Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1623 Deterrence

Chapter 1623 Deterrence
"Then you try." Chu Tian smiled charmingly, but Luo Guang was worried, "Let's bear with it, he is after all."

But before the voice could speak, that Ollie went violently and slapped Chutian directly, trying to send Chutian flying, but something unexpected happened, Chutian flashed a purple light.

When he returned with [-]% of his strength, Chu Tian was not only fine, but stood there motionless, while this Oli was rolling in the air, looking very uncomfortable.

"Is this not bad?" Chu Tian asked with a smile. Now Oli was startled, and he started to stare at Chu Tian nervously, "Boy, you, you."

"Do you want to continue?" Chu Tian asked back, his words immediately made that Oli's legs go numb, and then he looked at the others, "Why are you in a daze, come on, go on."

Those people didn't dare to go up, they all watched in fear, and Chu Tian looked at Luo Guang and the others, "Okay, ignore them, go to the continent of Fengtian Demon Realm."

Luo Guang and the others also hurried away, fearing that these people would settle accounts in the fall, and Chu Tian flew with them, and soon saw a city, and that Oli and the others had already fled to find helpers.

As for Luo Guang looking at the city in front of him, "This should be the city of Fengtian Demon Realm, and I don't know if the people here will be as difficult as the people just now."

"Go and find out." Chu Tian said calmly, Luo Guang hummed, and then led everyone into the city, only to see that this place is no different from an ordinary city, and it is very lively.

Even if Chutian and others came here, no one knew that they had just arrived, and many inns invited them to take a look.

Chu Tian looked at Luo Guang and the others calmly, "Are you here to come to this continent, or to join the sect of Fengtian Demon Realm?"

Luo Guang naturally thought, but when he thought of that Ollie, he felt helpless, "It seems that we can't join."

Chu Tian shook his head, "If you want to go, go, can they still stop us?"

Luo Guang wanted to say something, but Chu Tian asked them to find out where the Fengtian Demon Realm sect is located, which made Luo Guang worried, "Are you really going?"

"Go, definitely go." Chu Tian said with a smile, and he definitely wanted to go, because only then can he find out the news about the magic dragon.

Seeing that Chu Tian was so determined, Luo Guang threw himself out, but the others did not dare to quit the team one after another. In the end, only Luo Guang, and Chu Tian laughed, "What about you? Do you want to leave?"

Luo Guang shook his head, "No, it's actually here, so let's challenge it once to be worthy of myself."

Seeing that he was so persistent, Chu Tian smiled, "Don't worry, I will let you in."

That Luo Guang didn't know the meaning of Chu Tian's words, but Chu Tian had already started looking for the inn to inquire about Fengtian Demon Realm, and they shook their heads when they heard the words "Fengtian Demon Realm".

Chu Tian didn't understand, and even found out after some inquiring, this Fengtian Demon Realm sect rarely knew where anyone was, only knew that this continent became like this after being transformed by the people of Fengtian Demon Realm.

Chu Tian sighed, "I should have arrested that Ollie before I knew it."

Luo Guang thought so too, and at this moment Oli happened to bring someone to arrest Chutian, which made Chutian laugh, "Talk about him, he's here, it's interesting."

Luo Guang was also surprised when he saw Ollie, and this Ollie was accompanied by a senior brother at the moment, and that senior brother was the Immortal Lord God, and he looked extraordinary at first glance.

Seeing Chutian, Oli was very excited and said to the senior brother, "Senior Brother Qing, it's him."

That person called Senior Brother Qing, whose real name is Qing Mie, glanced at Chu Tian and then at Oli, "An immortal god, if you just toss you like this, you will lose all the face of our sect."

That Ollie became embarrassed, "I didn't expect this to happen either."

Qing Mie had no choice but to say, "Come on, let's see how I deal with him in the past."

I saw this Qing Mie came to Chutian and stared at Chutian, "Boy, do you know how serious you are breaking the rules?"


Qing Mien hummed, "That's right, if you break the rules, you will be punished."

Chu Tian smiled, "But I'm new here, so I don't know your rules."

Oli was annoyed, "Boy, you are still so rampant in front of our senior brother, you really don't want to live anymore?"

Chutian didn't speak, but this Qing Mie stared at Chutian, "Then I won't talk nonsense with you."

I saw green lights flashing all over Qing Mie, and the people around immediately backed away and fled back to their respective houses, and the street was suddenly empty, one can imagine how scared these people were of these people.

Chu Tian looked around and said, "It seems that you are quite scary."

"Hmph, we are kings here, and anyone who dares to break the rules will be courting death." That Qing Mie became arrogant, but Chu Tian didn't talk nonsense to him, but said, "Come on."

Luo Guang was in a hurry, "Brother Chu, let's run away, this guy, the Immortal Lord God, is too powerful."

"It's okay, he is just an ordinary immortal Lord God."

This made Qing Mie annoyed, "What? Dare to say that I am an ordinary immortal god? Boy, do you believe that I will kill you."

"You'll know if you try it."

Qing Mie ran away completely, shouted loudly, one after another green light hit Chu Tian's body and poured into Chu Tian's body, but Chu Tian didn't take it seriously, and looked at Qing Mie, "Go on, it's too weak."

Qing Mie became anxious, and even glared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, you are really hateful."

Chutian seemed to be smiling, but Qing Mie concentrated a huge force in front of him this time and hit Chutian, trying to destroy Chutian, but Chutian's purple light flashed, and the opponent's attack probably returned.

The Qing Mie Immortal Lord God, before he understood what was going on, was attacked by himself and took several steps back, which made the nearby audience wonder how Chu Tian did it.

As for Qing Mie, he suppressed his discomfort and stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, who are you and why are you here?"

But Chu Tian said with a smile, "I want to join the Fengtian Demon Realm."

Qing Mie stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Are you sure?"


"Okay, I'll take you there."

This sudden change of words made no one in the room expect it, and that Ollie said anxiously, "Senior brother."

Qing Mie said in a low voice, "Don't worry, we can kill him better when we get to the sect. He is still too strong now."

Oli didn't expect Qing Mie to say that Chu Tian was too strong, he had nothing to say immediately, but Luo Guang was surprised, he didn't expect the other party to admit cowardly like this, and Chu Tian smiled, "Then please."

Although Qing Mie didn't say anything, but he was annoyed in his heart, and he led everyone to repent all the way, and even told Oli on the way, "I will take him to the formation area of ​​the sect later, and you, go back first Get ready, and then let the people in the formation get ready, once they enter, the formation will start quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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