Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1078 Flame Locks Soul

Chapter 1078 Flame Locks Soul (Determination)
This Hongye boy was a red boy in his previous life, but his tone has not changed at all, he is still domineering, he doesn't take Chu Tian seriously, and even replied, "Why should I tell you?"

The golden cudgel in Chutian's hand appeared again and he smiled slightly, "Even if you were a red boy before, you are no match for me now!"

Thinking of Chutian's attack just now, the Hongye boy immediately began to retreat a little, "Anyway, I won't tell you, if you want to make a move, I won't take you in!"

Chu Tian didn't care about the other party's threats, and just swung his stick over again. At this moment, a gust of flames came from the rhinoceros statue in front of him, directly separating Chu Tian from Hongye Boy.

Hongye Boy was dragged under the statue, and became more honest in an instant, "I said Immortal Rhinoceros, why are you being so polite to him?"

"If you're dishonest again, I won't care about you." The rhinoceros uttered a voice from inside the statue.

The Hongye boy had no choice but to say depressedly, "Okay, I'll be more honest."

As for Chutian rushing out from the circle of flames, he looked at the statue and Hongye boy, and finally blinked at the statue, "Are you a human or a beast?"

"Young man, knowing too much is not good for you."

Chu Tian smiled strangely, and opened his piercing eyes, while the red leaf boy cursed, "It's the piercing eyes of the stinky monkey!"

The statue immediately made a strange sound, and the red light of flames blocked Chu Tian's face, so that the golden eyes could only see a pile of flames, but could not see the situation behind the flames.

But Chu Tian said with a smile, "Do you think these flames can stop me?"

The rhinoceros fairy said, "Boy, I'm a quasi-celestial venerable, you can't disrespect me."

Chu Tian ignored it, leaped to the rhinoceros statue, then sat on the back of the statue and said, "It seems that you are a beast."

Immortal Rhino couldn't help but said, "Why are you as rude as Monkey King?"

"I'm not being rude, I just want to ask this little guy, some things, but I'm not happy if you stop me."

Immortal Rhino was puzzled, "What do you want to know?"

Hongye Boy hurriedly said, "He wants to know about that shocking battle."

Immortal Rhino said to Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, that happened many years ago, why do you need to ask more questions?"

"It seems that you know it too."

"Of course, this matter is something that has shocked countless planes. Who wouldn't know?"

Chu Tian chuckled, "That's fine, you tell me."

"Do not say."


The rhinoceros fairy explained, "This is a secret, if you slip up, I will be punished by heavenly thunder."

"Secret? Punishment? Just kidding."


Chu Tian didn't believe it, so he opened his sharp eyes and immediately saw that the other party's body was a huge fiery red rhinoceros, but Chu Tian laughed and said, "If you don't say anything, then I have no choice but to do it."

Chu Tian was ready to fight, but the rhinoceros immortal was a little depressed, "Boy, I am the quasi-immortal, aren't you afraid?"

"I'm not afraid!"

"That's the case, then, I have no choice but to experience your ability."

At this time, the surroundings were dark and dark, and the sky immediately changed, and then Chu Tian appeared in a space, and in this space, there was light and water, and there was a mountain near the water.

There is a huge rhino at the foot of the mountain, and an old man is floating on the back of the rhino.

The old man's whole body was shining with fiery red air, and at the same time, he leaned his hands on his back, staring at Chu Tian like a simple old man.

But Chu Tian looked at the other party's aura and said with a smile, "Zun Xianzun is powerful, he can create space at will, and he can also have aura and is much more powerful than the Ten-Star Immortal Emperor."

The rhinoceros fairy was wearing a red robe, staring at Chutian with a stiff expression on his face, "Boy, are you really not afraid of me?"

"Not afraid!"

"Okay, then let me show you what is the power of the quasi-immortal."

At this time, countless flames gathered around Chutian's body, and the temperature began to soar. If Chutian was just an ordinary ten-star Daluo Jinxian, he would have died by now.

But Chutian absorbed these powers one by one, making Chutian's cultivation base increase little by little.

Immortal Rhino didn't notice anything at first, but after a while, he did, and frowned, "Boy, you can actually absorb attacks."

"It seems that you discovered it!"

"You are simply scarier than that Monkey King back then."

Chu Tian smiled, "It's good to know."

But Immortal Rhino said again, "But, I still won't tell you the secret."

"But I just want to know?"

"That can't be helped."

Chu Tian had no choice but to say, "Then I will let you speak."

Then Chutian's golden cudgel became bigger and he swung it over, thinking that this would trap the opponent's immortal soul, but the opponent's speed was so fast that it disappeared like an afterimage.

This made Chutian understand that the Immortal Master Zhun is not comparable to the Immortal Emperor, and the voice of the Rhinoceros Immortal resounded around, "Boy, you are still too weak."

"Old guy, don't worry, I'll take care of you after I go out."

