Chapter 1652
Those people had no choice but to leave, while Chu Tian looked at the woman who was bandaging and delayed, showing suspicion, "Who is this woman?"

Chu Tian calmed down after a moment of contemplation, then turned around and continued to search for the shadow.

Seeing that in this deep sea place, the perception of the shadow was faintly visible, so Chu Tian had no choice but to continue to activate the shadow hunting technique, and then dive into the sea area.

About two hours later, Chu Tian came under an ocean, and there was a vortex under the ocean, Chu Tian walked into it, and instantly came to a paradise.

I saw that there is no difference between here and the outside world, and there are mountains and trees, water and cities, people, it can be said that almost all of them, even the light of stars in the sky, etc., all exist.

"It's amazing that there is a world under the sea."

After sighing for a while, Chu Tian continued to chase the shadow.

After about a while, Chutian came to a city, but the perception of this shadow disappeared again, Chutian showed a curious look, and at this time Chutian saw the woman he saw before, and saw her whole body wrapped live.

There are a few warriors behind her, and opposite her is another group of people. I saw these people wearing black robes and hats, looking like weird sects.

As for the people around the city, they immediately avoided it, as if they were deeply afraid that something serious would happen.

I only heard the woman say, "You guys are really shameless."

"I said haenyeo, don't struggle, today is your death day."

"Hmph, do you really want to kill all the people in Shenhai Pavilion? We are not afraid that our Hai family will retaliate against you."

"Haha, Hai family? I think they are too busy to take care of themselves, do they still have time to take care of you girl?"

The woman named Hainu frowned, while the man with the bamboo hat continued to laugh and said, "However, I don't want to kill you, but you have to marry me and serve me for the rest of your life. I can make sure you don't die, and you can Give you what you want for cultivation."

"Dreaming, even if the last member of my Hai family dies, I won't compromise."

"Tsk tsk, I said haenyeo, why bother?"

The sea girl snorted, "I'm not called a sea girl, my real name is Hai Lingyue."

"I know, but does it matter?" The man smiled strangely, while Hai Lingyue stared at him and said, "I also know who you are."

"Oh? Talk about it."

"Shen Haizong's law enforcement disciple, disciple of the Snake King, Mi Xuefei."

This person named Mie Xuefei chuckled, "It seems that you know everyone about me."

"of course."

Mie Xuefei had no choice but to say, "Then, we don't need to talk so much nonsense, let's talk about something interesting."

"Get out of the way." This Hai Lingyue stared, while Mie Xuefei gritted his teeth and looked at Hai Lingyue, "Dream."

Hai Lingyue had no choice but to look at everyone, "Everyone, I will give you blessings, you go."


Hai Lingyue spread out her hands, and a powerful blue light fell, and the warriors behind her became stronger and rushed out, targeting these men in black.

That Mie Xue Fei smiled strangely, "You are the heart of the sea, I know how to break it."

After finishing speaking, a small snake appeared in Mie Xuefei's hand, and the small snake suddenly rushed to Hai Lingyue's arm, and instantly dived into Hai Lingyue's body, and the heart of the sea suddenly fell.

The surrounding blue light disappeared, and that Hai Lingyue squatted down with an ugly expression, obviously in pain, and this Mie Xuefei laughed, and then stared at the warriors, "Are you still going?"

These people were so frightened that they hurried away, and the people watching the theater all lamented. As for Hai Lingyue, she was trembling and cursing at the moment, "You gods, Haizong, are really despicable."

"Continue to scold, anyway, you are mine today. Haha." This Mie Xuefei laughed triumphantly, but at this moment, a person came to that Hai Lingyue by himself and asked, "Girl, do you need help?"

The person who appeared out of nowhere was Chu Tian, ​​and the people around immediately started talking about it, but Hai Lingyue slightly raised her head and looked at Chu Tian, ​​"You?"


Hai Lingyue wanted to say something, but she was so weak that she could only sit on the ground. As for that Mie Xuefei, he looked up and down Chu Tian and said with a smile, "I thought it was some kind of expert from the Hai family, but it turned out to be an immortal master god? Why? Just kidding, look at me, they are all immortal gods, what is the use of you as an immortal god."

"Whether it works or not, you will know if you try it."

That Mie Xuefei didn't bother to talk to Chutian, instead he said to the people behind him, "Come on, someone will clean him up."

"I'm coming, I'm coming."

At this time, a group of people shouted to clean up Chutian, but Chutian looked at them with a smile, until one of them stepped forward first, but before he touched Chutian, Chutian blasted the opponent away with a five-element ball .

Everyone present was dumbfounded, obviously this impossible thing had already happened.

Chu Tian looked at them with a smile, "Do you have any questions?"

That Mie Xuefei snorted, "I'll do it."

With a wave of Mie Xue Fei's hand, another snake arrived in front of Chu Tian, ​​and Chu Tian grabbed the snake with one hand on the spot and split it into two parts.

Everyone present was stunned, while those watching the show in the dark exclaimed.

Hai Lingyue stared at Chutian in disbelief, "You."

Chu Tian looked at Mie Xuefei calmly, "If there's nothing else, I'll be leaving."

Chutian looked at Hai Lingyue, "Can you move?"

"I'm poisoned, I can't move."

Chu Tian injected a cloud of air into that Hai Lingyue's body, and said at the same time, "I'll help you."

But Mie Xuefei snorted, "No one can undo my poison."

But the next moment, this Hai Lingyue miraculously stood up, stared at Chu Tian as if nothing happened and asked strangely, "You."

As for those members of the Shenhai Sect, they were even more surprised. After all, the poison was extraordinary, but Chutian just touched Hai Lingyue, and Hai Lingyue was cured, so everyone discussed what happened.

Chu Tian looked at Mie Xuefei, "Is there anything else you want to say?"

This Mie Xuefei stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, I want to kill you."

This Mie Xuefei suddenly released a powerful aura, trying to crush Chutian, but Chutian looked at Hai Lingyue as if nothing had happened, "Let's go."

Hai Lingyue was already stunned by Chu Tian's ability, and just as she was about to follow up, Mie Xuefei shot out another bloody light, which was filled with poisonous blood.

That Hai Lingyue was shocked, "Be careful."

But Chu Tian directly sucked the blood light into his body, the people present looked at each other, and that Mie Xuefei laughed, "Boy, you are dead."

"Just this blood? Is it poisonous?"

"Of course, this blood has a lot of poison, not to mention you, even Immortal Heavenly Venerable will feel very uncomfortable if it encounters it."

"Oh, that's someone else, not me." Chu Tian said very simply.

(End of this chapter)

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