is Mu Tuofeng, and I am the captain here. I would like to ask you to chat, how about it?"

Chu Tian was puzzled, but he could feel the captain's hostility, and even wished to take him down, but there were many people here, so he didn't do it.

Seeing Chutian in a daze, the captain asked with a smile, "How is it?"

Chu Tian apologized and said with a smile, "I like the scenery here."

The captain immediately said urgently, "What's so interesting here, I'll take you to the bottom of the boat to see the scenery under the sea."

After finishing speaking, the captain took the initiative to ask someone to come forward to Chutian and that Hai Dafu, and the captain still looked at Chutian with a smile and said, "Let's go, or I will drive you off the boat later and make you lost." In this sea area."

Chu Tian smiled wryly, "Let's go."

The captain was overjoyed, and the young men looked at each other and laughed strangely.

 Today's fourth change, ask for monthly ticket recommendation ticket subscription, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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