Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1065 Not just a stick, but a new ability!

Chapter 1065 Not just a stick, but a new ability! (determined)

Hearing the words Five Spirit Destruction Formation, that Si Miaomiao wondered, "What kind of formation is this?"

Chu Tian said with a strange smile, "This is Wuling Mountain, the most terrifying formation, but it requires a lot of materials, so I might have to collect them first."

This Si Miaomiao was curious about how Chutian would collect them, and Chutian used the auction system to exchange the immortal stones and other materials obtained from the three major families for the materials he needed one by one.

After all the materials were settled, Chu Tian entered the Nine Pointed Star and began to get busy, and it took more than half a month just to set up the Five Spirits Destroyer Formation, so when Chu Tian set it up there right now, he forgot the time.

However, above the sea area, the old fairy Zixie looked at Hei Bahun and teased Fang Baiyu, "You two, if you don't fight with me, this kid won't get the magic weapon, let alone find it now!" not."

Hei Bahun rolled his eyes, "Why, you can do it, but I can't?"

That Fang Baiyu also said, "That's right, why, he is yours, so we can't?"

Old Immortal Zixie didn't want to argue with them, instead he said, "Let's find a way to find him first, otherwise this kid, with his talent, will continue to develop like this, and sooner or later, let alone Liberty Island, it will be you Unbounded Shrine, and you disaster stars, are also having a hard time."

Fang Baiyu didn't take it seriously, "Anyway, as soon as the month comes, our scourge will leave, and you are the ones to worry about."

Hei Bahun and the two immediately looked ugly, and the old fairy Zixie immediately asked some people to confirm Chutian's location, but Chutian seemed to have disappeared, so Hei Bahun said, "You can consider the Eight Star Sect, but it just doesn't work." I know if they are willing to send someone."

The old fairy Zixie said, "I know the suzerain of the Eight Star Sect, so I'll call him here."

I saw that the old fairy Zixie contacted the suzerain of the eight-star sect on Liberty Island through his own means, and the suzerain appeared about half a day later.

I saw him stepping on a leaf and landing on the sea area, and then he had blue hair and narrowed his eyes and asked, "I said, old man Zixie, why did you get together with Calamity Star and Unbounded Shrine? "

The old fairy Zixie had no choice but to explain the matter, and finally said, "Brother Ling, this time it's up to you."

The eight-star sect master, Ling Xing, looked at everyone suspiciously, "So, you want me to confirm his position?"

"That's right, it would be even better if he could be caught."

Ling Xing smiled, "If you want me to get him out, yes, one of his magic weapons will be given to me, and the remaining one will be solved by the three of you."

As soon as the words came out, the three of them immediately became a little unhappy, and Ling Xing said to himself, "As long as there is me, I will definitely be able to get him out. If you don't agree, it's a big deal. I will leave here, and I will act alone later."

The three of them immediately became anxious when they heard this, so the old fairy Zixie had no choice but to say, "That's fine, you choose one, and give us the rest."

"it is good."

I saw that Ling Xing called some masters in the sect, and then asked them to arrange a more advanced eight-star formation. Recruit Chu Tian out.

As for Chutian, he was setting up the formation when he suddenly felt a vortex behind him. This feeling was all too familiar to him. He immediately avoided the vortex and took out the Divine Lightning Hammer at the same time.

Directly borrow the power of the divine thunder hammer and the thunder-absorbing beads to break up the vortex, so as to avoid being absorbed.

"Fortunately, I was prepared, damn it." Chu Tian sighed secretly, and then quickly let the demon body clone come out to monitor the surroundings, and if something wanted to suck his real body, his clone would shoot.

As for the Ling Xing outside, he was puzzled after dancing the floating dust for several times without any movement, "It's strange, why is it useless?"

The old fairy Zixie said impatiently, "Brother Ling, is it done?"

"It's not that it can't be done, but."

"But what?"

"That kid, he seemed to know that I would call him again, so he broke the passage."

"What should I do?"

After pondering, Ling Xing said, "We can send some people with the strength below the five-star immortal emperor. You might as well choose some powerful geniuses, and I will send them in, so as long as you control them, it will be easy to come out."

As soon as these words came out, the three of them discussed immediately, and then they each sent some geniuses to the eight-star formation. While Chu Tian was setting up the formation, suddenly a group of people appeared.

Chu Tian looked at the immortal emperors and smiled wryly, "You guys? Dare to come in?"

These people didn't take Chutian seriously, and rushed up to deal with Chutian, but Chutian sneered, and directly used the flames to burn the sky, and all these people who had not reached or only had five-star emperors were killed. Killed.

On the sea area, after everyone waited for half an hour without any movement, the old fairy Zixie asked again, "How is it?"

This Ling Xing's face was ugly, "If I'm not wrong, your people may have been killed by him."


The three couldn't believe it, until the old fairy Zixie looked at Fang Baiyu, "Aren't you a lot of geniuses, disaster stars? Are there any sons of disaster stars? Send them in quickly."

