Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1086 Arrogant?Continue to be arrogant!

Chapter 1086 Arrogant?Continue to be arrogant! (determined)

This Qin Muying smiled and said nothing, Chu Tian was stunned for a moment, his eyes immediately opened, and the surrounding scene disappeared, Chu Tian then returned to his senses and said with a smile, "So, it's all an illusion."

At this moment, the person from the Immortal Realm who was not far in front of Chutian was staring at Chutian strangely.

Chu Tian looked at him with a smile, "What? Do you have any questions?"

This cannibal, named Dong Haoyan, a majestic immortal emperor, thought that he could seduce Chu Tian by using an illusion, but he didn't expect that Chu Tian could break his own illusion, which surprised him a bit.

Until he returned to his senses and looked at Chu Tian with a smile, "Boy, you have some skills, but you are only one-star Immortal King after all, too weak."

"Weak? Are you strong?"

"Of course, we are higher beings than you, and each of them is much stronger than your peers in the fairy world."

Chu Tian stared at the people around him and sneered, "They're the only ones? They're just a bunch of trash!"

These people are annoyed, "What? You say we are trash?"

"Boy, you are so tired of living!"

"Boy, see if I don't tear you apart!"

At this time, one person waved his right hand, turned into a sharp knife, and then rushed towards Chutian, and when he was about to reach Chutian, the sharp knife stabbed directly at Chutian.

That speed is indeed stronger than ordinary fairy kings, and comparable to the one or two-star fairy emperors of this ancient fairy world.

But so what, a golden light flashed on Chutian's body, and the opponent stabbed at Chutian, but his whole body was bounced away.

Those people were stunned, but Dong Haoyan became suspicious, "Why are you so dazed, keep attacking."

These people frantically cast out immortal spells one after another, but these immortal spells hit Chu Tian and disappeared one by one, and the people present were in a hurry.

That Dong Haoyan couldn't believe it and said, "Boy, you are definitely not a one-star fairy king."

"I am really a one-star fairy king, but I am not an ordinary one-star fairy king, and I am much stronger than your so-called higher life."

Seeing that Dong Haoyan dared to mock him, he raised his brows, "Boy, how dare you look down on us."

"It's not that I underestimate you, it's that you are so weak."

Now that Dong Haoyan was annoyed, "Then I'll let you know how powerful I am."

This Dong Haoyan disappeared all of a sudden, and then appeared behind Chutian, and then the opponent's arm turned into a sharp knife, and all kinds of frictions on Chutianjin's body had no effect on Chutian.

This made Chutian couldn't help complaining, "I said, is this your ability?"

That Dong Haoyan was not reconciled, and continued to attack back and forth, but Chutian shook his head helplessly, "You are too weak."

Dong Haoyan seemed to be deeply shocked, "What? You say I'm too weak?"

"Is not it?"

Now the other party exploded with a bang and turned into a little giant with countless hands appearing on his body. He looked like a weird person, staring at Chu Tian with a ferocious face.

"Is this bloodline activation?"

"That's right, go to hell!"

The opponent's countless hands turned into sharp knife shadows, like cutting machines, and slashed across Chu Tian's body, but Chu Tian couldn't laugh or cry, and directly used the blood control ability, and the opponent's blood disappeared immediately.

This made Dong Haoyan's face change drastically, "Why?"

"I can restrain you, it's that simple."

Dong Haoyan stared at Chutian as if looking at a monster, he completely lost the arrogant look before, and instead shouted to everyone, "Get out."

These people immediately turned into burrowers and entered the ground at once, while Chu Tian stared at the deep pits and said with a smile, "You guys are good at evading the ground."

The voice of the hole Haoyan echoed under the surface of the ground, "Boy, we have many tunnels and traps underground, come here if you have the guts, I guarantee that you will not be able to get out."

Chu Tian sneered when he heard the other party's provocation, "I hope you wait and remain calm."

Then Chu Tian disappeared from his original location, and when he reappeared, he came to the so-called underground passage, and a barrier appeared around him. Outside the barrier, there were Dong Haoyan and a group of three or four star immortal emperors.

These people are laughing at the moment, and some people are shouting, "ignorant, be fooled."

That Dong Haoyan was even more proud, "Boy, our underground barrier is specially designed to trap you masters of the fairy world."

"Sleepy? How is it?"

That Dong Haoyan said, "You can't get out of this barrier, and we can drain your life if we pass through this barrier."

"Squeeze dry? I'm curious, how are you going to squeeze me dry!"

This Dong Haoyan sneered when he saw that Chutian dared to be so mad, "I really want to die."

After finishing speaking, Dong Haoyan looked at the other immortal emperors. These immortal emperors immediately exerted their strength, and the barrier began to operate, and then a powerful bloodthirsty light flickered around Chutian.

Chutian's body seemed to be sucked out of life, but the corner of Chutian's mouth curled up, and he was fine until a quarter of an hour later.

This shocked Dong Haoyan and the others, who wondered why the barrier had failed.

