Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1395 The Last 7 Players Play

Chapter 1395 The Last Seven Players Play (For Order)

Haixu who was there became proud, "Boy, you see, this is their true strength."

But Chu Tian said, "Does this have anything to do with me?"

Seeing that Chutian was still stubborn at this moment, Hai Xu glared, "You actually want to die! Then, I will send you to die."

After saying this, the gold and silver duo had already attacked, turned invisible, and immediately came behind Chutian. A strange sword flashed with gold and silver light, and rushed directly to Chutian.

I thought Chu Tian could be easily killed in this way, but the light on Chu Tian's body flashed by, and a divine canopy blocked the opponent's attack. He even laughed and said, "Is this the only thing?"

The gold and silver double kill, his eyes widened, they never expected Chu Tian to be so powerful, but they were not reconciled, so they snorted, and the two of them turned into golden light and silver light all of a sudden.

These two rays of light converged and hit Chu Tian directly, and then the bright light quickly devoured Chu Tian's heavenly shield, as if it wanted to swallow Chutian's divine heavenly shield.

Chu Tian didn't expect these two people to have such abilities, so he smiled, "It's so, then I'll let you see how good I am."

At this time, Chu Tian grabbed their arms with one hand, and then directly injected the soul-devouring white light into their bodies. Even if these two people had four godheads, they couldn't resist this powerful devouring, and even screamed in horror, "I, I was wrong gone."

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "Do you know how powerful it is?"

"alright, I got it."

Only then did Chu Tian calmly say, "Okay, make a promise and don't fight against me."

Haixu was shocked when he saw this, "Both of you, don't do it, or the lord will not let you go."

When the two heard the lord, they became frightened, so the four godheads began to spin wildly, and then a powerful force erupted from their bodies, and their bodies exploded instantly, and Chu Tian was blown away.

Haixu saw a huge air flow emanating from Chutian and said excitedly, "So, you should die."

As for the two of the four godheads, they emerged from the chaotic fog and looked at Haixu, "How are you, are you dead?"

Hai Xu looked at the white mist and said, "With such a powerful attack, I think even the leader will be seriously injured."

The two became proud, "That's right, I don't want to see who made the move."

This made Hai Xu proudly say, "Let's go, let's go to the leader."

But at this moment, Chu Tian appeared from the waves and floated there, looked at them and said with a smile, "I said, are you leaving so soon?"

That Haixu was shocked, "Impossible, boy, why are you fine?"

The other two were also frightened, especially the ones who were left with only godheads, and they had no ability to fight anymore. If they were caught by Chu Tian, ​​the consequences would definitely be disastrous, so they didn't even think about it, so they fled here first.

Chu Tian was very calm, he watched silently, then stared at the rest of Hai Xu, "You are alone."

Hai Xu looked around, trying to escape quickly, while Chu Tian put out the fire with all his might, and smiled around the other party, "Last time I let you escape, but this time, it's not so easy."

Haixu became anxious, "Boy, I'm the elder of the Eastern Heavenly Union, you can't hurt me, otherwise the Eastern Heavenly Union will not let you go."

But Chu Tianli didn't pay attention to the other party, but put him away directly, and that Bai Li came from nearby and asked, "Did you catch that Hai Xu?"

"Anyway, if you let it go, it will be for nothing."

Bai Li gave a thumbs up and laughed, "You are really getting more and more domineering."

Instead, Chu Tian laughed and said, "I have to thank the God Gathering Stone."

Upon hearing this, Bai Li said, "It is said that there is one of the largest islands on the island of the General League of the Eastern Sky League, but their leader is guarding it there. I think it's better to forget it. Let's go to other leagues to see the islands they occupy."

But Chutian's eyes were shining with a strange light, "No, just go to the Eastern Sky League."

Bai Li suddenly became surprised, "Are you really going?"


But Bai Li said worriedly, "This Eastern Sky Alliance is the second largest alliance among the four major alliances, and the leader's strength is even more terrifying. I think it's better to slow down and go to other places first."

"No, just go there."

Ever since Chutian absorbed two large pieces of God-gathering stone, his godhead has become stronger and stronger. He even feels that as long as he absorbs some more, he will soon break through. At that time, he will no longer be a god king, but a god emperor.

The thought of reaching the God Emperor made Chu Tian excited. After all, the God Emperor is different from the God King. He is even more powerful, and his strength has gone up to a higher level.

As for Bai Li, he didn't think so much about Chutian, but he was worried about Chutian's danger, but Chutian insisted on going, so he had no choice but to say, "Well, let's go, but be careful."


Then Bai Li took Chutian and left, and the two gold and silver godheads who went back first returned to the alliance hall at this moment. Everyone was shocked when they saw that both gold and silver had only godheads left.

The golden rings all over the leader's body trembled, as if he was very angry, and stared at them and said, "You two, did you really not take him down?"

The two expressed helplessness, and said that Chu Tian was so terrifying that even Hai Xu couldn't escape back. This made the leader angrily say, "Damn it, call out the remaining top ten masters."

After about a while, seven people appeared, and those seven people appeared in the retreat, and they didn't know what happened. After everyone explained one by one, the seven people immediately looked at each other in blank dismay.

And the leader said to the headed man with closed eyes, "Che Zaifeng, now I entrust this task to you, you must catch him for me, you understand?"

That Che Zaifeng closed his eyes and said to himself, "Don't worry, I don't think he is very powerful as a god king."

The leader was afraid that Che Zaifeng would be careless, so he said, "Anyway, just be careful."

"You don't need to be careful with him."

After finishing speaking, the car was in the wind, took the remaining six people, and left the hall, but the hall master and others were still worried, so the hall master took out a glass ball and threw it out, and the glass ball became bigger in an instant.

Inside the glass ball was a scene of seven people flying in the sea, and everyone stared at the glass ball, wanting to see if the seven people would find Chutian.

After a while, Chu Tian and Bai Li took the initiative to appear in a sea area, and they were still in front of these seven people.

Everyone immediately became excited, and as for the seven people on the sea, they laughed even more, You Qi closed his eyes and said, "I wanted to go find you, but you came, so it will save trouble."

When Bai Li saw this person, he was startled, "Che Zaifeng, the top ten masters of the Eastern Sky Alliance, has been rumored to keep his eyes closed. Once he opens his eyes, a powerful and terrifying force will be ejected from his eyes."

[Today's first update, please recommend tickets to subscribe, thank you everyone. 】

(End of this chapter)

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