Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1089 Bone Essence?

Chapter 1089 Bone Essence? (determined)
Seeing that Chu Tian was still acting as if nothing had happened, Nie Sansan snorted, "Boy, don't think that you are very powerful and not afraid of anything. Let me tell you, my ice field can be so cold that it can freeze your blood and body."

"Oh? Really? But why can I still move."

The other party hesitated and said, "That's because you have a stronger body and need more time."

Chu Tian smiled, "Do you still need time? Then I will use this time to play with you."

After saying this, Chu Tian left, and Nie Thirty, who was hidden in a layer of clouds at this moment, became puzzled, "Strange, this kid, who was still here just now, why did he disappear in the blink of an eye?"

But at this moment, Chu Tian laughed behind him and said, "You, are you looking for me?"

That Nie Shisan was shocked, "Impossible, this is my world, you suddenly appeared here, why didn't I know?"

"Because I'm fast."

Nie Thirty was shocked, and was about to leave when Chutian used Soul Lock again, and this time he used countless soul locks. It would take more time for the other party to crack them one by one, but Chutian smiled and said with a golden cudgel, "This thing of mine can trap the soul or knock it out. Do you want to try it?"

That Nie Thirty was in a hurry, "Boy, if you have something to say, speak up."

"No, I'm a person who doesn't like to talk about it."

The other party panicked, "Boy, I'm just one of the quasi-immortals, even if you kill me, we still have a bunch, and they will definitely kill you by then."

"It's as if if I let you go, they won't attack me."

Nie Thirty's face was covered with sweat, "Boy, you."

Chu Tian hit the stick, the other party felt dizzy, but the soul lock was still locked, and then Chu Tian entered the other party's body with soul-eating white lights one after another.

This made Nie Thirty not know how he died in the end. When he woke up, his immortal soul had already been sealed by Chu Tian.

"Damn it, let me go."

"Let you go? If I think too much, I will take you to help me solve those passages of yours!"

"Aisles? Kid, you can dream, those passages, you can't go in."

Chu Tiancai ignored the other party, but came outside, looked at Jin Wu and said with a smile, "Go, get out."

Jin Wu asked curiously, "Where is the national teacher?"

"Dishonest, I taught you a lesson."

Jin Wu stared at Chutian strangely, and Chutian came out from the nine-pointed star. Now that those people found out that Chutian came out, they all wondered where their national teacher went.

Chu Tian looked at them with a smile, "What? Waiting for your national teacher?"

Everyone nodded, Chutian released the immortal soul of Nie Thirty at this time, and everyone knew that Chutian had locked up their national teacher's immortal soul, which stunned the people present.

Chu Tian smiled, "Do you want to try it too?"

These people fled in a hurry, while Jin Wu stared at Chu Tian's back and muttered to himself, "How did he do it?"

As for Chutian looking at Nie Thirty, "Lead the way."

At this moment, Nie Thirty was caught by Chu Tian, ​​and he had no chance of escaping, so he could only follow Chu Tian's wishes and move forward step by step, until after a while, they arrived outside the four big planets.


Chu Tian could feel the cold air released by these planets and said with a smile, "The entrance!"

"Only we cannibals can come in and out freely. Outsiders cannot pass through this ice layer."

Chu Tian smiled wryly, "Then I will continue to melt it."

I saw Chutian's Ice and Fire King released again, melting a channel little by little, and that Nie Thirty stared at Chutian strangely, "What kind of flame are you, and why are you able to do it?"

"You don't need to know."

After Chu Tian finished speaking, he looked at Jin Wu and said, "Let's go."

Jin Wu hurriedly followed, and after a while, they passed through the ice layer, and when they reappeared, they were already standing on a planet, and from this planet, they could see three other planets.

At the same time, behind these four planets, there is a huge vortex, and a powerful blue light is shining on this vortex.

Chu Tian asked, "This channel is where your planet came from?"


"How do you bet on it?"

"It can't be blocked. There are countless powers left by the immortals here, and there is also a skeleton left by the ancestors sitting here."



Chu Tian immediately opened his clairvoyance, and he could see that there was indeed a corpse in the center of the vortex, and it looked like a woman, mainly emitting white light. Chu Tian doubted and identified it.

I don't know if I don't appraise it. I was startled when I appraised it, and even blurted out, "Bone Spirit of White Essence."

Jin Wu was puzzled, "What is a white spirit bone soul?"

Chu Tian replied, "The bone spirit's soul fused with its bones, forming a strange combination."

Jin Wu didn't know what a bone spirit was, but Chu Tian knew that it was a female fairy in Journey to the West, transformed by bones, but he didn't expect to see it here.

At this time, ten white lights suddenly fell in the sky, and the white lights turned into skeletons one by one, with blue lights flashing in their eyes, and these skeletons said in unison, "Boy, it seems that you know me."

