Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1357 Sea 'Bandits'

Chapter 1357 Sea 'Bandits'

These guards are all extraordinary in strength, and the aura released from their bodies is very powerful.

Not only that, but the armor on everyone's body is golden with black shining, and these armors are top-grade artifacts, automatically forming a self-protective light.

The head of the Tang family saw these people and said to the leader, "Captain Li, this guy said he wanted to punish me."

The man named Captain Li was a bald man. Even if he stared at a helmet, he looked weird, and his face was wrinkled, as if he was approaching old age.

"I said, Patriarch Tang, are you kidding me? You are the patriarch of the family, and he is the king of gods. Do you think it's possible?" Captain Li asked with a puzzled look on his face.

The Tang Patriarch said cheekily, "Yes, you see, this guy is not a simple god king."

"Come on, don't waste your time. If someone really dares to fight here, I will definitely arrest him." The man named Captain Li said something, and then turned around with others and continued to patrol nearby.

Chu Tian looked at Patriarch Tang with a smile, "It seems that no one will believe me to do it."

The head of the Tang family immediately kept a certain distance from Chutian and threatened, "Boy, I have many friends in this city. Do you want to hang out here? Dreaming!"

"I don't have time to listen to your nonsense."

After Chu Tian finished speaking, he didn't bother to pay attention to the other party, and let him provoke him there, and then took Yan Xian'er to look for the so-called Dou Shen Temple. This made the head of the Tang family curse secretly, "Bastard, bastard, I'm so mad."

Seeing the head of Patriarch Tang's family, Yan Xian'er, who was furious, walked and smiled, "You're making him so angry."

"If you can do something here, I will definitely not be angry with him." Chu Tian smiled.

Yan Xian'er knew Chutian's character, so she didn't ask any further questions, but admired the surroundings together with Chutian.

As for the Sea Garden, it is the largest city on the sea, and it is also where the Temple of the God of Fighting is located, so no matter where people are, they like to come here, and the rewards of the Temple of the God of Fighting make many geniuses envious.

Even on the road, groups of people could be heard discussing what missions the Temple of God had released this time, and what the rewards were.

That Chutian randomly searched for people, and found the Temple of the God of Fighting, and the Temple of the God of Fighting was composed of countless huge rubble, forming a huge palace.

There are countless people patrolling around the palace, and there are also many guards inside, and these people are rumored to be from the Temple of the God of Fighting, and they are called the guards of the God of Fighting. It is more powerful than the ten-star ancient god.

It's just that Chutian has a doubt, "Why can't these people who defy the godhead go to the mainland?"

"Curse it."


"Well, similar to God's covenant, these people are arranged here, so naturally they have their uses, maybe this is the purpose of the Creator God."

Chu Tian didn't know what the creator gods who created this world thought, and he didn't know why they had to bless them with such a special agreement. Otherwise, with their abilities, the mainland would have been controlled by them long ago, and it would not be the turn of the ancient gods Make chaos.

"You two, are you new here? Shall I introduce you?" A young man looked twelve or thirteen years old, and his clothes were a little torn, like a little beggar.

Just as Chutian was about to answer, the people around reminded Chutian, "Boy, don't listen to him, or you won't know how you will die."

"That's right, this kid will only tell you a mess, then take you to some dangerous places, and then escape back by himself."

The boy immediately refused to accept it, "Your slander is due to their own incompetence, and it is none of my business that they died in those places."

But these people obviously didn't like this young man very much. The young man was extremely depressed, but Chu Tian asked curiously, "What's your name?"


Knowing the other party's identity, Chu Tian asked, "Why did you introduce us?"

Na Anshi said awkwardly, "I want to earn some tips to buy some things for cultivation."

"Oh? Then how do you charge for it?"

That An Shi saw that Chutian might listen to him and said excitedly, "I will be your tour guide for a day, and only 100 million divine stones are needed."

As soon as these words came out, Yan Xian'er was surprised, "One million a day?"

An Shi hurriedly explained, "I grew up here since I was a child, and I know these places very well, and even the surrounding sea area knows a lot, the absolute value of 100 million."

Chu Tian said with a smile, "Okay, lead the way, we want to see the Dou Shen Temple and the place where the Dou Shen Temple releases tasks."

An Shi immediately introduced the Temple of the God of Fighting to people, and then brought the two of them to the second floor of the Temple of the God of Fighting. There was a huge screen on the second floor, and there were many tasks displayed on this screen. The person who finishes first gets what reward, and each task is marked as completed and unfinished.

After introducing them one by one, An Shi said, "Look, this is the place where the Temple of Gods distributes tasks, and it will be updated at any time. If you want to participate, you can sign up first. Once you sign up, you can't cancel it, unless the task is completed by someone, and then it is not completed. Those who perform the task will also receive the task status issued by the Temple of Fighting God."

