Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1300 Summoning the Ice Flower King

Chapter 1300 Summoning the Ice Flower King (to be determined)

Chu Tian looked suspiciously at the bookshelves around, and there are so many books here, it feels that each one is not simple, but every time he takes it out, he is a little disappointed, until Chu Tian sees a book inlaid in the center of the ceiling.

But this book is made of stone, and Chu Tian stared at it and asked, "Senior, is that also a book?"

The butler smiled slightly, "Yes."

Chutian made a leap, grabbed the book with one hand, and then fell down, while the butler stared at Chutian strangely, "You, are you done?"


But the housekeeper stared at Chu Tian and said, "This stone book records a magical technique, just to see if you have the ability to learn it."

Chu Tian was very curious about the magic spell in the stone book. When he opened it, he only saw some strange words, so Chu Tian had to ask the system to identify it.

"Ding~ The ice flower king summoning technique can summon a huge ice flower."

Chu Tian was stunned, "Summon ice flower?"

"Yes, it can be summoned anywhere."

Chu Tian was amused when he heard it, "In this way, I can summon that huge ice flower anywhere, so that others cannot approach it?"

"In principle, this is the case, but it also has something to do with your strength. The stronger you are, the stronger the ice flower king you summon."

Chutian couldn't wait to try it. After Chutian let the system learn it, he could create a huge ice flower with a single thought. However, the effect of this ice flower is obviously not as big as the outside, but it can prevent the approach of the god king.

"It seems that only when the cultivation base is improved can we create a more powerful one." Chu Tian sighed.

"Yes, and I have a way to improve your cultivation."

Chu Tian immediately stared at the housekeeper, "Really?"


After finishing speaking, the butler led Chu Tian away, and said on the way, "You are the first person who can learn the summoning technique of the Ice Flower King, so you will also be the heir of this snow palace, so if you want to come back in the future, you can Come back at any time by summoning the Ice Flower King."


The butler just smiled, and then came to a secret room, where there are many floating snowflakes, and the butler said, "These snowflakes are energy flowers condensed by the Snow Palace, you can absorb them, and they will be of great benefit to you."

Chu Tian stared at the butler curiously, and the butler said with a smile, "Go and enjoy it."

Chutian had no choice but to go in, curious about the effect of these snowflakes, and saw that these snowflakes began to gather around and stick to Chutian's body one by one. At this time, Chutian felt that his body was very cold.

Until he sat cross-legged and closed his eyes, he could feel the infinite force in his body impacting him, until the godhead changed, and a voice came from the system, "Ding ~ Congratulations to the host at level 141, the first level of the upper god."

The upper god is much more powerful than the middle god, and Chu Tian secretly sighed, "The power now is beyond words."

The butler outside the door smiled and said, "How about it, how comfortable it is."

Chu Tian looked at the housekeeper with a smile, "Yes."

The butler smiled, "Now you can leave here at will, and you can also summon the Ice Flower King at will."

Then Chu Tian's eyes lit up, and he disappeared in the Snow Palace, and the ice flower had disappeared, leaving only the empty abyss, but Chu Tian could summon the Ice Flower King.

I saw that after the ice flower king was summoned, it was much stronger than when the middle god summoned it just now, "This, I guess it can prevent the god emperor from approaching."

When Chu Tian was proud, three figures fell from the sky.

The three of them were all in the God King Realm, and as soon as they landed, they began to speak loudly to Chu Tian there.

"Boy, are you the one who captured the Young Palace Master?"

"Boy, you are so courageous, even the Young Palace Master dares to catch you."

"It's really boring!"

Chu Tian looked at them with a smile, "Everyone, who are you?"

"We belong to the Genius Pavilion of the Flaming Palace, boy, if you are sensible, surrender quickly, otherwise you will die later."

Hearing this speculation, Chu Tian guessed that these should be the people who can approach the Ice Flower King at will, so he smiled, "How many of you can approach this place?"

"Less than ten people, but to deal with you, the three of us will be fine."

Chu Tian nodded clearly and said, "Then, I'll take care of you."

At this moment, Chu Tian was standing there accumulating power with his right hand, and the three people thought Chu Tian was joking, and all laughed, "It's really arrogant."

"Just you? Still want to solve us?"

Chu Tian, ​​the upper god, as long as he accumulates a little energy, he can deal with the god king without any problem, so he suddenly cast the god-killing blood light, one person died on the spot, and the remaining two were shocked.

Chu Tian laughed wickedly, "What? Are you scared?"

These two people knew that Chutian was not easy, and immediately began to separate and attack Chutian, and Chutian was very fast, especially with the help of the third eye, his current speed was comparable to that of a god king.

So these two god kings couldn't attack him at all, they could only watch Chutian play with them, until Chutian charged up and attacked again, one person died on the spot.

The remaining person flew out in fright, while Chu Tian stared at the disappearing back of the other person and sneered, "It's time to go out and meet you for a while."

