Chapter 1045 Runaway (Determination)
Li Guanshi immediately sneered when he saw that Chu Tian dared to say it was useless, "Useless? Look at me, my current momentum and tentacles have returned to their peak, and even your thunder and lightning can't hurt me."

Chu Tian laughed and said, "Oh? Really? Then you may be disappointed."

The other party didn't think so, but Chu Tian banned the other party's blood. After seeing the other party's transformation back one by one, Chu Tian sighed, "That's it."

This Guanshi Li stared at Chu Tian in disbelief, his eyes were stunned, "Why, why."

"No why!"

Chu Tian directly stepped forward to injure the opponent, and when the opponent was about to detonate, Chu Tian quickly sealed the opponent, thus avoiding a big explosion.

This Guanshi Li didn't expect Chutian to be so scary, otherwise he would have detonated it long ago, but now he can only complain in Chutian's sealer, "Boy, let me tell you, I am the top ten stewards, the leaders of Baiyuntian We will not let you go."

"I don't care who they are, I just want to know where the five people who came in recently are."

"how could I know."

Chu Tian frowned, "Don't you know?"

Manager Li said as a matter of course, "They were thrown here, so they can train freely. I'm just here to guard the entrance and not let them leave. I don't know anything else."

Chu Tian was dubious, "Believe it or not, I will deal with you."

The other party said, "It's useless if you kill me!"

Chu Tian had no choice but to try to attack. No matter how much the other party screamed, they still expressed that they didn't know, so Chu Tian had to give up, and then asked, "What is this place?"

"Baiyuntian, Yuntian Realm."

"Cloud Sky Realm? What is it for?"

"Here, some terrifying beasts or some powerful fairy souls will appear at any time, and as soon as they see strangers, they will attack wildly. As for those who are sent in, they have to go through countless years of training here. "

Chu Tian turned cold, "You are so cruel."

"Bai Yuntian's training rules have always been like this, it was not decided by me."

Chu Tian didn't bother to pay attention to him, but appeared in this dim place, and then swept his consciousness around, and found that this consciousness was restricted here, and could only see within a certain distance at most.

Chu Tian had no choice but to use clairvoyance, and then scanned the far away place, but it was quiet here, except for forests and stones, there was nothing.

This made Chu Tian frowned, "Strange, where did they all go?"

At this time, a fairy soul suddenly appeared behind Chutian. To be precise, this fairy soul has no autonomous consciousness, but a powerful soul body. Its only goal is to kill Chutian.

When Chutian felt it, Chutian turned and stared at him, and the fairy soul also stared at him coldly, "Death."

I saw this immortal soul forming a powerful attack in front of Chu Tian, ​​which directly caused the energy of Chu Tian's immortal soul pool to soar, reaching the level of the Nine Star Golden Immortal.

"It's still one star away, so it's ten stars."

When Chu Tian sighed, the immortal soul stopped attacking, and Chu Tian returned to God, "Don't stop, keep going."

The fairy soul stared at Chu Tian strangely for a while, and that Chu Tian sneered, "What? No more?"

The other party turned around in fright, and Chu Tian snorted, "Want to leave? Do you think it's so easy?"

Chu Tian immediately entangled the Underworld Fire King, the immortal soul screamed again and again, and Chu Tian wanted to know something from it, but found that it knew nothing, as if it had no memory, and its only thought was to kill.

"Strange, how can a fairy soul have no memory?"

This made Chutian very puzzled, but he had no choice but to continue to search around, and this kind of immortal soul appeared one after another, which strengthened Chutian.

It went on like this for several days, and Chu Tian felt fluctuations far ahead.

Chu Tian glanced over and saw a man in white, wearing a white mask, fighting with an immortal soul.

Chu Tian was overjoyed, "Finally there is someone."

I saw Chu Tian leaping over, while that person was struggling to hold on at the moment, but the immortal soul in his body was already injured everywhere by this immortal soul. Just when the immortal soul was about to strike for the last time, Chu Tian struck.

I saw that Chu Tian suddenly came to the man and scattered the fairy soul.

The man behind Chutian said in surprise, "You, who are you?"

Chu Tian turned around, looked at the other party and said with a smile, "I'm passing by."

The other party was puzzled, but Chu Tian asked, "Are you alone?"

The other party nodded, and Chu Tian asked, "What about the others?"

The man shook his head, obviously a little weak, and finally said, "I don't know where they went."

Chu Tian looked at the other party with a puzzled expression, "Aren't you five together?"

The other party stared at Chu Tian strangely, "What? Are you looking for someone?"


The other party looked at Chu Tian in amazement and said, "In this Yuntian Realm, it is very difficult to find someone, and the few of us are all training independently, and there is almost no intersection."

Chu Tian fell into deep thought, and the other party said, "My name is Chen Ye. If you want, I can help you find them."