The sons of the disaster star are very precious to the disaster star. If one is missing, it will be heartbreaking, so Fang Baiyu was a little reluctant at first, but he thought, if he can take Chutian down in advance in private, force him to take it. If you come up with a magic weapon, then you can earn it yourself.

So Fang Baiyu said, "Okay, I'll send Gust of Wind, who is famous on the list of our Sons of Disaster, to go."

"A gust of wind?" Others wondered what it was, until a young man was dressed in snow-white clothes, and there seemed to be a wind whirling under his feet. The most important thing was that the face of the other party was as cold as ice.

I saw his strength as a five-star immortal emperor, but he is the ninth existence on the disaster star list. The most special ability is his fast speed, so he is also called a gust of wind, but no one knows his real name.

I saw that Fang Baiyu told him in private and let him enter the eight-star formation. As for Chutian, who was busy, suddenly a person appeared, and this person was shining with wind.

Seeing this man, Chu Tian smiled and said, "Are you here to die again?"

The other party said calmly, "I am the son of the disaster star, also called a gust of wind, the meaning is very simple, like a gust of wind, so before I do anything, if you admit defeat, I can not hurt you, but if you resist, then, I One blow will kill you, let you die under my wind sword."

At this time, a gust of wind appeared in the opponent's hand, and the wind turned into a sword, like a spinning wind sword, which seemed very powerful. At the same time, there was a gust of wind under the opponent's feet, and he might leave at any time.

Chu Tian glanced at him with disapproval, "No matter how powerful you are, in my eyes, you are just a person who is about to die."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian ignored the other party and continued to work on his own work, but Gu Feng frowned, "I have practiced for so many years, and this is the first time I have seen such a crazy person like you."

"Crazy? When you see how powerful I am, you'll know what it means to be crazy."

The other party couldn't stand Chutian's stimulation, so he swung the sword in his hand, and the sword in his hand immediately turned into a wind blade, and all of a sudden Chutian was surrounded by wind swords, and these wind swords immediately converged to penetrate Chutian.

But the fairy shield on Chutian's body appeared, absorbing all the opponent's attacks directly.

This gust of wind widened his eyes, "What is this?"

"A fool? Of course it's a shield."

The other party was puzzled, "It's the Immortal Demon Shield."

Chu Tian looked at it curiously at this moment, "Do you know it?"

"I've seen it on the murals in the Fairy Demon Cave."

"Fairy Demon Cave?"

"Yes, Wujie, there is a fairy cave in a place, and no one dares to approach it all year round. Ten thousand years ago, I went in with some people, and everyone else died. I am the only one who is still alive, but I just watched it. There is this shield in the mural, but I don’t know what it is.”

Chu Tian muttered to himself, "Thousands of years ago, it should have been gone long ago."

But a voice from the system flashed across, "Ding~ Get a mysterious mission, go to the Immortal Demon Cave, and let your cultivation level break through to the fifth level of Daluo Golden Immortal."

Chutian didn't expect that the system would let him train him, so he could only look at Gufeng helplessly, "It seems that I need you to tell me where this fairy cave is."

But this gust of wind sneered, "Do you think I might tell you?"

"Don't tell me? Then I'll take you down."

A gust of wind said confidently, "Although you have a strong defense, you can't take me down."

But Chutian's avatar had already broken the passage, and then Chutian said, "Here, I am the king, and if you enter my space, you should abide by my rules."

A gust of wind said confidently, "Boy, I haven't activated the bloodline yet."

"Oh? Then you activate it, if you can activate it, I will lose."

The other party didn't expect Chu Tian to be so crazy, so he started to activate the blood, but found that there was no change at all, which made him puzzled, "This, what's going on."

"I've said it all, if you can activate it, I'm the loser, so don't struggle."

This gust of wind had an ugly face, "Boy, who the hell are you?"

"No need to tell you."

For a moment, Chu Tian saw that the Lie Yan Burning Heaven sword technique had appeared, and that gust of wind still wanted to resist it, but this powerful penetrating power was useless even for the five-star Immortal Emperor, and died under Chu Tian's sword technique instead.

In the end, this gust of wind fairy soul was forced into a corner by Chu Tian, ​​and the gust of wind was so angry that he cursed, "Boy, my fairy soul will return to the disaster star soon."

Only then did Chutian think of the other party's fairy soul, but it didn't disappear at this moment, which made him wonder, "Why haven't you disappeared now?"

"How do I know?" This gust of wind was also puzzled.

Chu Tian became puzzled, and at this moment the golden cudgel flew out, shining with golden light at the same time, and the golden light shrouded the immortal soul.

Chu Tian was overjoyed, "Could it be because of the Sea God Needle?"

As for that gust of wind who hated the golden light, he cursed angrily, "Boy, don't think you can trap me with this magic weapon!"

 Today's fifth change, ask for monthly ticket recommendation ticket subscription, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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