Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1626 Magic Dragon Phantom

Chapter 1626 Magic Dragon Phantom
At this time, there was a figure in the mountain, and Chu Tian sneered after seeing it, "You think you are hiding in the rock, and I can't see you?"

The voice laughed, "So what if you find me? You still can't do anything to me."

Chutian disappeared into nothingness and entered the mountain, and the shadow wondered where Chutian had gone, until Chutian suddenly came to him, and then hit a five-element ball.

The man screamed immediately after being hit, and then tried to run away. Chu Tian snorted, "Want to run away? Do you think it's possible?"

Chu Tian suddenly blocked the shadow's path, and the shadow turned into a gust of wind and wanted to rush out, but Chu Tian led the wind to directly control his wind circle in that place.

The shadow immediately spun around in place and cursed, "Boy, let me go."

"You want to kill me, do you think I might let you go?"

The shadow became anxious, "Boy, if you don't let me go, I will kill you today."

"Really? Then you come, I'll see how you want to kill me!"

This shadow can't move, it can only say in that air, "Boy, you'd better let me go, or I will make you regret it later."

"Oh? Really? Then I'll see how you make me regret it."

At this time, the shadow began to swell, and the mountain began to shake, as if it was about to explode at any time, but the corners of Chu Tian's mouth curled up, "It's interesting."

The shadow laughed loudly, "Boy, be afraid."

"It's just a little bigger, there's nothing special about it."

After Chu Tian finished speaking, a ball of soul-eating white light hit the shadow, and the shadow immediately screamed to escape from here, but Chu Tian continued to trap it and said, "Let's show the original shape."

At this time, the shadow gradually turned into a person, but the person was covered in mud, and he was full of elves, that Chu Tian became suspicious, "Aren't you a human?"

The other party was trembling with fright, "I am the mountain spirit."

"Shan Ling?"

"Well, it is transformed into rocks and can move freely in the mountains."

Chutian didn't expect such a thing and asked, "Then why did you come to kill me?"

"Yes, someone asked me to come."


The mountain spirit said everything one by one, while Chu Tian stared at it and asked, "How many years have you been here?"

The mountain spirit explained, "I have been here since before this Fengtian Demon Realm came."

Chu Tian didn't expect this thing to have such a long history, and suddenly he thought about it and looked at him with a smile, "So, you know many important events that happened here?"


Chu Tian smiled slightly and said, "Then let me ask you, does the magic dragon know?"

"Of course I know, this magic dragon is a very scary guy, especially when it was a shocking existence, but it was no longer there, but I heard that he has transformed, and the remnants of his transformation are still in this demon realm. In the forbidden area."

"The metamorphosis thing?"

"Well, for example, the dragon skin, and some places where it was cultivated before, and the place where it was brewed."

Chu Tian was curious, "The place where it was brewed?"

"Well, back then, the Fengtian Demon Realm got this magic dragon from somewhere, and then slowly cultivated it in the forbidden area. Later, the magic dragon became a blockbuster, and then disappeared."

Chu Tian thought that as long as he entered this forbidden area, he should be able to figure it out and said, "That's fine, you can follow me from now on."


"What? Not happy?"

"No, it's not, it's just."

"Don't talk nonsense, enter my space, you'd better listen to me in the future, otherwise I will kill you in many ways."

The mountain spirit didn't dare to say anything, and could only listen there silently, until Chutian threw him into the space, and Chutian calmed down and laughed, "This Qingmie really gave me something good."

At this moment, Qing Mie didn't even know that Shanling had been taken by Chutian, and he was still waiting for news, but there was no news, but Chutian received the news of the guide.

When Chutian reappeared, he had already arrived outside the main hall. The guide looked at Chutian, "There will be three elders later."


The guide then brought Chu Tian inside, and at this time there were three people sitting on the three seats in the center of the hall. The faces next to the three people were expressionless, like wooden figures, while the face in the middle was full of faces. Snakeskin, like a snakeskin face.

The guide said respectfully to the three, "Three elders, this is the disciple I mentioned."

The snake-skin-faced old man in the middle stared at Chu Tian and asked strangely, "Are you sure you are going to the forbidden area?"


The old man thought for a while and said, "Our forbidden area is close to death, and very few people can succeed. If you really want to test, then you have to be prepared to sacrifice."

"Come on though."

The old man had no choice but to stand up and look at the other two, "Let's go."

I saw these three people walking forward, and the guide immediately took Chutian with him, and after a while, they came to a cave entrance, and there were many people outside the cave entrance.

Some of these people are elders, and some are experts in the Demon Realm, but they don't understand why a person who is only an immortal god wants to break through the forbidden area and die.

So many people present discussed it.

"Look, this is the new disciple."

"He is not weak. It is said that he has obtained the Heaven Sealing Order at once."

"so smart?"


All of a sudden everyone was discussing around Chutian, but Chutian ignored their discussion and stood at the entrance of this cave instead, and the entrance of that cave was already shining with white light.

Everyone who saw this exclaimed, because the white light means that the assessment formation has been activated, and anyone who tries to break through will be killed.

As for the Elder Shepi staring at Chutian, "Go in after you have made your decision, but let me remind you that this formation is myriad, and there are images left by Lord Demon Dragon."


"Well, it has no consciousness, it only attacks people."

Chutian understood, and the elder looked at Chutian, "Go."

This Chutian then disappeared in front of everyone, and those people wondered whether Chutian could come out alive, and the Elder Shepi looked at the guide, "What is the background of this kid?"

The receptionist shook his head, "I don't know."

"It seems that it is still very difficult for him to pass the examination of the magic dragon." The snake skin elder said something, and the others were even less optimistic.

As for Chu Tian standing in the formation at the moment, looking around, he saw a huge dragon shadow appearing in the air. It was a huge dragon, and its body was shining with demon energy.

However, this magic dragon has no self-consciousness, it is just a form, and its purpose is to kill the people who come in, so it roared there and said, "I will kill you."

After the magic dragon finished speaking, it flicked its huge tail, and a huge magic light flashed past, and the place where Chutian was immediately split open.

(End of this chapter)

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