Chu Tian was curious, "Do you have a solution?"

"Although I can't help it, those immortal souls can."

Chu Tian wondered, "Aren't these immortal souls without memories?"

"Yes, I have no memory, but they will go back to the designated location after they have been active for a while, that is, they will return to their nests. We just need to find these nests, maybe, go through them, and see who they have been in contact with. Or if you have fought, you can follow them next time, and maybe you can find someone."

"Anything like that?"

Chen Ye explained, "The attacks of each of us will leave traces on the immortal soul, so it is easy to distinguish the breath from them. This breath is what we are looking for."

Chu Tian could only say, "I hope what you said is useful."

"Let's go, first find a fairy soul, and then follow it secretly."

Chu Tianen said, and soon they found a fairy soul, but Chen Ye explained, "Once this fairy soul gets close, they will find it, so we have to stay away."

Chutian had no choice but to hide in place with Chen Ye, but the immortal soul left soon, and Chen Ye took Chutian with him.

They were hidden along the way, until several hours later, they came to a canyon, and under this canyon, there were immortal souls everywhere, that Chen Ye explained, "You see, they are all here."

Chu Tian glanced over and found that there were indeed traces of fighting on some immortal souls, and the breath was still there.

When Chu Tian locked onto a fairy soul, he said excitedly, "That's it."

That Chen Ye was curious, "Have you found the person you were looking for?"

"Well, but, will this fairy soul continue to go out?"

"They usually go back to the nest to rest for an hour, and then go out according to the designated route."

Chu Tian was puzzled, "Is this immortal soul so magical?"

"Well, they're made and programmed after all."

Chu Tian didn't understand very well, but that Chen Ye explained, "Some people say that these fairy souls are actually created by the leaders through some kind of ability."

"real or fake?"


Chu Tian had no choice but to fall into deep thought. After a while, the immortal soul moved, and Chu Tian immediately followed. After the immortal soul flew out according to the designated route, it finally became active in one place.

Chu Tian saw the traces of the previous fight in one place, and there was indeed Su Mengxi's aura on these traces, which made Chu Tian excited, "As long as you look around here, it should be easy to find her."

So Chu Tian used the starry sky gate technique, and when he closed his eyes, he began to locate Su Mengxi's position.

Until Chu Tian suddenly opened his eyes, "Yes."

Chu Tian hurriedly took Chen Ye and left, but Chen Ye wondered why Chu Tian knew where his people were going by closing his eyes.

As for Chutian flying wildly in a certain direction at the moment, after a while, Chutian saw a bridge, and there was a figure from the back on the bridge, which was exactly Su Mengxi's.

Chu Tian shouted excitedly, "Little Meng!"

Su Mengxi's whole body froze, and stood there for a while before turning around, looking at Chutian across the bridge, "You, are you Chutian?"


Su Mengxi shook again, "You, why are you here?"

"Do you think you can hide from me?"

Su Mengxi wanted to come back excitedly, but the bridge disappeared. Not only that, there was a barrier in the middle of the river, and there were several stewards in this barrier, and these stewards said in unison, "Cross the river, and you will be able to come back." Can't go back."

That Su Mengxi was in a hurry, "I want to go back!"

Chu Tian also jumped up quickly, trying to break through the barrier, and those stewards immediately unleashed a force, gathered into a net, and sent Chu Tian flying, and one of the stewards shouted, "You shouldn't be here, what are you doing?" who is it."

Chu Tian said angrily, "Let her out."

"People who are chosen by heaven will not come back again, boy, you should think about who you are."

Chu Cai didn't care what the heavens were, and he didn't know what they were playing with, so he just said coldly, "I'll say it again, let her out."

Those stewards didn't pay any attention, and one of them laughed, "Just you, a nine-star golden fairy? You still want to order us?"

Chen Ye was already frightened, so he hurriedly sent a voice transmission to Chutian, "Hurry up, let's go, these managers will be in trouble if they do anything."

As for Su Mengxi begging them to release Chutian there, but they didn't pay any attention to them. In the end, the places where Su Mengxi was were still looming one by one, and finally disappeared in front of Chutian.

Chu Tian's eyes flashed with anger, "You all deserve to die."

At this time, the blood in Chu Tian's body was activated, and at the same time, there was a golden light and snowflakes all over his body. The stewards were shocked, "Two kinds of blood of divine beasts."

"It's a dragon."

"Who is this guy, why don't we know."

"I don't understand, he has a beast body, we should have known it earlier."

"The most important are two kinds of beast bodies."

Chu Tian immediately cast the Golden Dragon Slash, and the barrier immediately shattered, and the steward at the front was covered in blood on the spot, and the other stewards turned pale with shock.

 Today's fifth change, ask for monthly ticket recommendation ticket subscription, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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