Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1328 Concealment and Truth

Chapter 1328 Concealment and Truth (Determination)

Chu Tian looked at him and said bluntly, "I want to find a beast that can travel through space, and it's very powerful."

Bai Shahu was surprised and said, "When it comes to space travel, no one can compare to space beasts."

"Oh? Swallowing Divine Beast?"

"Well, this guy can devour space and eat the surrounding space directly, not to mention shuttle, just smash it."

Chu Tian liked this, so he laughed and said, "Where is it?"

"It is very good at hiding, and often hides in some inconspicuous places. If you want to find it, it may take some time."

Chu Tian looked up, "Is it the sky here?"

"Yeah that's right."

Chu Tian said, "That's fine, I'll come and take a good look."

I saw that Chu Tianyan opened it without saying a word, and searched for it in the fastest way. After a while, I saw a small cloud-like thing, eating clouds there, and it was like eating the surrounding space, but this space obviously Not the same, it cannot leave.

Chu Tian smiled, "I found it."

The Baishahu wondered how Chutian found it, but Chutian jumped out of the cloud and said with a smile, "Swallowing Beast, right?"

At this time, a small head popped out of the clouds, like a squirrel, with very sharp teeth, and its eyes stared at Chu Tian with purple light. , this is the new owner of the beast space, why don't you hurry up and meet?"

As a result, the Void Swallowing Beast said, "I said Baihu, as you know, I only obey the person who can catch me. He is so weak that he can't catch me at all, so I don't recognize him."

After finishing speaking, the Void Swallowing Beast entered the cloud and disappeared, while Chu Tianyan continued to scan around, and found that the other party could shuttle through the cloud at a very fast speed, Chu Tian sneered, "In this case, I have to open my divine beast blood. "

I saw a huge dragon appearing behind Chutian, and it also had flame wings. As soon as it opened, the surrounding beasts immediately felt a kind of oppression, just like meeting a king.

As for Chu Tian leaping to the cloud where the Sky Swallowing Beast was, he said with a smile, "Is this okay?"

The Swallowing Beast in the cloud couldn't help trembling, "Boy, you, you."

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "Don't look at me like that, it's useless."

"who are you."

"Your master."

The Void Swallowing Beast suddenly felt helpless, "What do you want to do?"

"I need your help."



The Void Swallowing Beast said, "Our divine beasts cannot leave this world. At most, we can only possess your blood and become a part of your blood. But my possession of you has little effect on you."

"Don't worry, you have entered my blood, and I can let you out at any time."



Tun Kong Beast was puzzled, but Chu Tian persuaded him, and saw Tun Kong Beast turned into a beam of blood into Chu Tian's body, and Chu Tian left here after getting the divine beast he wanted.

When Chutian reappeared, returned to the nine-pointed star, and put away the beast seal, then walked out of the space, saw the surrounding darkness and asked, "This is a new space, can you break through it?"

"Let me go out, but I can't leave your body."

Chu Tian said with a smile, "Don't worry, I will let you transform."

I saw that Chu Tian used his magical power of illusion to transform the Void Swallowing Beast. In an instant, a huge squirrel shining with purple light appeared, and when it came out, it was very excited, "I, I can come out."

Chu Tian smiled, "Hurry up."

Swallowing Beast was overjoyed, "Yes."

I saw that the Void Swallowing Beast began to attack the surrounding space frantically, and even swallowed some space. All of a sudden, the entire dark star was slowly gnawed away, until a faint light appeared around it.

Through the faint light, Chu Tian could see a huge ground not far from his feet.

Chu Tian guessed that this should be the God Realm, so after taking back the Void Swallowing Beast, he returned to the God Realm, and then released Lin Xi.

When Lin Xi saw that she had returned to the God Realm, she was overjoyed, "Are we back?"


Lin Xi couldn't believe it and said, "You are really amazing."

"I have something even better."

At this time Chu Tian took out the black stone tablet, and Lin Xi was shocked, "When did you take down this stone tablet?"

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "Of course it was before they were sent to Dark Star."

Lin Xi looked at Chu Tian in surprise, and Chu Tian hurriedly said to her, "Try to see if you can crack it."


I saw Lin Xi put his palm on the stone, and a strange force absorbed the dark power in Lin Xi's body. Finally, Lin Xi said excitedly, "I'm free, I'm finally free."

Chu Tian smiled, "It's fine."

Lin Xi was very grateful, "Thank you very much."

"You're welcome."

Lin Xi took out a jade pendant and said, "Put it away."

This jade pendant is green, and nothing can be seen, which makes him puzzled, "This is?"

"Wait until I'm gone, then take your time."

"Where are you going?"

"I still have something to do, let's go first."

After Lin Xi finished speaking, he leaped away, but Chutian was puzzled, and injected strength curiously. After about a while, he saw the scene inside the jade pendant, and saw Chutian saw a familiar face.

