Chapter 1629
"The first magical whip?" Chu Tian was already attracted by the name, and the whip was intertwined. Chu Tian didn't know how long it was, but he came to the whip and grabbed it.

But the powerful electric current of this whip hit Chu Tian crazily, making it impossible for Chu Tian to retreat, but Chu Tian endured the pain and continued to bear the attack of this electric current crazily.

Chu Tian took a deep breath, turned on the purification, and let the electric current attack.

After a while, Chu Tian clenched the whip tightly and swung it. There were seven or eight people with such long arms, and they slapped them directly, and they could still see powerful golden light vibrating in the space.

"This is too scary."

Chu Tian couldn't believe it, so he started to refine it, only to find that it would take 30 days to refine it.

Chu Tian felt helpless immediately, so he had to stay and sit cross-legged for refining until 30 days later, he saw that there was an immortal magic hidden in the whip, called Ten Thousand Whip Chaotian.

Ten thousand whips facing the sky naturally can make thousands of whip shadows with one whip, and the power is very powerful, several times, even hundreds of times, thousands of times, tens of thousands of times.

However, Chu Tian quickly took a deep breath, and then began to study this immortal magic. After a few days, Chu Tian held the whip, closed his eyes, and could sense the direction of the magic dragon.

"It's a bit far away, but I can go there." Chu Tian suddenly opened his eyes, and left excitedly with a whip.

When Chu Tian flew out of the Heaven Sealing Demon Realm, and then out of the Demon Realm, he kept flying in one direction until he came to a seemingly uninhabited starfield, but Chutian could sense that the magic dragon was in this uninhabited starfield.

So Chutian planned to fly in, when suddenly a man in armor pointed at Chutian with a sword in his hand, "This is the forbidden area of ​​the holy religion, no one is allowed to step in."

"Holy religion?" Chu Tian stared strangely at the person in front of him, it was a man with a beard.

I saw that person staring at Chu Tiandao, "That's right, Wanlong Sacred Cult."

"Wanlong Sacred Cult?" Chu Tian wondered what it was, and the man snorted, "Boy, I have already warned you, leave quickly, or I will kill you with a sword."

Chu Tian thought to leave it alone, so when he was about to fly over, he was blocked by an enchantment, and then he was about to turn on the purification system, but that person stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, you are really crazy, you don't Heed my advice."

"My life is up to me, not up to you." Chu Tian replied without hesitation at all, which made the man annoyed, "Arrogant person, let's see how my holy sword will judge you today."

Then the sword in this man's hand swung at Chu Tian, ​​and a huge golden sword shadow fell down. The other party thought that this could easily kill Chu Tian, ​​but something unexpected happened.

This sword did not hurt Chu Tian, ​​instead Chu Tian appeared from nothingness, "Your sword is just like this."

The other party was surprised and said, "It seems that you are the devil, and today I must destroy the devil for the Holy Cult."

He waved again, countless sword qi flew in the air, all of a sudden there were countless golden sword shadows around Chutian, and Chutian smiled strangely, opened the purple armor, and flew back directly.

The man was shocked and dodged one after another, until his armor was shattered into pieces by a sword qi, he was furious, "Boy, you."

But Chu Tian teased, "Obviously you hurt yourself, so I can't blame me."

"If it weren't for you, how would I be like this, damn it."

Chu Tian didn't expect this man to be so unreasonable, but at this moment the man threw away the armor, changed his figure, turned into a huge bear shadow, and roared there.

"Um, is this a bear spirit?"

"Bear spirit, you are big, this is the illusion technique I practiced, which can give me the tearing power like a bear."

After the other party finished speaking, he crossed his hands there, and for a moment a series of powerful forces fell on the area where Chutian was, making the space seem to be torn apart.

But Chu Tian said with a smile, "It seems that if you look like this, you should be considered a beast."

"You're a beast." The other party came again unwillingly, but Chu Tian took out his whip and swung it vigorously, and the power of ten thousand white lights and lightning hit the man directly.

The man immediately returned to his adult form with a scream, but his whole body was rosy, and there were countless burnt smells, and he trembled all over, "I, I want it."

Then the man disappeared in fright, Chu Tian looked at the whip and smiled, "It seems that this whip is really not simple."

Just when Chutian was proud, there was a burst of thunder in front of him, and then a palace appeared in front of Chutian. At the same time, in the palace, the guy just stood beside a chair and respectfully said, "Saint."

At this time, a young man appeared on the chair, and he sat there coldly and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's him, he made me like this, and he even tried to break into the forbidden area."

At this time, the so-called saint looked at Chu Tian coldly, "Young man, do you know the concept of breaking into a forbidden place?"

"You don't need to interfere with my affairs."

The other party froze for a moment and then began to tease, "You are so crazy."

"It's not crazy, it's the way it is."

The other party sneered, "How dare you shout in front of me with your strength? You don't know how to write dead words, do you?"

Chutian ignored it, and still wanted to enter the barrier. At this time, the young man suddenly came in front of Chutian, and then with a powerful force in his palm, he wanted to blow Chutian away.

But Chutian avoided it easily, and said, "You are too weak."

The saint laughed blankly, "I'm weak? Boy, I'm one of the hundred saints of the Holy Cult, and that's second only to the Dharma Protector."

"So what, it's still rubbish."

Now the saint was unhappy, and even stared at Chutian, "It seems that killing you is the best choice."

The saint stabbed at Chutian again with his sword, and Chutian immediately turned into nothingness when he saw the sword coming, making it impossible for the other party to touch him.

The saint immediately became angry, "Damn it, I will definitely kill you today."

Chutian ignored it, but the saint had already gone berserk, and even rushed in front of Chutian one after another, wanting to give Chutian the biggest attack.

Chutian was very calm, until the opponent attacked, Chutian blocked the opponent's attack with a purple god armor, and at the same time Chutian hit the opponent with a five-element ball.

The other party was immediately blown away, and then the saint glared at Chu Tian angrily, "Boy, do you dare to disfigure me?"

"I don't just want to disfigure my face, I also want to let you know how powerful I am."

The saint sneered, "Come on, I have to release my power to show you."

At this time, powerful powers were released from the saint's body, and the whole person began to transform into a beast, and then the whole person turned into a huge white fox, but Chu Tian sighed, "Again!"

(End of this chapter)

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