Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1656 More Than One Person

Chapter 1656 More Than One Person

These flaming strange faces were knocked into the air one by one, and those beasts were not reconciled, and wanted to continue rushing towards Chutian, but Chutian threw out the beast mark at this time.

I saw that with the power of the beast seal, all the injured beasts were sucked into the seal of the beast, and the shadow was shocked, "Boy, you."

"Do you have any means now?"

This shadow is just a shadow from the Shadowless Realm, and it can only use other people's body to explode its power, but now it has used all kinds of power, but it can't help Chu Tian at all.

This made Shadow nervous, but he stared at Chu Tian and threatened, "Boy, do you think the magic dragon only came after me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Master Molong, you also asked a few other people to find the Dragon Balls, which are the nine Dragon Balls, you should know."

When Chu Tian heard about Dragon Balls, he thought he had two and said with a smile, "I happen to have two, so it's impossible for them to get all nine."

"That's hard to say, what if they come to deal with you?"

"I can't wait for them to come." Chu Tian said something nonchalantly, and the shadow became anxious, "Boy, don't kill me, I have a way to help you find them."

When Chu Tian heard this, he stared at the shadow in doubt and said, "Why, I don't believe you?"

"Really, as long as you let me live, I will definitely help you."

But Chu Tian looked him up and down and asked, "Tell me, Shadowless Realm, how did you get here."

The shadow said depressedly, "In the Shadowless Realm, I was a good monk, but I was caught by the dragon. He controlled my body, and then drove my spirit into a special channel, through which I came to you world."

"and then?"

"He asked me to deal with you, as long as I kill you, and then go to the designated place, I can communicate with him, and then he will let me go back, otherwise I will never go back, and I can only exist in this way forever, until a hundred years dissipated afterwards."


The shadow said with some fear, "Here, if we don't return to the body within a hundred years, we will dissipate."

After hearing this, Chu Tian said, "So, you only have a hundred years?"

The shadow nodded, and Chu Tian said after thinking about it, "Then I just have to wait a hundred years."

The shadow hesitated for a moment, "But they can go back and come back again, and they can repeat indefinitely."

Chu Tian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "The only way to find them is to find them."

The shadow immediately promised, "As long as you bring me, I will help you find it."

"Do you know what they look like? Where are they hiding?"


Chu Tian didn't know the aura of other people at the moment, so he couldn't use the shadow tracking technique, so he could only look at the shadow and said, "It's so, let's talk, who are they and where are they?"

"You, make sure you don't kill me."

But Chu Tian said, "I won't kill you, but in order to prevent you from escaping, I still have to trap you."

I saw that Chutian sealed this shadow into a magic weapon, so that it could not escape and could only be entrusted in this magic weapon, and the shadow knew that as long as he did not die, he could continue to live, so he said to Chutian, "I will bring you Go find them."

Chutian immediately took him and left here. When Chutian reappeared, he came to a desert, and there was no one around here. This made Chutian couldn't help asking, "There is no one here, how do you find him?" .”

"This is where the Earth Dragon Palace is located, that is, where the Earth Dragon Ball is located, and they will definitely come here to fetch the Earth Dragon Ball."

"What if they've already taken it?"

"No, the earth dragon ball has a protective layer, and you can only see it at a certain time, and now it's half a month away from that time, they can't take it down, and I can take you to that place first, you just need to wait there That's it."

Chu Tian was dubious, but still chose to go to the place the other party said.

I saw a group of mountains in the depths of the desert, and there was a city under these mountains. There were actually people in this city at this moment, and everyone was still trading in the city, and even saw inns and so on.

When Chutian came here, the waiters in the inn shouted all kinds of things, wishing to drag Chutian in.

But Chutian ignored them, and instead asked the shadow in the magic weapon, "Where is this Earth Dragon Ball?"

"It's in this city, but you have to show up at a specified time, and you, just wait here."

Chutian had no choice but to find a random inn to live in, and in the following days, Chutian could see countless people walking around every day, which seemed to be very lively.

Chutian wondered why these people came to such a desert city because the city was in a remote desert. After some inquiring, he found out that there were some secret places around the city. It was rumored that it was left by a sect in the past. Lots of good stuff.

So people often come here to search for treasures, and naturally this place is very lively, but Chu Tian murmured to himself, "It seems that this place is interesting."

At this time, many people gathered on the street, and these people ran in one direction. Chu Tian curiously opened his clairvoyance, and saw a ring set up in the front.

On the top of the arena stood a young man in a robe, holding piles of animal skins solemnly and said, "This is the secret map of the Earth Dragon Palace. Hurry up if you want it, first come first served."

Those people swarmed up and turned away until the young man finished sending out the animal skin pictures. Chu Tian felt that this young man was not simple, so he let the shadow come out.

When the shadow sensed the young man said, "This is, this is."

"Is this one of them?"

"Well, his name is Mu Long."

Chu Tian asked curiously, "Is he the only one in this city?"

"Well, one for now."

Chu Tian asked curiously, "What is the picture he sent?"

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be for those ignorant people to be the wayfinders, and this map is probably the map of that palace, and it has been remodeled."

"You know this as well?"

"Because this Mulong is a master of the earth element, and he can quickly familiarize himself with some terrains, but I don't know why he asked people to explore the way. Maybe there is some danger there, and they dare not approach it."

After Chu Tian understood what was going on, he said, "It's interesting, let's go and have a look."

The shadow reminded, "These people also know you, so you must not appear casually, otherwise they will stare at you."

Chu Tian laughed and said, "But they don't know that you were arrested by me, so they shouldn't know that I know them."

The shadow suddenly had nothing to say, but Chu Tian smiled, turned around and left, until when the young man was about to leave, Chu Tian stepped forward and pretended to ask, "Well, do you still have the animal skin picture?"

The young man was surprised at first when he saw Chutian, but soon looked at Chutian calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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