This face is none other than Su Mengxi. She was taken away by an empress in the fairy world before, but at this moment she left an image in the jade pendant and said with a smile, "How about it, I didn't expect it to be me."

Chu Tian was surprised, "It's you?"

"Yes, I'm Lin Xi. Lin Xi is a dream when combined, that's the word in the middle of me." Su Mengxi laughed.

Chu Tian wondered, "What happened?"

Chu Tian was undoubtedly very excited at this moment, because since he came to the God Realm, he had never seen Su Mengxi's whereabouts, and he thought something happened to her.

But Su Mengxi stared at Chu Tian, ​​"After the empress brought me to the God Realm, she taught me a lot of abilities, but in the end I was killed by the enemy, and when I was fleeing, I accidentally entered the dark forces, so I became a People from the dark forces, and the reason why I didn't recognize you was because I was afraid that those people from the dark forces would kill you, but I didn't expect that you were much more terrifying than I imagined."

Chu Tian was stunned. He didn't expect so many things to happen to Su Mengxi when he arrived in the God Realm. This made Chu Tian feel guilty, "I'm sorry, if I had the ability back then, I wouldn't let that empress take you away, and I wouldn't let that empress take you away. You become like this."

Su Mengxi smiled, "Leaving you made me understand more, in fact, each of us has our own way, and so do I, so the reason why I didn't meet you face to face is because I was afraid of being targeted by dark forces. , the most important thing is that I still have one thing to do, but it is about my soul."


"Well, you also know that my soul is quite special. I traveled to many places at the beginning, but it was still not fully recovered. But over the years, when my soul gradually became stronger, I found something hidden in my soul. I want to figure it out, so please don't blame me for leaving without saying goodbye."

Chutian felt uncomfortable. He searched hard, and the other party was leaving again, and he didn't recognize each other face to face, so he felt a little uncomfortable, "You know my ability."

"I know, but this matter is of great importance. I don't want to make you run around and get hurt because of my business."

"I won't get hurt."

But Su Mengxi was in a daze for a while and then said, "That's it, see you by fate."

After finishing speaking, Su Mengxi's aura disappeared, and so did the picture. The jade pendant was just a piece of ordinary jade pendant, but Chu Tian felt uncomfortable, as if something was missing.

When he was worrying, suddenly a shadow was walking in the woods and approaching him, which made him immediately return to God, "Who, come out."

At this time, the shadow came out. It was a coquettish and slut-dressed woman in a red robe. She stared at Chu Tian with charming eyes and smiled and said, "Little guy, do you want a lover?"

"who are you?"

"I, of course, is your little lover's uncle."

Chu Tian frowned, "Uncle? Since when did she have an uncle?"

"Of course she came to the God Realm and became a member of our sect, but she was accidentally captured by the dark forces, but I kept staring at her, looking for a chance to save her."

Chu Tian stared at the person in front of him in doubt, and at the same time asked the system to appraise, "Ding ~ Wu Meixue Ji, the tenth-rank god emperor."

Chu Tian looked at her and frowned, "How do you know I'm here?"

"There are traces of me on that girl, as long as she is anywhere in the God Realm, I can find them one by one."

Chu Tian was suspicious, "Then she's gone, why are you still here?"

"That's because I want to inform you to save her."

Chu Tian wondered, "What do you mean?"

"To be honest, she was originally an ancient princess in the God Realm, but she was injured later, her mind was unstable, and she was about to dissipate at any time, so she sealed her memory, causing her soul to become different, and then entered the Mortal Realm If she hadn't slowly unlocked the seal of the soul, my senior sister would not have discovered that she has a special soul."

Chu Tian's eyes widened, "An ancient princess?"

"Yes, in the ancient God Realm before the appearance of the tomb of the gods, there were many tribes there, and each tribe had its own princess, and she was one of them."

Chu Tian stared at her strangely, "How do you know?"

"Of course she told us after her seal was completely opened. Why? Don't you believe me?"

Chu Tian asked, "If that's the case, why didn't she tell me? Instead, she told you?"

"That's because after her seal was released, she attracted enemies, so she went to the dark forces. She has the ability to hide and change breaths provided by the dark forces. Otherwise, do you think she would really go to the dark forces for no reason?"

Chu Tian frowned, "But she asked me to release the restrictions of the dark forces for her."

"That's because when she was controlled by the dark force, she realized how terrible the dark force is, so she always wanted to get rid of it, but it happened that you helped her, and she was very grateful to you."

Chu Tian didn't expect that Su Mengxi would hide so many things, and Wu Meixueji laughed and said, "Actually, you should be happy."


"Yes, at least she loves you deeply, otherwise she would have told you everything, so that when you get angry, you will help her deal with those enemies, but these enemies are extraordinary. Think about how you can stay in ancient times. Can people now be ordinary people?"

Chu Tian's expression changed, "So, she is hiding from me, because she doesn't want me to worry?"

"That is, after all, she witnessed how my senior sister was killed, so she has a shadow in her heart."

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(End of this chapter)

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