Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1312 The Gate of Death

Chapter 1312 The Gate of Death (Determination)
Yan Xian'er, who was beside Chutian, said in surprise, "It turns out that the rumored Nether Sky Mountain Range really exists."

Chu Tian asked curiously, "Is this Nether Sky Mountain Range very powerful?"

"It is rumored that the Nether Sky Mountain Range is one of the most mysterious places in the God Realm, and it is also one of the most dangerous places. You may even step into the gate of death. Once you enter, you will never be able to get out. It is more terrifying than the tomb of God."

Chu Tian wondered, "The gate of death?"

"Well, according to rumors, no one has come out of the other dark side of the God Realm so far, so no one knows what this death gate is like."

Chu Tian wondered, "Then how do you know that this is another dark side of the God Realm?"

"It is rumored that some people dug out from the Hades Stone, although their bodies have turned into stones, their consciousness is still alive, and this consciousness will float into the gate of death, so there are living people in the Hades Stone, everyone You can try to communicate with the living, wake them up, and let them tell the situation inside the death gate."

Chu Tian didn't expect this to happen, but Yan Xian'er continued, "But to wake up a stone man, it is simply harder than climbing to the sky, and it is rumored that the only way to wake up is a person with good talent, who uses his spiritual sense to explore the opponent's body." Shenhun, you are lucky, you can meet him, but this is just luck, the success rate is not even one percent."

Chu Tian was attracted by this information, and here they are all on the talent list, so talent is naturally not bad, and this is also the purpose of Lu Bai's invitation to everyone, and also the purpose of Qi Tian Pavilion.

So Lu Bai laughed after seeing everyone's discussion, "Everyone, how are you? Is there anyone who wants to try it out, can you communicate with this person."

At this moment, one stood up, "I'll try."

I saw this man go up, put one hand on the rock, and then close his eyes, and then everyone saw that his face was pale, and finally his face was covered with sweat, and he quickly withdrew his hand and sat on the side panting, as if he was very tired.

Lu Bai said helplessly, "Forget it, you can go back and rest."

That person had no choice but to go back, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, until that Qin Linyue said, "Let this genius from Jucai Pavilion try, maybe he can communicate with this person."

Everyone also looked at Chutian. After all, everyone had seen Chutian's talent and ability, so they would not doubt Chutian's ability, but that Qin Linyue secretly laughed.

As for Lu Bai, he also looked at Chutian, "Would you like to try?"

Chu Tian really wanted to try it, but he said, "Although I want to, what will happen if we communicate?"

"If you communicate well, the other party will tell you about the other world. Aren't you curious?"

Chu Tian didn't believe it, "Is it that simple?"

"If you are lucky and learn some special magic, wouldn't it be better?"

After Lu Bai finished speaking, he looked at Chutian with a smile, obviously wanting Chutian to make a move, but Chutian calmed down and said, "That's okay, I'll try."

Everyone immediately looked at Chu Tian with their eyes wide open, otherwise they would be the same as the people just now, unable to support, and Chu Tian came to the strange stone, put his hand on it curiously, and then closed his eyes.

When Chutian's consciousness penetrated into the stone, he saw a darkness, and there was starlight in the darkness, and the starlight was attacking his soul, but Chutian was not afraid of the attack, but he was secretly shocked, "No wonder that person was in pain just now, these people But it will directly attack the soul."

When Chutian was sighing, he saw the brightest light, and he approached step by step curiously, until Chutian's spiritual sense passed through, and saw that there was a secret room, and in this secret room, there was a spirit sitting there.

This soul is the master of this body, he was shocked when he saw an outsider coming in, "Who are you?"

Chu Tian said with a smile, "People outside."

"You? You communicated with me through the Hades Stone?"

"Well, your physical body."

The other party was pleasantly surprised, but also disappointed, "But even so, I still can't leave here."

"What is this place?" Chu Tian asked later.

"This is the entrance space of the gate of death. After my body and the Netherstone merged into one, I came here. I can't get out, and I can't enter the gate of death. I can only be trapped here forever."

Chu Tian was puzzled, "Oh? Where is the real door of death?"


The man pointed to a dark vortex, Chu Tian looked at the dark vortex, and wanted to infiltrate it through his spiritual consciousness, but the dark vortex directly blocked his spiritual consciousness, which made him sigh secretly, "It seems that the strength is still insufficient. "

But Chu Tian quickly cleared up his mood and looked at that person, "Do you want to leave?"

"I want to, but I can't leave. There is a powerful force outside here, which specializes in attacking the soul."

Chu Tian smiled and said, "I will help you."

He was overjoyed to see that Chu Tian was protecting the opponent with a force, and then the opponent's surroundings ignored these starlight attacks from outside, and they were going back to the physical body step by step.

After a while, he returned to his physical body, and then he inside the stone suddenly opened his eyes, and Chu Tian came back to his senses.

As for the people present, they were stunned, because it was the first time they saw someone resurrected, and it was still inside the Nether Stone, and this Lu Bai was even more shocked, "This."

