Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1091: The Reincarnation of the Battle Bull Demon King

Chapter 1091: The Reincarnation of the Battle Bull Demon King (Determination)

That Niu Ye became depressed, "The ancestor has a legacy, let us wait for his reincarnation, once his reincarnation appears, we can let them attack the immortal, so, in my generation, I will wait."

"Reincarnation again?" Chu Tian looked puzzled, why did these characters appear in reincarnation instead of directly.

When Chu Tian was puzzled, this Niu Ye struggled, "Can you let me go now?"

"Do you think you killed so many ordinary people, would I let you go?"

Niu Ye was anxious, "I'm a demon, why can't I kill people?"

Chu Tian smiled, "Then I am a human being, can I still destroy demons?"


Chu Tian didn't want to talk nonsense with the other party, so he asked directly, "Tell me, have you seen any monks coming?"

"Yes, there is often an old monk who comes to my mansion and keeps trying to persuade me to be kind. I am so angry that I want to eat him, but he can always disappear out of thin air, and I am so mad."

Chu Tian guessed that guy must be the reincarnation of Tang Seng, but he didn't understand why this monk didn't just take Niu Ye down and let him kill people, so he asked, "Then where is he now?"

"how could I know?"

Chu Tian frowned, "Is there really no clue at all?"

Niu Ye thought for a while and said, "I thought about it. This old guy always said that he was going to sit in meditation. Who knows where he is going to do Zen."

Chu Tian immediately sealed up Niu Ye's demon soul when he realized it, and then secretly wondered, "Then where is the monk?"

When Chu Tian felt depressed for a while, he saw the souls floating from those annoying corpses flashing golden light, and then flew away in one direction.

Chu Tian stared at that scene curiously, and then asked Niu Ye, "Have you seen anything like this before?"

"Yes, every time they die, they will fly away, and they can't be stopped."

Chutian didn't believe it, so he jumped up and wanted to stop them, but they all passed Chutian's side stupidly, ignoring Chutian directly.

Chu Tian frowned, "A mortal can also penetrate at will?"

This made Chu Tian feel that things were not so simple, so he secretly followed these souls, and left the city after a while, and when he reappeared, he had already come to a forest.

These souls then entered a temple and disappeared.

Chu Tian stared at the temple with a strange light in his eyes, "Is that monk here?"

Thinking of this, Chu Tian took a leap and disappeared from his original position. When he reappeared, he had already arrived at the gate of the temple.

I saw that the temple was open, but there was no one there, only a golden Buddha statue was placed in front, and there were many burning incense candles in front of the golden Buddha.

"Is there a joss stick? Then there is someone, who is this person?"

Chu Tian opened his golden eyes and clairvoyant eyes, wanting to see what happened in the surroundings.

But this had no effect, and nothing was even found.

This made Chu Tian frowned, "How is it possible? Is there really no one?"

When Chu Tian was wondering, a little boy came from the school gate with firewood on his back. Chu Tian turned curiously and saw that the other party was a young monk.

I saw the little monk looking at Chu Tian in a childish voice, "This benefactor, who are you?"

"I'm looking for the owner of this temple."

Chu Tian guessed that the owner of the temple must be related to the reincarnation of Tang Monk, but the young monk said, "The master has gone to practice, and he is not here for the time being."



Chu Tian wondered, "Where are you going?"

"The Niutoushan ahead."

Chu Tian frowned, "Niutoushan?"

"Well, there are countless monsters making trouble there, and the master often goes there to collect monsters."

Chutian was even more sure that it might be Tang Seng's reincarnation, so he asked the little monk to lead the way, and the little monk had to lead Chutian forward. After about half an hour, he arrived at the so-called Niutou Mountain.

The Niutou Mountain here is full of strange gas. After careful identification, Chu Tian guessed that it was the so-called monster gas.

Just when Chutian was planning to find that monk Tang, some wild beasts suddenly appeared around him, and these beasts stared at Chutian and the little monk covetously.

But the little monk stared at the tigers, wolves and other ferocious beasts without any fear, holding a string of Buddhist beads in his hand, and began to recite silently, and saw streaks of golden light shining on the little monk.

These golden lights made those beasts lie down obediently and remained motionless, Chu Tian was startled, "I'll go, a little monk, does he have the ability to subdue ferocious beasts?"

This made Chutian very puzzled. After all, this little monk seemed to be nothing more than a mortal. He didn't even have a fairy body, let alone a fairy.

But the little monk looked at Chu Tian like an adult, "You can go."

Chu Tian thought that there should be no problem with the little monk leading the way, so he continued on. After a while, they came to the foot of Niutou Mountain.

The little monk pointed to the tall mountain and said, "This is Niutou Mountain, but the master said, don't go up it casually."


"He said that there was a big monster on it, which belonged to a cow, and it was infinitely powerful, and it started to surge, which was very scary."

Chu Tian wondered, "Could the Bull Demon King be reincarnated?"

