Chapter 1359

The corner of Chu Tian's mouth smiled evilly, and then he trapped it with a divine beast mark, and then received it into the nine-pointed star, leaving everyone stunned.

Just as Chutian was about to leave, the Zibai god looked at the people around him, "What are you looking at, go up and stop him."

These people immediately surrounded Chutian, and the leader Zibai God stared at Chutian, "Boy, my name is Xia Lie."

"What's your name, does it have something to do with stopping me?" Chu Tian asked back.

That Xia Lie stared, "Of course."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

This Xia Lie snorted, "Get that god out, we can let you go, otherwise, I won't even think about leaving here today."

Hearing this, Chu Tian couldn't laugh or cry, "Stop me? You should just dream, it's useless."

Then Chutian was about to leave, and those people on the God of Fighting List were all very fierce, forming an enchantment that trapped Chutian there, not giving Chutian any chance, but Chutian couldn't laugh or cry, "How can we still Want to stop me?"

When those people saw that Chu Tian dared to underestimate them, they all stared angrily, and the Zibai God shouted to the crowd, "Kill him."


Those people immediately made a move, and hit the barrier with a powerful attack, intending to smash Chu Tian into pieces, but Chu Tian jumped through the barrier, came outside, and stared at them, "Everyone, you guys! Are you going to bully the few with the more?"

Everyone was surprised, they didn't expect Chutian to have such terrifying strength, and this Xia Lie's eyes were shining with a strange light, "Boy, there must be something good on you, otherwise it would be impossible to have this ability."

"Yes, I have a lot of good things about me, but what does it have to do with you?"

That Xia Lie sneered, "Then you keep those good things, I can save your life, but if you don't, you won't have a chance to fight back when I do it later."

"Really confident!"

Seeing that Chu Tian dared to mock him, Xia Lie laughed strangely, "It seems that I have to show you how powerful I am."

It was as if the opponent's body was on fire, and then the whole person evaporated. Others laughed strangely, and someone even said, "Boy, give up, it's useless, you will die a miserable death."

"That's right, Brother Xia, this divine technique disintegrates your body and merges it with the sea. When he reappears, he will use high-pressure force to pierce you through."

After saying this, the water suddenly turned into a jet of water under Chu Tian's feet, and the speed and power of this jet of water were so great that Chu Tian guessed that if this jet of water hit an island, it could cut the island apart.

But Chutian avoided it all at once, but the water column was hot on his heels. Chutian tried to attack the water column, but found that the pressure of the water column was too great to break through.

I could see that Xia Lie frantically running the sea under the water column, using a powerful attack to attack Chutian, but Chutian sneered, "Then I'll break it and you'll talk about it."

Chu Tian made a leap, and the speed was very fast, and he came to Haixia all at once, and came behind that Xia Lie, "What are you attacking?"

Xia Lie suddenly heard Chu Tian's voice, and he was stunned, feeling unbelievable, but Chu Tian seemed to be smiling, but stabbed with his sword, and the opponent immediately turned into water and merged with the surroundings again.

At the same time, he mocked Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, my body can be merged into the sea at any time. With your ability, you still want to hurt me? Just dream."

Chu Tian didn't expect the other party to be so scary, and that Xia Lie teased, "Boy, keep going, if you have the ability to continue."

Chu Tian smiled slightly, and started to cast a wave of ice flowers behind him, and at the same time added the bloody snow dragon, and the surroundings froze all of a sudden, that Xia Lie's body was frozen in the liquid at the moment, he couldn't do it even if he wanted to condense again, and then cursed, " Boy, bastard."

The people present were dumbfounded, but Chu Tian stared at the ice cube and said with a smile, "Your body is split and your strength is also scattered. I guess you can't break through the ice now."

"Boy, let me go if you know my senses, or I will kill you if I come out."

"Do you have the ability to come out?"

Seeing that Chu Tian dared to underestimate him, that person stared, "Hmph, my ability is much better than you imagined!"

But Chutian didn't take it seriously, the man became anxious, and then his body turned into raging fire, trying to melt the surrounding ice, but the speed was very slow, Chutian joked, "I have some skills, but at your speed, I guess at least It will take days to melt."

"Boy, you."

"It's worth it here, I'll break this ice cube first."

Seeing Chutian, he began to use the golden cudgel to crazily knock on the ice, which shocked Xia Lie. He knew that once the ice was cut quickly, the consequences would be very serious.

It means that his body is torn apart, and it is almost difficult to reintegrate, so he is yelling, "Boy, stop it."

But Chutian didn't intend to stop, and kept going on crazily. After about several hours, Chutian had already smashed the ice, and Xia Lie's spirit appeared.

Floating in the air, he stared at Chu Tian angrily, "Boy, you wait for me, I, Xia Lie, will not let you go."

Chutian smiled slightly. When he was about to make a move, the other party immediately ran away in fright, and the others were even more frightened. As for Chutian, he smiled and threw the beast king into the strange stone, and then Chutian completed the task The news, all the people on the God of Fighting List knew it all at once.

Even on the third floor of the Temple of Dou, everyone wondered who Chu Tian was and why he was able to complete the mission.

As for the fact that Chutian discovered that a divine bone had appeared in the stone space in the strange stone, and Chutian took out the divine bone, he could see that the divine bone was a leg and also the creation god.

"God bone leg? What effect does it have?"

Chu Tian tried it out and fused the divine bone leg, and then a message rang in Chu Tian's mind, "Very strong golden divine leg, the strength of one leg can crack the ground, and one leg can kick others away. "

Chu Tian didn't know how powerful this mighty Jinshen leg could be, so he started to accumulate power with his right leg, and then kicked it out, a golden light shot out, and this golden light fell on the sea area, and the sea area immediately splashed several layers Tall waves.

The ground under the sea area was also kicked into big cracks. Chu Tian was surprised when he saw the situation on the bottom of the sea through his clairvoyance. "According to this strength, it is estimated that a tenth-order god emperor with a fifth-level anti-godhead would not be a problem."

So Chu Tian happily got Yan Xian'er and An Shi out, at this moment An Shi stared at Chu Tian dumbfounded, after all he watched Chu Tian beat that Xia Lie just now.

Chu Tian smiled and said, "What's the matter?"

That An Shi immediately came back to his senses and said in admiration, "According to your strength, I think it is at least the top [-] in the God of War list!"

 Today's first change, please recommend the monthly ticket, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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