"Come out? Forget it, you Da Luo Jinxian, there is no way you can escape."

Chu Tian smiled without saying a word, and in the blink of an eye, he rushed out of the illusion and came outside.

The rhinoceros statue was shocked, "Boy, how did you get out?"

"Let me tell you, and you also tell me your so-called secret."

"No way!" After the other party said something, the rhinoceros statue and the red leaf boy disappeared from the spot.

Chu Tian looked around, "Where is the person?"

The rhinoceros fairy said, "I'm leaving, if there is a destiny, I will see you again."

Chu Tian was in a hurry, "Don't run away, you haven't told me yet."

But the other party had completely disappeared, Chu Tian looked around with his piercing eyes, and when nothing was left, Chu Tian had no choice but to sigh, "It seems that he ran away."

I saw Chutian put away the golden cudgel helplessly, but he muttered to himself, "Although I can absorb any attack now, I don't have the strength to take down those powerful ones."

This also made Chu Tian realize that there was still a gap between his cultivation base and the quasi-immortal, so he took a deep breath and planned to continue to improve his cultivation base, but at this time he found something different in this cave.

Especially after Chutian activated the treasure hunting ability, he found that there was a strong aura in one direction.

"Is there a magic weapon?"

Chu Tian curiously walked towards that place step by step, and finally saw a pool, and this pool was filled with fiery red liquid, like magma, but this magma did not release breath or heat .

If Chutian didn't feel the difference, he wouldn't know there was such a thing here, which made Chutian couldn't help muttering, "What is this?"

So Chutian asked the system to identify it.

"Ding~ Divine Flame Liquid, after absorbing it, the immortal soul can release the power of fire."

Chu Tian was confused, "The power of fire? What do you mean?"

Chu Tian didn't understand it very well. After all, he only knew about flames. He had never heard of the power of fire.

But he quickly thought that the Rhino Immortal and Hong Hai'er were definitely not staying here casually, so it must be for this thing.

So Chu Tian laughed and said, "This thing must be a good thing."

So Chutian tried to touch it with his hands, but found that it had a strong corrosive effect on the body. Fortunately, Chutian was not afraid of corrosion, but the liquids he touched turned into red air and entered Chutian's body.

Not only that, but the red air flow wrapped around Chutian's immortal soul, making Chutian's immortal soul flash with red light.

When the liquid from the entire pool entered the body, the fairy soul had completely turned fiery red, like a hot fairy soul.

"Strange, what's the difference?"

While muttering, Chu Tian controlled the immortal soul, and found that the immortal soul could release streams of fiery red air, similar to the fire immortal energy, "Could this be the power of fire?"

At this moment, Chu Tian really wanted to find someone to try, so he randomly found some beasts in Nine Pointed Star.

After testing, it was discovered that this fire power can attack immortal souls, especially this air flow can be silently generated in other immortal souls, releasing burning immortal soul power.

"It seems that the power of fire is not very simple."

Just as Chu Tian was about to pack up his mood and leave, a fiery red stone tablet appeared under the pool.

There were piles of words flashing on the stele, and Chu Tian naturally couldn't understand it, so he had to let the system identify it.

Under the identification of the system, those words flashed in Chutian's mind one by one, "Concentrate the power of fire, you can practice the best immortal soul method, and the flame locks the soul."

"Blazing Soul Lock? What?"

Chu Tian hurriedly asked the system to learn.

"Ding ~ Flame Lock Soul Nine Realms, the host can learn the first six realms."

Chu Tian learned it all at once, and after trying it out, he found that this flame lock can directly form a chain of flames on other people's souls, and make the opponent's soul power useless.

This shocked Chu Tian, ​​"Somewhat powerful."

However, Chu Tian was curious about how powerful the Immortal Emperor could be with his own cultivation.

So Chu Tian quickly ran out of the cave, wanting to find someone to try, but just at this time, a general from the black mans star appeared in the air.

I saw this general, wearing silver armor, looking like a middle-aged man, and holding something like a banana fan in his hand, which made Chu Tian curious, "It can't be a banana fan."

"Boy, I am the general of the black mans star, Balu Tianfan. This time, I will use our black mans star's holy object, Xianbasho, to take care of you."

Chu Tian looked expectant, "If it's really a plantain fan, I'll take it later."

"You want to accept my magic weapon? I heard it right."

"No, you heard it right, it's true."

That Balu Tianfan snorted, "I have fought in all walks of life, and I have never seen such an arrogant person like you."

"This is not arrogance, this is self-confidence!"

Hearing this, Balu Tianfan couldn't help but want to teach Chu Tian a lesson, so the fan in his hand immediately became bigger, like a big leaf, and then he slammed it hard.

Chutian was surrounded by wind, and these winds buzzed non-stop, as if they were going to tear Chutian into pieces.

 Today's third update, asking for a monthly ticket recommendation ticket subscription, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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