Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1024 Arriving domineeringly, walking away in despair

Chapter 1024 Arriving domineeringly, walking away in despair (determination)
Those eight people looked at each other in blank dismay, whispering in private, and finally the Immortal Emperor threatened, "Boy, you wait, we will send someone to deal with you right away!"

"Oh? Invite someone? Before that person arrives, can I clean you up first!"

Those immortal emperors immediately hid one by one, Chu Tian sneered, "A bunch of cowards!"

Those immortal emperors cursed in the dark, "Boy, you are so powerful because of that hammer and that strange stone!"

"so what?"

"So you wait, wait until our people arrive, and ban all your magic weapons directly. Let's see how you can fight against us without magic weapons."

Chu Tian smiled in disbelief, "Can you still ban my magic weapon?"

"That's right, just wait, it's coming soon!"

Chu Tian was very puzzled, who did these people invite to stop the magic weapon? Until the black clouds rose in the sky, those immortal emperors were overjoyed, "Come, come, Liu Mo is here!"

At this time, a figure stepped out from the black cloud, as if coming from the sky, and was dressed in a black robe, with a strand of white hair flowing on his head, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

But in terms of appearance and age, he seemed to be no more than a young man, and the eight immortal emperors immediately appeared respectfully, "Lord Liumo!"

Chu Tian curiously appraised that the opponent has the strength of a four-star immortal emperor, and also has a ninth-order super mutant, which is also a very powerful physique in terms of Wujie.

Not only that, but the aura of the other party is completely unmatched by these immortal emperors.

Just when Chu Tian was curious about the other party's ability other than being strong, that Liu Mo stared at Chu Tian and asked, "Did you kill my Liu family?"

"I didn't just kill your Liu family, I also killed the Duan family and the Mu family. Do you want to count them together?"

At this time, Liu Mo raised his right hand, stroked a white ring on the end, and said coldly, "I have been in Wujie for so many years, and this is the first time I have seen such a crazy golden fairy like you."

"I've wandered around for so many years, and I've never seen such an immortal emperor like you."

There was a flash of fire in Liu Mo's eyes, and the surrounding white light was released, instantly enveloped by white light everywhere, and under this white light, those immortal emperors all started carnival.

"Boy, have you seen this white light? That is the white light that prohibits magic weapons."

"That's right, under this white light, any magic weapon of yours will fail!"

Chu Tian glanced at the Thunder Hammer and found that the hammer is still in good condition. After all, it is a divine weapon, but other magic weapons have indeed been affected. However, Chu Tian still calmly said with a smile, "Ineffective? Then you come here and try this stone again, see Did it fail?"

Those immortal emperors were immediately choked by Chu Tian's words, and they didn't dare to say anything, but Liu Mo said disdainfully, "Isn't it just a broken stone?"

"Broken stone? Then come over and try."

At this time, someone said to Liu Mo, "Lord Liu Mo, don't touch that stone, it will drain your cultivation."

"That's right, just now there was an immortal emperor in the Duan family, who was drained and killed by him."

This Liu Mo has a temper, and his arrogance is even greater. When he heard this, he immediately refused to accept it, "Look, you are scared! Have you forgotten my white light?"


"What is this? Under my white light, any magic weapon will fail, even this stone!"

Chutian was secretly pleased, "Idiot, I am not a magic weapon."

As for Liu Mo, he shouted at Emperor Yixian, "Go, move this stone away, I'll see what kind of strength this stone can display."

That Immortal Emperor belonged to the Liu family, so he had to listen to Liu Mo, so he had no choice but to step forward and deliberately touched it with his finger.

The whole person was trembling and terrified there, "Ah, save me!"

Just as Chu Tian was about to reap the harvest, a sharp sword flew from the sky and cut off the opponent's arm, saving the man. Chu Tian smiled wryly, "Not bad, the action is very fast."

That Liu Mo withdrew his sword and looked at everyone solemnly, "Everyone, you see, as long as you quickly cut off your own hand, it will be fine."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the stone that could break the boundary, but Chu Tian didn't expect these people to be so ruthless and said with a smile, "It seems that you have studied it thoroughly, so I won't play with you."

Seeing that Chutian took away the chaotic stones and leaped towards Fenglei Valley, Liu Mo snorted, "Want to leave? Have you asked about my sword?"

The sword was chasing from behind Chutian, very fast, it was about to touch Chutian, Chutian disappeared out of thin air, that Liu Mo sneered, "Hiding in the space, do you think I don't know?"

After finishing speaking, that Liu Mo expanded the range of the white light, and after a while that Chutian appeared from the Immortal Mansion and smiled wryly, "You are really powerful!"

"Boy, accept your fate!"

Those immortal emperors were all overjoyed, but at this time the sword flew again, Chu Tian was moving around, and Liu Mo sneered, "Look at you, my sword is faster."

Soon the sword became faster and faster, and the immortal emperors present laughed, and Chu Tian knew that he had to grab the sword and destroy it, but the speed was too fast, and he had to force it to stop. anti.

