Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1650 People of the Shadowless Realm

Chapter 1650 People of the Shadowless Realm

Although that Yanlong knew it, but Chutian's aura at this moment still made him afraid, the shadow snorted unwillingly, and then injected a force into it, it immediately became energetic, and then rushed towards Chutian as if losing itself.

At this time, Chu Tian's demon magic, coupled with the five elements ball, combined with the power of the giant dragon, hit that Yanlong on the spot, and Yanlong was instantly sent flying, and his flesh and blood were mutilated.

The eyes of those present were stunned, but the shadow became impatient, "Trash, even a human being can't deal with it."

The shadow was depressed, but still helpless, "He's too scary."

"No matter what, you have to kill it, otherwise I'll kill you." This shadow was full of majesty, and this Yanlong had no choice but to get up again, and after roaring for courage, he rushed towards Chutian again.

I saw a long flame dragon in the air turning into light and shadow and rushing towards Chutian. Everyone thought that Chutian would be blown away, but who would have thought that Chutian would appear on the back of the fire dragon once again, and directly hit him with a five-element ball. on him.

The Yanlong immediately rolled in the air and crashed heavily under a mountain, and the shadow still wanted to stimulate Yanlong's ability, but something unexpected happened.

I saw Chutian suddenly appear beside that Yanlong, and looked at the shadow and said, "I know you are controlling it, but now I won't let you control it."

Chu Tian whipped his whip and hit that Yanlong on the head, the shadow quickly flew out of the Yanlong's body and said, "Boy, just wait for me."

The shadow was about to leave again, and Chu Tian followed immediately, but the shadow suddenly rushed into the void and disappeared, but his voice flickered there like a magic voice, "Boy, wait for me, I won't let you go."

Chu Tian became suspicious, "Who are you?"

"Hmph, who do you care about me?"

Then the voice disappeared completely, Chutian had no choice but to go back to Yanlong's side, which was already seriously injured and trembling, "No, it's not my fault, don't kill me."

"You are a proud dragon, but you are so easily subdued."

Yan Long was helpless, "He, he controls me, I can't help it."

Chu Tian didn't want to listen to his nonsense, and when he was about to make a move, the master of the Yanlong Hall had already come, and he looked at Chu Tian, ​​"Don't kill him."

Chu Tian was puzzled, "Why?"

At this time, the Yanlong Hall took out a glass ball, but the inside was empty, and the hall master said to Chu Tian, ​​"This Yanlong belongs to this Dragon Ball, so it must be taken back."

Chu Tian was puzzled, "Is this the Fire Dragon Ball?"


Chu Tian took out the Golden Dragon Ball at this moment, and the Palace Master was surprised when he saw this, "You have it?"

"Well, someone gave it to me."

After the palace master understood, he said, "Come on, I'll give you this too, but you have to seal it up yourself."

Chu Tian asked in confusion, "Why?"

The hall master explained, "We have been unable to control this Yanlong, but you can suppress it, so I can only hand it over to you. I hope you can take it away, otherwise it will affect us."

Chu Tian nodded slightly, "All right, give it to me, I'll see how to let it in."

I saw that dragon ball reached Chutian's hand, and Chutian stared at Yanlong, "You go in."

The Yanlong said nervously, "If I go in, you won't kill me."


Only then did the Yanlong turn into a ball of flames, and then entered the dragon ball, and the dragon ball began to change, and then there was a red light flashing inside, and it could be seen that Yanlong was already inside the dragon ball, just like the golden dragon ball.

Only then did Chutian put away the beads, and the hall master smiled with relief, "Thank you very much."

"You're welcome."

"I don't know what the little brother plans next."

Chu Tian naturally wanted to find that shadow, so he looked at the palace master, "I want to find that person just now."

"That person probably came from the Shadowless Realm. It may be difficult for you to catch him."

Chu Tian asked suspiciously, "Shadowless Realm?"

"That's right, only people in the Shadowless Realm can turn themselves into shadows, go wherever they want, and lend their power to others, just like that Yanlong just got his power to explode."

Chu Tian didn't expect this to be the case, but he calmed down and asked, "The people from the Shadowless Realm can come to our world at will?"

"No, they need particularly troublesome means, and when they get here, their strength will be greatly reduced. They can only help others to achieve their goals, and they are just a shadow in this world."

Chu Tian asked after pondering, "Then there is a way to find them."

"Yes, but this method is relatively difficult. No one has learned it from the records in our Yanlong Palace."

Chutian was never afraid of what he couldn't learn, and said simply, "Then let me learn, I want to see what it is."

"Alright, I'll take you to have a look."

The Lord of the Yan Palace led Chu Tian away, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived at a palace full of flames.

I saw flames everywhere in the palace, and the Lord Yan brought Chu Tian to a secret room and said, "This is the secret room, but when ordinary people enter, they will be turned into ashes. Unable to settle down to practice."

Chu Tian didn't think so much, but walked in, only to see the surrounding flames flickering, and Chu Tian was instantly swallowed by the flames.

But Chutian was fine, and continued to move forward. After a while, he saw a rock standing there, and the rock was full of entangled words.

Chutian naturally couldn't understand it, but he could ask the system to help, and the system began to identify it, "Ding ~ Shadowless Tracking Technique."

"Shadow Tracking Technique? The name is apt, I don't know how to chase it."

Chu Tian began to study, and saw him sitting cross-legged for several days. When he reappeared, he had already walked out of here, and the palace master was surprised when he saw Chu Tian coming out, "You, are you all right?"


The hall master asked curiously at this moment, "Then, have you learned it?"


The hall master was surprised, "You are really not simple."

"Thank you for your compliment, senior."

The hall master excitedly said, "You are the first one in history to learn it."

"Oh? Are there many people who have come here to study?"

The hall master sighed, "That's not true."

Chu Tian said clearly, "I should go too, there will be a period later."

The hall master looked at Chu Tian curiously, "What are your plans?"

"I'm going to find that guy."

The hall master reminded, "Be careful, that person is not simple."

"Well, thank you."

Chutian then left, and the palace master looked at Chutian's back and exclaimed, "I didn't expect there to be such a person in this world."

After finishing speaking, the palace master turned into a ball of flames and disappeared, but Chu Tian had already used the so-called seeking technique to see where the shadow was hiding.

(End of this chapter)

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