At this time Chu Tian flew out of the abyss, and the person who escaped shouted to the surrounding people, "Demon, demon."

The Great Elder Hongye wondered in his godhead, "What happened."

"That guy, it's terrible, he can solve one person at once."

The people present looked at each other in blank dismay, while Yun Wu snorted in the air, "Waste, a bunch of waste."

At this moment, Chu Tian suddenly flew out, and those people were shocked until Hong Ye shouted, "Catch him."

That cloud and mist was also ready to attack, but at this moment Chutian summoned the Ice Flower King, and suddenly a huge ice flower floated behind Chutian, scaring many people from approaching.

Someone said in shock, "This, this, how is it possible."

"He actually got the Ice Flower King out."

"What's the situation?"

That cloud was even more shocked, "Boy, what have you done?"

"It's nothing, just bring it for fun, is there a problem? Palace Master Lie."

That cloud and mist said, "Boy, if you are arrogant again, don't force my real self to appear. Then it will be your death."

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "You are always welcome."

This Yunwu was in a hurry, but his deity couldn't come out at all, so he could only order there, "Why are you in a daze, do it to me."

Hongye immediately ordered, "Attack him for me."

Those people dare not get close to the Ice Flower King at this moment, and can only attack from a distance, but after those attacks reach the range of the Ice Flower King, all attacks will become weaker and slower, as if they are being resisted.

Chu Tian was very satisfied and said with a smile, "Not bad."

Hongye became anxious, and those elders cursed even more, but Chutian said with a smile, "Everyone, it's my turn."

At this time, Chu Tian had almost enough power, and he attacked the nearest elder at once. The elder said that he received a blow, and his body was shattered on the spot, and his godhead flew out, scaring everyone to flee.

All of a sudden, everyone in the shrine stayed away, and Yun Wu was annoyed, "What are you doing?"

Elder Hongye explained, "Palace Master, this guy is too scary."

That Yunwu stared at Chutian, finally looked at his right arm and said, "So he has a god bone."

As soon as these words came out, everyone wondered what kind of divine bone could make Chu Tian so powerful, until the cloud and mist shone with a strange light and said, "It is the divine bone of creation!"

These words shocked everyone, "What? Creation bone?"

"Creator bone? How terrifying is that."

"Why does this guy have the God of Creation Bone!"

There were all sorts of discussions all at once, and that Yunwu snorted, "Boy, do you think it's great that you got the Creation Sacred Bone?"

"Yes, come here if you have the ability." Chu Tian challenged.

That Yunwu became anxious, and said to all the elders, "Send him to the tomb of God!"

As soon as the words came out, those elders understood, and hurriedly took out a mirror, and when the mirrors shot a beam of light one by one and converged on where Chutian and that Binghua were, a huge black light swallowed Chutian and Binghua.

Only then did everyone breathe a sigh of relief, and that Yunwu snorted, "You will never be able to come out."

At this time, Chutian appeared in the tomb of the gods in the Lieyan Palace, the same dark sky and dark place, the same strange atmosphere, the only difference is that the entrance is different, which made him frown, "Damn it, you can send me directly to the tomb of the gods!" tomb."

"Boy, be scared."

The cloud was floating not far in front of Chutian, but Chutian didn't expect this cloud to come in at will and said with a smile, "I said Palace Master Lie, what are you doing here?"

"Of course I'll see how you die."

"Really? Why don't you tell me how your son died."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian got that Lie Yantian out, and that Yun Wu was furious, "Boy, you, let me let him go."

"What if I don't?"

"I'm making it impossible for you to leave here forever."

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "Then I won't leave, I'll just walk around, maybe I can find another divine bone, even if I don't, I can still practice here."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian entered the Immortal Mansion and didn't bother to pay attention to the other party. He was so angry that he cursed, "Boy, get out of here."

"Sorry, I'm not free, I want to practice."

I saw Chu Tian sitting on the altar, which was the biggest altar, and Yan Xianer was also on it at the moment, she had been here for a while, so she looked at Chu Tian curiously, "What is this, why is it on the top?" , I can feel my physique changing."

"This is the altar, which can transform people into ancient gods."

Yan Xian'er took a deep breath, "What? This is the altar?"


Yan Xian'er looked around in disbelief, but Chu Tian smiled, "Okay, now you can practice with peace of mind, no one will bother you."

Yan Xian'er asked curiously, "Then where are we now?"

Chu Tian briefly explained the situation, and Yan Xian'er was shocked after hearing this, "What? God's Tomb?"


Yan Xian'er said with some guilt, "I'm sorry, I."

"Don't say sorry, you are my friend, I should help you."

Yan Xian'er hesitated and looked at Chu Tian, ​​"You said in the hall just now that I belong to you."

 Today's first update, please subscribe, monthly pass, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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