But Chu Tian asked with a smile, "How is it? Is it done?"

That Dong Haoyan frowned, stared at Chu Tian strangely for a while and asked, "You, what did you do?"

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "I didn't do anything, but my body is not afraid of your bloodthirsty!"

That Dong Haoyan didn't believe it, "Impossible, how could your body not be afraid."

Chu Tian sneered, "I'm not afraid of your enchantment!"

After Chutian finished speaking, he made a leap, crossed the barrier, and came in front of the crowd. They were all startled, and stared at Chutian in disbelief, "You, how did you do it?"

Chu Tian smiled without saying a word, and directly locked the soul with flames. Those immortal emperors couldn't move their souls one by one. Now that Dong Haoyan became anxious, "Boy, you, who are you!"

"Of course I am from this fairy world, aren't you talking nonsense?"

Dong Haoyan was in a hurry, "Boy, let us go quickly, or we adults will come and kill you."

"I don't care if you are adults or not. I just want to know one thing. It depends on whether you are willing to tell me."

They didn't understand the meaning of Chutian's words, but Chutian stared at them and asked, "Tell me, where do you planets come from, and how can we prevent more planets from coming over."

Dong Haoyan said stubbornly, "We don't know about this, we just came here together on this planet."

Chu Tian smiled, "Believe it or not, I sealed your immortal soul."

Dong Haoyan also threatened, "Boy, I didn't scare you. If you dare to hurt us, our adults will come and eat you whole."

"Oh? Really? Then I will seal you first."

Seeing that Chutian completely destroyed their bodies, and then sealed up their immortal souls, they were so angry that they cursed, but Chutian was very calm until a powerful aura came from a distance in the tunnel.

This aura, in Chu Tian's eyes, was nothing more than the Six Star Immortal Emperor, but he didn't take him seriously at all, instead he waited quietly there.

After a while, a man in brown armor appeared, and he looked like a middle-aged man. At the same time, his face was vicissitudes, but there was a strong killing intent, "Who, who is making trouble here."

Chu Tian pointed to himself, "Me."

That person stared at Chu Tian, ​​"You? One-Star Immortal King?"

"What? Look down on the One-Star Immortal King?"

That person stared at Chu Tian strangely, "A one-star Immortal King dares to be arrogant here, he is courting death."

After the other party finished speaking, with a wave of his hand, a powerful force turned into countless sands and flew towards Chutian, but Chutian opened his golden body to resist the opponent's attacks one by one.

The man's face changed, "Who are you, and why can you block my attack."

"I said, why are people on your planet so fond of asking why?"


"Okay, I don't want to talk nonsense, so I just ask you, what fairyland did you come from, and what kind of planet did you come from?"

The man snorted, "Want me to tell you? Dreaming."

Chu Tian said helplessly, "I originally wanted to give you a chance, but you don't cherish it, so I have no choice but to apologize."

The other party didn't expect Chutian to be so arrogant. It wasn't until Chutian Lie Yan locked his soul that he realized how terrible Chutian was, making him stare at Chutian, then struggled there, and finally let out a rage.

The other party broke free from the soul lock, but the next moment, Chu Tian laughed and said, "You will consume a lot of power if you break it once. If I give you unlimited strength, you will not collapse by then?"

When the other party heard Chutian's rogue tactics, he gritted his teeth, "Boy, I'm warning you again, don't try to use it on me again, otherwise, I will make it impossible for you to leave."

"You can't protect yourself, so you dare to threaten me?"

The other party snorted and didn't take Chutian seriously, but Chutian could only sigh, "It seems that you can only be honest if you destroy your physical body."

After Chu Tian finished speaking, he came directly to the other party and began to swallow the other party's cultivation base. The man turned pale with shock, "No, no, don't, don't swallow my cultivation base."

"Swallow it or not, you will die."

The man panicked, and finally turned into an old man, staring at Chu Tian in horror, "You, you will not end well."

"Go ahead."

The other party snorted, "I won't tell even if I die."

The other party wanted to detonate the physical body, Chu Tian directly squeezed out the last point of the other party's cultivation base, then sealed it, and said to his immortal soul with a smile, "I'll give you a chance, if you don't say it, I will definitely make you happy."

"Do not say."

Chu Tian continued to use the Soul Eater effect, and the other party screamed again and again, looking very uncomfortable, but Chu Tian laughed and said, "Speak?"

"I, I said."

Only then was Chutian satisfied, but the other party stammered, "We come from the cannibal world, and we strengthen ourselves by going to other fairy worlds to eat others, and we have only recently come to your fairy world."

"Then how did you get here?"

"It's up to our immortals to find the target fairy world and then use the space tunnel. As long as the space tunnel is not destroyed, one will appear on our planet every day, and our people just need to stay on the planet and wait to move over." .”

Chutian didn't expect such a place to exist, and asked, "Then where is this space tunnel?"

"In, in a large formation behind."

"Big array?"

Chu Tian said, "Take me there."

"This big formation, only immortals can enter, we are not qualified to enter!"

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(End of this chapter)

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