"Crack the stone and you'll know."

After Chutian said something, Lu Bai immediately took out a dagger, and then used his powerful force to break the stone open little by little. Then the man appeared, and looked at everyone excitedly, "Thank you, everyone, for letting me come back."

Everyone exclaimed, it was the first time they saw such a living person come back, but Lu Bai asked excitedly, "Can you tell us what happened behind the death gate?"

The person was helpless and apologetic, "I didn't go in either, I was just trapped in a weird space, and this person saved me."

Lu Bai was originally excited and lost in an instant, "Is it really impossible to go in?"


Lu Bai sighed, and that person left excitedly after being grateful, and the people present were talking a lot, but that Lu Bai had to look at everyone, "It turns out that the Nether Stone didn't research anything, then let's talk about other things Bar."

Everyone wondered what was going on with Lu Bai, and Lu Bai then took out another Nether Sky Stone, but this time there was a lamp inside the Nether Sky Stone, which looked like a golden glazed lamp.

Everyone was curious about what happened to this lamp, and that Lu Bai said, "This lamp was also seen in the Nether Mountain Range. After my appraisal, this lamp is not from our world."

As soon as these words came out, the scene became lively, "What? It's not ours? Is that from the death gate?"

"Definitely is."

Lu Bai nodded and said, "That's right, there is a strange aura on it, and if the aura touches it, it will be uncomfortable, and severe cases may cause coma, so I want to see who is capable of detecting it."

However, Chutian had already asked the system to appraise it, "Ding ~ the lower-grade death device, the death lamp, control the lamp to release light, which can make the soul within a certain distance fall into an illusion."

Chu Tian didn't expect this light to have such a background, and that Lu Bai wanted everyone to try it, so everyone came up one after another, but many people fell into a coma on the spot, and some people retreated as soon as they touched it.

Chutian stood aside and watched quietly until everyone retreated, that Lu Bai looked at Chutian again, "I'm afraid I have to trouble you again."

But Chu Tian said with a smile, "This is a low-grade death weapon."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present stared at Chu Tian in shock, and some of them didn't know what a low-grade death artifact was, but Lu Bai was curious, "A low-grade death artifact?"


Lu Bai hurriedly asked, "So, do you know where it came from?"

"more or less."

"How did you know?"

Chu Tian touched it with one hand, and then said with a smile, "I saw it in some ancient books."

Everyone exclaimed, but that Lu Bai stared at Chu Tian's hand and asked after finding that it hadn't moved, "Aren't you afraid?"

"My physique is special, this magic weapon has no effect on me."

Lu Bai was shocked, but Chu Tian smiled and said, "Can you send me?"

When everyone heard this, they were even more curious about Lu Bai's reaction, and Lu Bai simply said, "I can send you off, but I have to ask you for a favor."

"Oh? What are you busy with?"

"I brought this thing from a place in the Mingtian Mountain Range, and there is this kind of aura everywhere in that place. If you are willing to accompany me there, I will give you this thing."

After thinking about it, Chu Tian smiled and said, "Yes."

Lu Bai was overjoyed, "Okay, take a good rest today, we'll set off tomorrow, and I'll get someone ready to go now."


Lu Bai then looked at everyone, "Everyone, today's activity in Qitian Pavilion is over, welcome to come again next time."

The crowd had no choice but to leave in disappointment, and that Qin Linyue stared at Chutian cursingly in his heart, and Lu Bai had someone prepare accommodation for Chutian and Yan Xianer. In the house, Yan Xianer worried, "This Mingtian Mountain Range, you really going?"

"Don't worry, just go and have a look, there is nothing serious."

"But I always feel weird, especially the Pavilion Master, it doesn't feel so simple."

Chu Tian smiled, "Don't worry, don't talk about him, I'm not afraid of the Supreme God or the Ancient God."

That Yan Xian'er was relieved when she heard Chu Tian's words, but Chu Tian took out the Star Pill and said with a smile, "I want to see what the Star Pill can do."

Yan Xian'er was also curious to take it out. As for Chu Tian, ​​he was afraid of accidents, so he took Yan Xian'er and himself to the Immortal Mansion. After everything was settled, Chu Tian took one.

Yan Xian'er also took one.

After the two took it, that Yan Xian'er immediately fell into a deep sleep, and Chu Tian also closed his eyes after seeing it, until he suddenly opened his eyes and stood in a dark starry sky.

Everywhere in this starry sky is dim, only the stars flicker in the distance.

"What is this place?"

When Chutian was wondering, he saw countless shadows surrounding a huge stone pillar nearby.

When Chutian passed by, she happened to see the shadow of Yan Xian'er, and she immediately looked at Chutian, "You are finally here."

"How is this going?"

"According to them, this is the space of stars that you enter after taking the Star Pill, and this is the pillar of enlightenment. Everyone said that as long as you meditate on this stone pillar, you will have the opportunity to learn powerful magic."

"Oh? Is it so magical?"

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(End of this chapter)

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