Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1081 It's just a monster!

Chapter 1081 It's just a monster! (determined)
When those people saw that the planets of the Calamity Stars had come, they all fled frantically and climbed the Tianshan Mountain all at once, leaving Chu Tian alone.

Chu Tian laughed, "I'll also take a good look at how powerful my star king is!"

At this time, countless calamity stars fell in the sky, and at the same time, a large screen appeared in the air. This large screen was like a projector. On this screen, there were nine star masters.

One of them was the one Chutian had met the first time, while the other eight were from other planets.

After seeing it, Chu Tian laughed and said, "Everyone, how are you going to deal with me!"

Everyone didn't expect that Chu Tian was not afraid, and dared to be so rampant, and finally forced a star master to snort, "Boy, you killed Fang Baiyu, and we are the troops who let you go."

"Don't talk nonsense, if you have the ability, come here, and I will show you how powerful I am as a one-star Immortal King."

"One-star Immortal King? It's ridiculous, kid. To deal with you this time, we have gathered ten planets together. Next time there will be a curse star enchantment. In this disaster star enchantment, except for the disaster star, anyone, It's all going to be weakened here."

After saying this, the ten planets condensed into a powerful force, and finally formed an enchantment around Chutian. Seeing this red enchantment, Chutian smiled and said, "It looks very powerful, but it doesn't seem to be very good."

"Boy, haven't you noticed that your immortal energy has slowed down?"

"Immortal Qi? No, it's pretty good." Chutian has a purification system, so he is not afraid of this side effect.

But everyone in those planets looked at each other, and the last star master said, "Boy, you must play stupid again."

"Pretend to be stupid? Then you send someone to try."

"Don't worry, we will let the famous Arrow Immortal, who is on the disaster star list, kill you with one arrow, Lu Fei, to deal with you."

At this time, a person landed in the air, and I saw that this person was wearing a green suit and holding a green bow in his hand. The whole person's aura was released, and he was the Eight-Star Immortal Emperor.

Not only that, but the other party looked about 40 or [-] years old, with a straw hat on his head, and he stared at Chu Tian coldly, "Boy, you still have time to say a word, after this sentence is finished, you will die."

But Chu Tian smiled mysteriously, "I didn't scare you, you couldn't do anything to me, even before you hit me, you were already attacked by me."

Everyone didn't expect Chu Tian to speak so madly, and those disaster star people shouted even more, and some people even shouted, "Boy, he killed him with one arrow, and even the ten-star immortal emperors can't avoid people from ordinary planets."

"That is, the Ten-Star Immortal Emperor must be locked by him, and then he will kill him with one blow."

These people praised Lu Fei like a sharpshooter, but that Lu Fei smiled and looked at Chu Tian without any taboo, "Boy, you heard it."

Chu Tian smiled slightly and said, "I heard that, but try it."

"Okay, I'll try it now!"

I saw the bow in the other party's hand, and an arrow shadow appeared, and it was locked on Chutian, not giving Chutian a chance to escape. For Chutian, he directly appeared with ten big golden bodies.

Then the big Luo Jin body lined up in a formation, surrounding Chu Tian, ​​the arrow hit Jin's body, making a sizzling sound, and finally the arrow shadow disappeared.

Everyone present was stunned. They never thought that Chu Tian was so terrifying that he could block the arrow with just a golden body.

Especially the nine people on the big screen were discussing a lot.

"This kid, that golden body is amazing."

"We must take him back to study."

"Yes, if our people also learn the golden body, it will be against the sky."

While everyone was discussing, that Lu Fei shot a few more arrows again with an ugly face, and shot repeatedly, but Chu Tian was very calm.

All those arrows were set on Da Luojin's body one by one, but they still all disappeared, and the people present were dumbfounded again.

But Chu Tian sighed, "Okay, don't try, it's my turn."

This Lu Fei was not reconciled, and released the blood veins. His whole body seemed to have blood-colored wings, and his ears became pointed, like an elf, but Chu Tian sneered, "Activate the blood veins? Then I will make you invalid."

Lu Fei didn't believe that Chutian could make him ineffective, but the next moment, Chutian's ability to control blood was activated, and the other party's blood was immediately ineffective. Lu Fei was so angry that he cursed, "Bastard, you, what did you do to me!"

But Chutian smiled, "I told you everything, and you won't believe me if I make you invalid!"

Lu Fei was not reconciled, and wanted to start it again, but it didn't work at all. He immediately discussed countermeasures with the nine people on the big screen.

One Star Lord said, "This guy has a magic weapon that can make people unable to use their blood."

"The only way to not be suppressed is to call the son of the disaster star."

"But he seems to be retreating."

"Just say, there is a fairy king, if you can defeat him, he will definitely be stimulated."

"Okay, I'll call him right now."

Then one star master left, while another star master on the big screen said to Lu Fei, "You step back."

Lu Fei had no choice but to leave, but Chu Tian said with a smile, "Here we are, why bother to leave?"

At this time, Chu Tian used Lie Yan to lock the soul, and that Lu Fei was shocked, "Damn it, you."

