Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1647 Strange Cauldron

Chapter 1647 Strange Cauldron
A moment later, a huge blood-red enchantment trapped Chu Tian there, and this enchantment would interfere with people's souls, so the spiritual blood proudly said, "Boy, you see, this is strength! "

Chu Tian looked at those people but said, "Such a rubbish enchantment, do you think it is useful for me?"

Lingxue didn't expect Chu Tian to be so crazy and then laughed, "Boy, are you talking rubbish? Then can you come out?"

"Who said no."

Seeing that Chutian cleared up his mood, he immediately disappeared from his original position, and his whole body passed through the barrier. The spirit blood there was shocked. He really couldn't figure out who this Chutian was.

Chu Tian was very calm, and walked towards the spirit blood step by step, "Can we continue?"

Lingxue fixed his eyes on Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, I think it is necessary for me to let you know who we are."

"Lingyoujie, do you have other identities?" Chu Tian asked back.

"Yes, we are the ghost world, but we are the hunters of the ghost world. As long as you offend us, the consequences will be serious."

Chu Tian had a half-smile, "Well, the consequences are serious, you really take yourself seriously."

Lingxue was annoyed, and said directly to everyone, "Open the chain of time and space."

At this time, they made strange noises, and a black hole suddenly appeared in the sky, and a huge chain appeared in the black hole, and then quickly entangled Chutian.

The spirit blood said with a ferocious face, "Boy, give up, it's useless, you can't escape."

"Can't escape? Do you really think that there is a solid wall here, and I can't get out?"

Lingxue thought that Chutian was just joking, but Chutian laughed strangely. At this moment, those chains began to turn into powder. Everyone present were dumbfounded, and those people stared at Chutian in disbelief.

Chu Tian stared at the spirit blood, "Now it's my turn."

I saw that Chutian didn't want to be polite to them, and with the help of demon magic, he bombarded them indiscriminately, destroying their bodies in one fell swoop, but their souls disappeared.

Chu Tian smiled wryly, "That's it, you still want to arrest me? How naive."

Chu Tian then left from here, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived at the Nine Dragon Demon Realm, where the members of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect had long since disappeared, and their calm had also returned.

On the other hand, the people from the Nine Dragon Demon Realm saw Chu Tian and immediately said to him, "The saint told you, if you come back, go back and find her."

Chu Tian didn't know what the saint was asking him for, so he packed up his mood and left there, returning to the Wanlong Sacred Cult.

Those people were very respectful when they saw Chutian. When the saint heard that Chutian was coming, she immediately rushed to see Chutian and said with a smile, "You are finally back."

"I don't know what's the matter with the saint?"

The saint stared at Chu Tian and said, "There is an emergency."

"what's up?"

"The Holy Lord said."

Chu Tian always felt that this was not an easy matter. Sure enough, after finding the Holy Master, the Holy Master took out a ball. There was a small dragon shadow in the ball, and it was golden, which looked extraordinary.

"What is this?" Chu Tian couldn't help asking, and the Lord explained, "This is Dragon Ball."

"Huh? Dragon Ball?"

Chu Tian was a little surprised, but the Holy Master said, "It is rumored that the Dragon Clan has nine dragon balls, which represent different powers, and this is a golden dragon, which represents metal."

"Then the Holy Master is looking for me?"

The Holy Master explained, "Generally, the dragons in the Dragon Ball are forbidden. If they come alive, it means something."

"what's up?"

"Someone has gathered a lot of Dragon Balls, activated them, and even wants to use them to find me."

Chu Tian was puzzled, "What's the use of this dragon ball?"

"It is rumored that when nine dragon balls are put together, one can see some hidden secrets of the Dragon Clan, and even the supreme Dragon Clan Judgment, but it is just a rumor."

Chu Tian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I thought that if you put nine together, you could summon a dragon and fulfill your wish."

The two looked at each other, not knowing what Chu Tian said, but Chu Tian replied, "Okay, let's not talk about this, I don't know if the Holy Master needs my help."

"I don't think we have the ability to protect it, so I leave this to you. You can protect it well, or you can give it to someone else."

Chu Tian didn't expect that the other party would give it to him, so he was a little surprised, "This."

The Holy Lord laughed and said, "Take it, anyway, it's useless for us to take one, and besides, this thing is too dangerous. I don't think I dare to take it casually, or if someone comes to the door, it will be troublesome here."

Chu Tian had no choice but to put it away, "That's fine, I'll take it first."

But the Holy Master said again, "Well, there is one thing about the dragon."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

"It is said that the magic dragon has found a new spokesperson for the human world. This spokesperson is very talented, but he has never known his identity, so you have to be careful."

Chu Tian asked curiously, "How do you know?"

"Recently, the spokesperson sent a message, saying that after a while, he will come to destroy our Wanlong Sacred Cult."

Chu Tian didn't expect such a crazy person to destroy Wanlong Sacred Cult and asked, "Then when will he come?"

"do not know."

Chu Tian had no choice but to say, "That's fine, I happen to have nothing to do, so I'll just stay here with you for a while. If he comes, I'll teach him well."

"it is good."

Afterwards, the Holy Master asked the Holy Maiden to arrange accommodation for Chutian, and after Chutian stayed there, he practiced and stayed there, and the time passed little by little, until one day the Holy Maiden came to Chutian suddenly.

Chu Tian asked curiously, "What? Are you here?"

"I didn't come, but I sent an item outside our holy religion. Once our people pass by, they will go crazy, like something that will interfere with people's will."

Hearing this, Chu Tian said, "Let's go, I'll go and have a look."

The saint immediately led Chu Tian to the gate of the Wanlong Sacred Cult, and saw a huge magic cauldron here, and this cauldron exuded a powerful magic energy, jumping like a flame.

At this moment, many people had collapsed around the tripod, obviously either bewitched by evil spirits, or they blew themselves up to death because they were too seriously bewitched by the devilish energy.

The saint pointed to it and said, "Look, this is it."

Chu Tianen sounded, so he slowly approached the cauldron, but just when he was about to touch the cauldron, there was a sudden buzzing sound in the cauldron, and the sound directly penetrated into Chutian's body, trying to shock Chutian to death.

Chutian was very calm, and those members of the holy religion wondered why Chutian was fine, and the saint looked at the tripod even more curiously, and Chutian came to the side of the tripod, and then jumped to the top of the tripod, seeing the tripod There is a whirlpool.

Chu Tian wondered, "Where can this vortex lead?"

Thinking of this, Chu Tian looked at the saint, "I'm going down, be careful."

The saint nodded, and Chu Tian took a deep breath, and then jumped into the vortex.

(End of this chapter)

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