Chu Tian looked puzzled, "You are a bone spirit? Then you should know this?"

Chu Tian took out the golden cudgel, and the skeletons were shocked immediately, "Stinky monkey's golden cudgel!"

Chu Tian laughed and said, "You are so afraid, you dare to come out?"

"Hmph, my old lady has been reincarnated, and she is no longer the bone spirit she was back then."

"It's reincarnation again." Chu Tian got a headache when he heard the reincarnation, and the guy who was the reincarnation of the bone spirit said, "I'm called Bai Jing now."

Chu Tian had no choice but to say, "I don't care if you are a white spirit or a bone spirit. Anyway, if you block my way, I will kill you."

"It's ridiculous, that stinky monkey Monkey King was not as crazy as you."

"Really? But didn't he beat you to death?"

Bai Jing stared, "That was only later, anyway, he is definitely gone now."

"So you should know where he went."

"How could the secret let you know?"

Chu Tian said after hearing that it was another secret, "I don't care what happened in the past, what happened in your previous life, I just want to say now, if you block me, I will destroy all your skeletons."

"It's ridiculous, these skeletons are all under my control, and each of them has the power of a quasi-celestial being. Not only that, but they can also enter your body."

Chu Tian sneered, "Into my body? You try."

These white bones suddenly turned into white light, and all of them entered Chutian's body, and they wanted to fuse with Chutian's bones. He wanted to control Chutian, but the white spirit's voice was still triumphant, "Boy, wait until I completely fuse your bones, Your body will also be mine."

"You goblin, you still want my body?"

Bai Jing smiled triumphantly, "That's right, I want your body, you can just lend it to me."

"That also depends on whether you have the ability to stay in my body."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian's Soul Eater's white light swam all over his body, and the white spirit screamed all kinds of screams and said angrily, "Boy, just wait for me, and I will definitely make your life worse than death."

Then those bones disappeared and left Chutian's body, and Jin Wu looked at Chutian worriedly, "Are you okay?"

Chu Tian shook his head and said with a smile, "It's just some broken bones, nothing to worry about."

But that Bai Jing's voice sounded around, "Boy, you wait, I will let you stay in this place forever, life would be better than death!"

Chu Tian sneered, "Come again if you have the courage."

At this moment, the planet started to move, and the sky around Chutian also began to change. Suddenly, Chutian and Jin Wu appeared under a cliff, and under this cliff, there were countless corpses everywhere.

These bones were motionless at the moment, and the white spirit sneered, "Boy, I collected these bones through countless fairy worlds, and the owners of these bones were all eaten by me, and I even turned them into white bones."

"I said Bone Demon, you made a bunch of bones to deal with me, will it work?"

Seeing that Chu Tian was not afraid, Bai Jing smiled and said, "Don't worry, these things will accompany you well."

I saw these white bones began to change, and finally countless white bones combined to form huge corpses, and these corpses exuded a corrosive atmosphere.

Many corpses still had black gas from their mouths, and the black gas corroded quickly wherever it went, and the white spirit became proud, "Boy, you see, these corpse gas are very corrosive."

But Chu Tian didn't take it seriously, "With this bad smell, do you still want to kill me?"

"Boy, I know you are powerful, but these corpse auras will also corrode any defense, even magic weapons. If you don't believe me, try it."

Chutian smiled strangely, allowing the corpse gas to enter his body, but Chutian was still fine, instead he teased, "What about your corrosive effect? ​​Why didn't it work?"

Bai Jing wondered secretly, "Boy, what magic weapon do you have?"

"Didn't you say that all treasures can be melted? Why are you asking me what magic weapon?"

The white spirit cursed, "Bastard, just wait for me, and I will release the Bone King."

At this time, there was a burst of sound from the front, and the last huge corpse appeared, and it was more than ten stories high, and every time you took a step, stepping on those small corpses, you could hear the sound of bones breaking.

Jin Wu was shocked when she saw the huge skeleton, "Is this a giant?"

The white spirit was proud, "This is the corpse king, made by fusing countless corpses, and it is only one step away from entering the immortal venerable."

"That's just a quasi-immortal."

Bai Jing sneered, "Boy, don't look down on Zhun Xianzun, and this kind of bone king is very scary."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, just come if you have any skills."

Bai Jing was stimulated, and immediately controlled the corpse king, and the corpse king slapped Chutian with a palm, very fast, even with a cloud of black air, Chutian threw the golden cudgel directly.

The two forces collided together, and the golden cudgel was bounced away instead. This made Chu Tian sigh secretly, "The other party is really strong."

The white spirit thought he was taking advantage and laughed, "Boy, you see, you have this, and you are not its opponent."

Chu Tian smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I haven't refined this golden cudgel, so I can't exert its power naturally, but I don't rely on it for food!"

 Today's fourth change, ask for monthly ticket recommendation ticket subscription, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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