So Chutian God raised his Thunder Hammer to block the sword, and Liu Mo sneered, "Compare strength with me? See if my sword won't knock you away."

Seeing the sword rushing wildly, Chu Tian retreated step by step, as if being pushed away forcefully, but in this way, at least the speed of the sword was slowed down, allowing Chu Tian to turn around and quickly grab the sword.

Seeing that Chutian dared to grab his sword hilt, that Liu Moxie smiled, "Grasp the sword? Then let you taste the sword spirit!"

But at this time the sword stopped suddenly, and Chu Tian said with a smile, "This sword is good, but for you, it's like wearing it on a pig, and it has no effect at all!"

"What? How dare you say I'm a pig, I'm so desperate!"

When the opponent got angry, he planned to increase his strength, but the sword still didn't move, which made Liu Mo puzzled, "It's strange, why didn't it move."

Chu Tian laughed, "Because it has become waste."

The sword turned into powder on the spot, Liu Mo's face twitched, "Damn it, that's my ultimate fairy weapon."

"so what!"

"I am going to kill you!"

The other party rushed towards Chutian like a gust of wind, and Chutian turned around and flew into Fenglei Valley, then stood there laughing and said, "Come on."

This Liu Mo really rushed forward, completely unaware of the power of Chutian God's Thunder Hammer, and those immortal emperors hurriedly reminded, "Lord Liu Mo, be careful with that hammer."

Liu Mo was already in a fit of anger, and he didn't take the hammer seriously at all. A ball of flames was condensed in his hand, ready to give Chu Tian the strongest blow, but it was only a few steps away from Chu Tian.

Chu Tian sneered, "I'll give you a ride."

Chu Tian smashed the hammer, just collided with the opponent's palm, the powerful thunder and lightning hit Liu Mo, and Liu Mo was instantly burnt, but he was worthy of being a strong man, so he quickly flew out.

I saw him trembling with his body scorched, and he said angrily with smoke in his mouth, "Boy, I won't let you go!"

After finishing speaking, this Liu Mo jumped up to the clouds and disappeared in front of everyone. Chu Tian laughed and said, "No way, just escaped like this?"

Seeing Liu Mo, those immortal emperors had nothing to do, they flew away in fright, and Chu Tian spat out a mouthful of blood, this was because Liu Mo hit the hammer with a palm just now, resulting in a strong impact, The shock hit Chu Tian.

This made Chu Tian sigh secretly, "This unbounded immortal emperor is really terrifying!"

At the same time, Chu Tian also realized that he had to work hard to improve his cultivation. After all, he was only a five-star Golden Immortal at the moment, Li Xiandi, Da Luo Jinxian, and Immortal King.

So after Chutian healed his wounds for a while, he turned around and disappeared, but just after walking a few steps, there was a sudden rustling sound around him, and at the same time, there was a strange smile from the clown, "If you come out, you don't need to go back."

Chu Tian frowned, "Who?"

"Killer Valley, known as the clown, I would like to invite you to take a trip!"


At this time, a clown mask appeared in front of Chu Tian, ​​and there were spring-like things under his legs, which allowed him to jump quickly there.

This made Chu Tian ask with a smile, "Who will deal with me for you?"

"You killed my junior sister, the ever-changing daughter, my master, old man, let me invite you to play!"

"Do you think you can please me?"

The clown sneered, "I know you are powerful, but you are limited to entering the Wind and Thunder Valley, and there is still room to hide, but I have a way to send you directly to our Killer Valley."

"how is this possible."

The clown took out a Dan in his hand and sneered, "Let's go!"

When the pill was thrown on the ground, mist began to flicker around, Chu Tian frowned, his golden eyes immediately opened, and saw that the surroundings had changed, and when he could see clearly again, he had already come to a valley.

At this moment, there are wooden towers around the valley, as well as various cliffs, and there are people everywhere here. Those people have immortal emperors, immortal kings, and all kinds of strengths.

Now those people were staring at Chutian with angry eyes, and there was a huge barrier outside, until the clown appeared from a rock, stood not far from Chutian and said with a smile, "Welcome to Killer Valley."

Chu Tian couldn't help admiring, "There are some skills, but do you think you can deal with me like this?"

The clown sneered, and then shouted into the air, "Master, come down."

At this time, a cloud of golden light fell in the sky, and an old man was wrapped in the golden light. I saw that the old man had a fierce voice, and there were black bugs moving all over his face, which looked very disgusting.

Not only that, but the other party also had a translucent bottle in his hand, and there were countless different lights flickering in the bottle, until the other party's hoarse and strange voice came out through his batch of hair, "Boy, you You are so courageous, dare to kill my apprentice."

Chu Tian couldn't help complaining, "I said, old guy, I killed him because your apprentice wanted to kill me. Do you still allow your apprentice to kill people and not allow me to kill her?"

The man said coldly, "Yes, but we will take revenge."

"Retaliation? Sorry, I, Chutian, am not afraid of anything, so you can take revenge however you want, but let me remind you, if you offend me, I will not be polite!"

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(End of this chapter)

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