Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1361 Weird Invitation Letter

Chapter 1361 Weird Invitation Letter

This made Yan Xian'er worried, but Chu Tian looked at the other party with a smile as if it had nothing to do with him, and said, "This, is it very powerful?"

The silver killer stared at Chu Tian and said with a smile, "Boy, no one can defeat my move, and the speed is very fast, so fast that I can kill you as much as I want."

Chu Tian teased, "Oh? Really? Then you are naive."

Everyone didn't expect that Chutian didn't take Yinsha seriously, and that Yinsha sneered, he made a move all at once, and the next moment he came behind Chutian with a silver sickle in his hand.

Just as everyone was exclaiming how fast the opponent was, the scythe was cut out, because Chu Tian also disappeared from his original position, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived at another part of the ring.

That silver killer stared at Chu Tian strangely, "Boy, you."

Chu Tian smiled and said, "Okay, don't waste time, you are not my opponent."

That silver killer snorted, then jumped, and appeared directly next to Chutian again. He thought it could be faster this time, but Chutian moved even faster, moving away all at once.

That silver killer fixed his eyes on Chutian, and finally looked behind Chutian and said, "You have a god bone on your body."

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "You understand."

Yin Sha showed a greedy look, "I'll take your life first."

At this time, the other party flew out the sickle, and the sickle began to turn into countless shadows, attacking Chutian from all directions, and Chutian's body armor was opened, and the sickles hit Chutian one by one, but flashes of golden light flashed. Then nothing.

The people present were stunned, they never expected this to happen, and that Yan Xian'er was relieved, as for An Shi, he was dumbfounded, "This, how is it possible."

For Yin Sha, he stared at Chu Tian even more strangely, "No, it's impossible, boy, how did you do it."

"Don't worry about how I do it, you just need to know that it's very simple for me to deal with you."

After saying this, Chu Tian started to attack. At this time, he used the power of his feet, and a powerful Jinshen leg passed by at a very fast speed, while the Silver Killer hurriedly flickered countless silver lights in front of him, resisting the attack, but Silver Killing himself also took a few steps back.

The people present exclaimed, as for Yin Sha, although he was not seriously injured, he glared at Chu Tian, ​​"You are really hateful."

Chu Tian smiled slightly and said, "It's nothing, it's just the beginning."

The Silver Killer got annoyed, and Chu Tian shot again. This time, he activated his power supernatural power. When the power supernatural power exploded and all concentrated on his leg, he kicked out again with one leg.

Seeing the same move, Yinsha snorted, and hurriedly continued to condense the silver light in front of his eyes. He thought that this would easily block Chutian's attack, but something unexpected happened. On the enchantment, his body collapsed after that, and he stood there tremblingly.

The people present were already dumbfounded, but Chu Tian pointed at him with a sword and smiled slightly, "Come again."

All of a sudden, that Yin Sha was seriously injured all over his body, and his godhood was also broken, but Chu Tian didn't kill him, but said, "This is just a lesson, if you provoke me again next time, then you will really die."

On the surface, these words were said to Yin Sha, but at the same time, they were also a warning to those who had other thoughts about him, especially the situation in this enchantment, which was seen by the whole city.

Many people exclaimed what happened, why Chutian is so powerful, and Chutian looked at Yinsha, "Take out the god bone."

Yinsha lost, he was not reconciled, but he had no choice but to throw the box to Chutian. As for Chutian, after getting the other leg bone, he said with a smile, "Thank you very much."

Only then did Chu Tian walk off the ring, and An Shi admired him, "Brother, you are amazing."

Chu Tian said with a smile, "Let's go, find a place to rest."

The three of them disappeared under everyone's gaze, and that murderous Yin cursed, as for Mu Feng and Xia Lie, they were even more dumbfounded, they didn't expect that the tenth person on the God of Fighting list would be so vulnerable.

For Chutian, he didn't pay attention to the God of Fighting Ranking at all, and he even found an inn to live in, and asked An Shi to pay attention to the mission at any time, and there was no reward for the god bone.

After all, Chu Tian was only interested in this, and not in anything else.

An Shi was also very honest, he went to the Temple of Fighting when he had nothing to do, and Chu Tian took out the bone and fused it together, at this time another bone and supernatural power appeared.

"Teleporting steps, you can teleport very far in the blink of an eye."

Chu Tian was curious about how far this teleportation step could teleport, so with a thought, he moved, and the whole person reappeared from the original place, and had already arrived at the sea area where the Sea Beast King was before.

This made Chu Tian marvel, "It took several hours to get there, but now it takes only a blink of an eye, it's terrifying."

But this also made Chu Tian understand that this supernatural power is simply a sharp weapon for escaping, and he can wipe the other party out of sight at once, so he leaped happily, disappeared from the original position, and came to the inn.

In this inn, Yan Xian'er suddenly reappeared and asked curiously, "Where did you go just now?"

"There's no place, just practice."

Yan Xian'er was puzzled, but Chu Tian smiled mysteriously. At this moment, An Shi hurried over, and Chu Tian asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

An Shi stammered, "That, that, Dou Shendian, sent you an invitation letter."

"Invitation card?"


Chu Tian didn't understand very well, but that An Shi said, "Your competition today was too good, which attracted the attention of the God of Fighting Temple, and the people who are usually sent invitation letters are the people in front of the God of Fighting Temple."

But Chu Tian asked suspiciously, "Invitation? Is there any benefit?"

"It is said that there is a banquet where the geniuses of the God of Fighting Temple gather at night, and every time there is a gathering, there will be good things for everyone to appreciate and even compete for. This invitation letter is to invite you too."

Chu Tian was not very interested and said, "I don't really want to go."

"Brother, you can go, maybe it is also a god bone?"

"God bone?"


Chu Tian had no choice but to say, "Okay then, show me the invitation letter."

At this time, An Shi gave the invitation letter to Chu Tian. It was carved out of black wood, with a few large white characters engraved on it, "Dou Shen Temple."

At the same time, in the invitation, it was written that Chu Tian was invited to attend the banquet tonight at the Temple of the God of Fighting.

After reading it, Chu Tian put it away, "It's okay anyway, let's go and have a look."

An Shi nodded, but Yan Xian'er was worried, "What do you say this Dou Shen Temple will do to you?"

"What can be done?"

Yan Xian'er didn't understand very well, but Chu Tian said with a smile, "Don't worry, if anyone dares to touch me, I will definitely make him regret it, and even never dare to mess with me again."

Yan Xian'er knew that Chu Tian had this ability, so she didn't ask any more questions, and could only wait quietly for the night to fall.

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(End of this chapter)

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