Everyone present was stunned, seeing Lu Fei motionless in the air, allowing Chu Tian to attack, and finally the golden cudgel still locked onto the opponent's immortal soul, sealing him directly.

At first, everyone thought that the fairy soul would return to the disaster star, but now he has no power to resist in front of Chu Tian.

The faces of the other star masters on the big screen all changed, but Chu Tian looked at them and said provocatively, "Aren't you all alone? It's better for all of you star masters to come down."

Everyone gasped, they didn't expect Chu Tian to dare to challenge these star masters.

At this moment, the faces of those star masters were very ugly, until there was a golden light flying in the sky, and there was a burst of arrogance, "Who is so arrogant."

The last young man landed, and then he was wearing golden armor, half of his face was covered by a strand of long hair, and he stared at Chu Tian with disdain.

Everyone on the big screen was overjoyed, especially one star master said, "Boy, this is the number one son of our disaster star, Jin Shayue."

Chu Tian didn't take it seriously, "Jin Shayue? The name is really good, but the strength is not that great."

With a wave of that Jin Shayue's hand, countless golden lights and sword shadows flashed around Chu Tian's body. They looked really powerful, and ordinary Nine-Star Immortal Emperors and Ten-Star Immortal Emperors had to avoid them.

But Chutian Daluo's golden body resisted those golden sword shadows one by one, which made everyone think how powerful Chutian's defense is.

As for Chu Tian, ​​after entering the Immortal King, he didn't pay much attention to these Immortal Emperors, and that Jin Shayue turned cold, "Then I'll show you my true strength."

At this time, the opponent's golden armor disappeared, and his whole body shone with golden light, and then the whole person released a huge golden shadow, which was like a giant, and then that golden shadow held a phantom giant sword.

The giant sword shone with golden light, and those star masters laughed, and one of them was proud, "Boy, his bloodline has been activated, and because of his special bloodline, no ability can invalidate his bloodline."

After Chu Tian tried it, he found that the other party's blood was still there, and said with a smile, "That looks pretty powerful."

Jin Shayue said coldly, "Boy, once my bloodline is opened, I can only see blood, so go die."

At this time, the huge sword shadow flew over, but Chu Tianxia disappeared for a moment. Instead, he stood in one place, holding a banana fan in his hand and said with a smile, "Although it has not been fully refined and cannot exert its real power, I want you to try it too." .”

Then Chu Tian flicked his hand, countless winds appeared, and these winds had tearing effect, the bigger the huge shadow was, the bigger the attack it received.

When everyone saw that the golden image was about to retreat, Jin Shayue's face changed drastically, "Asshole."

Chu Tian said with a smile, "Go on, it depends on how powerful you are, or I am stronger."

The star master gates on the big screen were stunned, and one of them pointed to the plantain fan and said, "This, it seems to be the magic weapon of the black mans star queen, why is it in this kid's hands."

"don't know."

Now everyone had a headache, but Chutian didn't stop, and continued to incite, directly making that golden shadow retreat step by step, and that Jin Shayue was unwilling to reconcile, and rushed towards Chutian against the wind.

Seeing that he was about to reach Chutian, Chutian directly took out the golden cudgel and smashed it hard. The opponent took a sap and quickly retreated back to his golden shadow, staring at Chutian angrily, "Boy, you are hateful."

Chu Tian laughed and said, "My wind is not over yet."

Seeing Chutian continue, that Jin Shayue had no choice but to look at the big screen in the sky, "Star masters, find a way for me to control that magic weapon."

Those star masters looked at each other and became anxious, until one star master said, "Activate the power of the ten-star forbidden treasure."

"Yes, the power of the forbidden treasure can prohibit the power of all magic weapons."

Everyone was overjoyed, and immediately controlled the ten planets, and saw countless red lights flashing on these ten planets, and finally these red lights made the magic weapons of the two people present invalid.

After Chutian's plantain fan couldn't release the wind, Chutian put it away and said with a smile, "That's boring."

Jin Shayue became proud, "Boy, it's my turn now."

After finishing speaking, the other party continued to control Jin Ying to use his sword skills, but Chu Tian teased, "You can use blood, so can I!"

They saw Chutian directly activate the blood vessels, golden light flickered around him, and snowflakes flew. Finally, everyone saw two huge fuzzy shadows behind Chutian, like two dragons entangled together.

On the big screen, those people were stunned, "Two, two bloodlines."

"More than that, they are all of the blood of divine beasts."

As soon as this momentum came out, Jin Shayue was immediately suppressed, which made Jin Shayue's face very ugly, and Chu Tian smiled slightly, "It's been a long time since I used my blood, it seems that I have to thank you for letting me use this move."

After finishing speaking, the snowflakes around directly made that Jin Shayue move slowly, and even the whole person began to freeze.

That Jin Shayue was terrified, "No, no, let me go!"

When the opponent was almost frozen, Chu Tian smiled strangely again, "Golden Dragon Slash!"

Countless golden sword shadows flashed across the frozen Jin Shayue, causing that Jin Shayue to be broken into countless fragments on the spot, and everyone was stunned.

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(End of this chapter)

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