After thinking about it, Chu Tian still wanted to go up, so he looked at the little monk, "I'll take you there."

The little monk shook his head, "I should go back, benefactor, see you by fate."

After finishing speaking, the other party turned into a golden light and disappeared. Chu Tian looked puzzled, "I'll go, is this still a mortal?"

At this moment, roars came from the Niutou Mountain, as if some ferocious beast was going berserk. Chutian opened his clairvoyance curiously, and saw that there was a hole in the bull's head, and there were countless chains in the hole.

Trapped in these chains is a huge cow, which probably has several floors, and is covered with golden chains all over its body at the moment, and near this cow, a monk is sitting, chanting non-stop.

Chu Tian didn't even think about it, he leaped into there, just in time to see the black bull scolding the monk, "Dead monk, you come to save me every day, but every day is the same."

The monk, who looked old and was wearing a golden cassock, chanted mantras unmoved.

The monk didn't stop until Chutian appeared, and then said as expected, "I'll leave it to you."

The old monk suddenly disappeared, and Chu Tian cursed, "Damn, just ran away like this?"

The cow roared suddenly, the chains around it disappeared, and then a field appeared around it.

Here, the huge cow turned into a human form, with black hair all over its body and two big horns on its head, staring angrily at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, who are you from that smelly monk?"

Chu Tian looked at the man and asked curiously, "Are you the reincarnation of the Bull Demon King?"

"Hmph, it seems you know a lot."

After getting the other party's confirmation, Chu Tian wondered, "The Bull Demon King, shouldn't he be very powerful? Why are you afraid of a monk?"

"I'm a reincarnation. If I get back to [-]% of my peak strength, I can eat that monk in one bite."

Chu Tian didn't believe it, "If you really have this ability, you won't be trapped by that old monk."

The reincarnation of the bull demon king was a little angry, "Hmph, boy, I don't want to listen to your nonsense, so die."

The Bull Demon King had a very hot temper, and he wanted Chu Tian to die as soon as he opened his mouth, and he came to Chu Tian immediately, wanting to slap Chu Tian to death, but Chu Tian quickly backed away.

There was also a golden cudgel in his hand. The moment he saw the golden cudgel, the Bull Demon King was stunned, "That monkey's magic weapon."

"It seems that you understand too."

The Bull Demon King snorted, "How could I not know about the monkey thing."

"It's good to know."

The Bull Demon King was puzzled, "Tell me, how did you get this magic weapon."

"Of course it was picked up."

The Bull Demon King said angrily, "It's a story from the Arabian Nights."

Chu Tian didn't bother to argue with him, but said, "Is there any more competition?"

At this moment, the horns on the Bull Demon King's head began to exert force, and then stared at Chu Tian, ​​"No matter who you are, as long as you are related to that old monk, I will kill you."

After finishing speaking, the other party let out an angry roar, and countless shadows of bull horns flickered around Chu Tian's body, intending to kill Chu Tian instantly, but Chu Tian stood there and let the other party attack.

These attacks hit Chu Tianjin's body, and there were bursts of golden light.

This made the Bull Demon King snort, "Boy, it seems that both you and that monkey are very powerful."

"How dare you."

The Bull Demon King stared, "Don't be complacent, I can also destroy you."

I saw that the Bull Demon King started to grow bigger, and in the end Chutian was just like a small ant in the eyes of the other party, and the Bull Demon King laughed loudly, "Boy, you see, I can grow bigger at will, and I can trample you like an ant." .”

"Become big, and be easily attacked."

"Ridiculous, then try attacking me."

Chu Tian shot out the purple light, which was specially used to deal with monsters. After the purple light entered the body of the Bull Demon King, the Bull Demon King felt that some of his power was restrained, and he immediately roared, "Bastard."

Chu Tian didn't take the other party seriously, and continued to crazily inject purple energy. Not only that, he also used the flame lock to lock the other party's soul there.

The Bull Demon King was annoyed and struggled there, "Bastard, you are as disgusting as that old monk."

Chu Tian smiled, "I don't want to talk nonsense with you, I just want to ask you something."

"what's up?"

"What is the secret, and why do you want to be reincarnated?"

The Bull Demon King snorted, "I can't tell you this secret."

"Then I can only force you to tell me."

The Bull Demon King sneered, "Boy, do you think you can kill me and trap me? Then you underestimate my old cow."

After the other party finished speaking, the Bull Demon King began to turn into a black wind, and then disappeared into the sky. At the same time, he sent a burst of resentment, "Boy, wait, we will meet again sooner or later, and then I will definitely recover my peak strength and shoot you to death."

Chutian looked around suspiciously, but the surrounding fields disappeared, and Chutian appeared on Niutou Mountain again, so he had to look around and shout, "Old monk, I know you are nearby, should you come out?"

"Be kind, be kind."

Chu Tian felt a headache when he heard these words, "I said, can you stop saying these words?"

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(End of this chapter)

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