Chu Tian seemed to understand something, so he looked at the task to see if there was anything special about it, and after a quick glance, it was all ordinary, Chu Tian sighed, "There is no special reward for this."

An Shi asked curiously when he heard Chutian's words, "Do you want something special?"


"Then go to the third floor."

"The third floor? What's the difference?"

That An Shi immediately explained with a smile, "In the God of Fighting Hall, there is a list of Gods of Fighting, and there are 100 people on this list, and their strength naturally depends on fighting and killing, so these people on the list of Gods of Fighting like to go to the third floor. Receive tasks, and those tasks are also known as the most difficult to complete and the best rewards."

Chu Tian didn't care about the God of Fighting Ranking, anyway, he didn't participate, but he was curious about what this task was, so he came to the third floor.

When they came to the third floor, a larger screen was printed in front of them, but there were fewer people haunting it. After all, few people would come here, especially these tasks are very difficult to complete. Even if someone came here, they would just watch it. Just look.

Chutian didn't think too much about it, he just stared at the task, there was a super task, and the task content information was very short, "Kill the sea beast king, ten thousand claw fish, you can get a rich reward from the Battle God Temple, a piece of the creation god bone .”

Chutian was interested when he saw the God of Creation Bone, so he went up to the person in charge to register, and the person in charge of the registration stared at Chutian strangely, "You really want it?"


The person in charge had no choice but to register with Chu Tian, ​​but there was a lot of ridicule from the surrounding people, "This kid is crazy, he actually received a super task."

"What's wrong with receiving it, and there is no requirement that it must be completed." Someone also ridiculed the situation.

The others laughed, but Chu Tian didn't think about it, but looked at Yan Xian'er and An Shi, "Let's go."

That An Shi was dumbfounded, "You, you really reported it?"

Chu Tian took out a special stone, "Well, it looks like the mission is here, as long as you kill it and put the sea beast here, it will notify others that I have completed it, it should be like this."

This An Shi nodded foolishly, but Chu Tian said, "Then do you know where this Sea Beast King, Ten Thousand Claw Fish is?"

"This, this, I've heard of it, but I'm afraid you won't trust me."

"Let's go."

Chu Tian didn't say anything, and let the other party lead the way, and that An Shi had to lead the way. As for the Tang Patriarch, he was surprised when he heard that Chu Tian had accepted such a task, "This kid, crazy? Accept such a task? Don't want to live?" gone?"

But Patriarch Tang didn't want Chutian to die like this, so he invited some friends to leave the island together. As for Chutian and the three of them leaping for a while, Patriarch Tang brought a group of people down from the sky.

At the same time, those people threw out pieces of wood, and these logs formed a fortress, trapping Chutian and the three of them inside. At the same time, the head of the Tang family said to a young man with a smile, "Master Mu, your fortress is really powerful. keep them from moving forward."

That young man, with green light shining all over his body, and with an extraordinary godhead, said with a smile on his face, "Of course, our Mu family's fortress, not to mention him, is not a problem to trap a fifth-class reverse godhead Supreme God. "

The head of the Tang family admired, "The Mu family is really powerful."

"Of course, the most important thing is that my eldest brother is still on the God of Fighting list. Do you think our family will be weak?"

Patriarch Tang said excitedly, "Then please."

"Don't worry, when I get rid of him, you just need to give me what you agreed to."

"no problem."

While they were chatting, that An Shi was in a hurry, "It's over, it's over, I met this guy."

"Is he scary?" Chu Tian asked.

An Shi said in a low voice, "This guy belongs to the Mu family, and the Mu family is a big family in Sea Garden. At the same time, there are many forces in the surrounding sea area, and these forces specialize in robbing others, so this Mu family is also called bandits. Home."

Chu Tian groaned, and the young man stared, "Little beggar, who are you calling a bandit?"

An Shi immediately kept his mouth shut, while the young man snorted, "I'm just saying this to you, today, I will definitely clean you up first."

An Shi immediately became anxious, "Mu, Mr. Mufeng, I, I was wrong."

This person named Mufeng obviously didn't give An Shi a chance, and even snorted, a green light shot out from his hand, approaching that An Shi godhead, and An Shi didn't even have a highgod, if he was hit, he would definitely die.

But at this moment, Chutian stretched out his left hand and caught the force at once, causing many people present to stare at Chutian in shock, and Chutian looked at that Mufeng and said with a smile, "Everyone, don't waste time, go wherever you come from, Otherwise, you will end up like Patriarch Tang."

That Mu Feng was stunned for a moment and then laughed, "Boy, I've been dominating the sea for many years, and this is the first time I've seen someone as crazy as you."

"Crazy or not, do you want to try?"

That Mu Feng stared at Chu Tian, ​​"A few of my subordinates can make your life worse than death!"

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(End of this chapter)

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