Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1654 Shadow Exposure

Chapter 1654 Shadow Exposure
The ball was flashing with lightning, and everyone was blocked at the moment, because the lightning kept rolling there, preventing people around from approaching, but Chu Tian was very calm.

Those people were discussing what to do, but Hai Lingyue looked at Chutian, "See, it's hard to get in here."

"Isn't it just a lightning enchantment? It's nothing." Chutian replied bluntly, but this Hai Lingyue said helplessly after hearing Chutian's words, "Don't be too confident, these lightnings are extraordinary, you If you rush inside like this, the consequences will be serious."

Chu Tian is not a timid person, so he looked at Hai Lingyue and said, "Follow me."


"Follow me."

Chu Tian walked towards those thunder and lightning with one stride, while the people around were watching the show, and some even murmured, "This kid, I think, don't die."

"No, he really doesn't want to die."

At this time, everyone thought that Chu Tian was going to die, but that Hai Lingyue watched worriedly, while Chu Tian walked under the thunder and lightning very calmly.

Seeing that the lightning had no effect on him at all, Hai Lingyue was dumbfounded, not to mention the others, who were all shocked and couldn't even believe that this just happened.

Chutian looked at Hai Lingyue, "Let's go."

Afterwards, Chutian surrounded Hai Lingyue with a force so that she would not be attacked by the surroundings, and then Chutian calmed down and brought Hai Lingyue into the barrier.

The people present thought that the enchantment was nothing, so they rushed into the enchantment one after another, but just when they were about to step in, the enchantment suddenly rolled with lightning, and many people were directly shocked to death on the spot.

The rest of the people did not dare to approach at will, fearing to die here, but Chutian and Hai Lingyue had already arrived inside, and Hai Lingyue looked at the dark place and asked curiously, "It's strange, how could it be Such a place."

Chu Tian looked around and said calmly, "Is there any difference?"

"Of course there is. You see, the walls around here are very different, and I heard that the underground palace is full of green lights, but here there is no green light, or even nothing."

"Green light? What is it?"

"It's rumored to protect that magic weapon."

After hearing this, Chu Tian asked curiously, "Oh? So, this place is different from what I imagined."


But Chutian opened the Celestial Eye, but he couldn't use the Celestial Eye here, nor could he use clairvoyance, so Chutian had to start wandering around here, and finally came to a pile of ruins.

I saw that there was a seal on the surface of these ruins, and this seal seemed to be left by someone. Not only that, there was also an enchantment on this seal.

When Hai Lingyue came over, she looked at Chu Tian in shock, "Is it really like this?"

"Is such that."

I saw Chu Tian put one hand on the barrier, and the barrier wanted to stop him, but Chu Tian was very calm, and then he broke the barrier little by little until the barrier disappeared completely.

Chutian looked at Hai Lingyue, "How is it? Did you find it?"

Hai Lingyue was startled, "It seems to be true."

Then Chutian broke the seal again, and soon countless green lights shone out, and the entire underground palace became brighter, and there were countless murals on the surrounding walls.

That Hai Lingyue was curious about what the murals were, but at this moment Chu Tian saw that all the characters in these paintings were staring at one place.

According to this place, Chu Tian quickly confirmed a point, and when he came to the edge of this point, he saw a small hole here, and it was very small, about the thickness of a finger.

Chutian tried to inject a force into it, and then disappeared from the spot in the blink of an eye. That Hai Lingyue looked around, "Where is the person?"

But Chutian has already come to a mysterious space, and there is a gemstone in front of him. This gemstone emits a faint green light, and Chutian reaches out to touch this gemstone out of curiosity.

Then a voice sounded in Chu Tian's mind, "Chuyuan Stone."

"Original stone? What do you mean?"

Chu Tian immediately asked the system to identify it, and a voice from the system flashed, "Ding ~ Chuyuan Stone, an ancient sacred stone, can prevent anyone from exploring within a certain range."

"So this is something that blocks exploration." Chu Tian was overjoyed, so he grabbed the gem with one hand and put it in his own space.

In an instant where Chutian was, he could use Celestial Eye and Clairvoyance, and even the ability to track shadows. In a moment, he found that this shadow was outside the underground palace, and it was one of those people.

Chutian went back immediately, and Hai Lingyue asked curiously after seeing Chutian come out, "What did you find?"

"That magic weapon."

Hai Lingyue said excitedly, "Can I trouble you?"

"What's the trouble?"

"This magic weapon can unlock the secrets of this underground palace."

Hearing this, Chu Tian was suspicious, "Open?"

Hai Lingyue pointed to a corner of the wall, and saw a groove there, and this groove was indeed a place to put gems. After thinking about it, Chu Tian took out the primordial stone, and the underground palace trembled for a moment.

Chutian and Hai Lingyue could see that the ground was rising, as if the underground palace was about to rise. Chutian quickly put away the primordial stone, but the effect continued.

When they stopped, windows appeared around them, and through this window, Chu Tian saw them in a high tower, and this high tower was in the city right now.

Hai Lingyue was shocked, "The rumor is true."


"Yes, there is a mysterious tower hidden under this sea area. It seems to be this."

Chu Tian was puzzled, and Hai Lingyue started to spin around, and finally found a wooden stick in the ruins. She held the stick and said, "Finally found it."

Chu Tian didn't know what it was, but the people outside had already appeared. When Chu Tian thought of that shadow, he immediately opened it and found that this person was still hidden in a human body.

I saw that this person was an old man, and there were many masters in his place.

At this time, the old man looked at the crowd and said, "Everyone, this magic weapon must be on that kid."

Those people were immediately encouraged, but Chu Tian said coldly, "Whoever approaches, I will let him die."

These people laughed, obviously they were not afraid, after all, Chu was the Immortal Master God, and most of the people here were Immortal Gods, or even Immortal Gods.

As for the old man pretending to be this shadow, he shouted even more, "Everyone, why are you still in a daze, go up and deal with him."

These people hummed and rushed up one after another, trying to take Chutian down, but Chutian smiled strangely, "Oh? You want to take me down? Just you? I don't think they have the ability."

These people snorted and stepped forward, but as soon as Chutian opened the Purple God Armor, the attacks of those people hit him and were rebounded one by one, while Chutian directly used demon magic to perform other attacks, and those people were seriously injured Injured.

Chu Tian looked at these people and said with a smile, "Everyone, do you still want to continue?"

The old man shouted unwillingly, "That magic weapon is extraordinary, please don't let him take it away."

(End of this chapter)

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