Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1667 Black Devour

Chapter 1667 Black Devour
Hearing what Chu Tian said, the shadow became suspicious, "What do you mean?"

"My meaning is very simple, that is here, it will not blow me up, but it will make me enjoy it." The corner of Chu Tian's mouth curled up, but this shadow was not happy, and even said there, "Impossible."

Chu Tian laughed, "Impossible? Do you count?"

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian went to look for the wooden dragon ball, and the wooden dragon ball was in the stone pillar of the hall, and it exuded a strange aura, which seemed very strange.

Just as Chutian was about to approach, the shadow showed a strange look, until Chutian grabbed the ball, a powerful breath of life entered Chutian's body.

Chu Tian took a deep breath, and then the immortal seeds changed. The immortal seeds were changing little by little, which seemed very strange. Finally, the immortal seeds had turned into green star lights and fused everywhere in Chu Tian's body.

When Chu Tian spread his hands, he could see the green light jumping in his hands, and he could even control these life breaths with just one thought.

The shadow in the dark was shocked, "This."

With a wave of Chu Tian's hand, piles of green lights appeared in a certain place, and these green lights entangled the shadow, and the shadow was soon surrounded by green lights and was shocked, "You."

"This life star is not bad."

"Life Starlight?"

"Yes, it is an enhanced version of the power of life, and it can be controlled by the mind, and can quickly trap a person. How about it? It's amazing."

Shadow stared at Chu Tian angrily, "Boy, don't be complacent, I will kill you."

"Kill me? Do you think you are qualified?"

The shadow dissipated again, but he didn't go far, and was caught by Chu Tian again, and the shadow immediately entered one of the dragon balls.

The dragon ball immediately changed, and then turned into a gust of wind. The wind disappeared from the green light, and Chu Tian raised his eyebrows, "Wind dragon ball?"

Chutian already has six at the moment, and this is obviously the Wind Dragon Ball. Regarding this Dragon Ball, Chutian doesn't know how magical it is, but from the current point of view, this Dragon Ball is extraordinary.

Chutian packed up his mood and left here. When he came outside the formation and saw the old man and a group of people waiting there until they saw Chutian, the old man asked excitedly, "How is it? Got it?"

"Yeah. Got it."

Ah Sang asked curiously, "What about the guy who stole things?"


The old man looked at Chu Tian, ​​"Can you show us this holy object."

Chutian got out the wooden dragon ball, and the old man and the others bowed immediately, as if they had seen some fetish, but Chutian calmed down and said, "It's okay to follow me, isn't it?"

Everyone would have opposed it before, but now they agreed, and the old man looked at Chu Tian, ​​"Well, no problem."

Chu Tian calmed down, "That's okay, I'll go first, and regret later."

Chu Tian packed up his mood and left, but Ah Sang said, "I'll see you off."


I saw A-Sang leading Chutian forward, and after a while, that A-Sang looked at Chutian, "I have something, I want to ask you."

"Please me?"

"Well, that is to help me see my body."


"Well, my body has been hurt before, but it has been unable to heal. They said that I need a holy object, but I have been unable to touch the holy object. Now that you have a holy object, can you help me?"

Naturally, Chutian would not refuse, "Then come on, let me have a look."

Ah Sang immediately brought Chu Tian under a big tree, and there was a black spot under the big tree, and the black spot was devouring the tree madly.

Chu Tian asked curiously, "This one?"

"Yeah, that's what has been bugging me."

Chu Tian calmed down and said, "It's okay, I'll come."

Chutian stepped forward and hit the black spot with his palm, and then a ball of life breath was injected into the black spot. The black spot disappeared bit by bit, but when the black spot disappeared completely, there was an extra ball on the palm of Chutian's hand. weird stuff.

This thing rolled in Chu Tian's hand, that Asang was shocked, "This is it."

"I don't know either." Chu Tian didn't understand very well, and then looked at Ah Sang, "I should go too."

Ah Sang had no choice but to send Chutian away, and after Chutian left, he came to a deserted place and began to study the black thing in his hand. It seemed to be alive, when Chutian injected life into it.

The other party devoured wildly, as if devouring the breath of life, and Chu Tian smiled and said, "Tell me, what are you?"

At this time, it began to turn into a black soil, and then the black soil turned into a small black shadow, and then said to Chu Tian in a child's voice, "My name is Hei Che."

"Black bite?"

"Yes, to survive by devouring life forms, such as the green light you just had, I like it, can you give me more?"

After hearing this, Chu Tian laughed and said, "Then what are you capable of?"

"My skill? It's devouring."

Chu Tian asked curiously, "Oh? Can you swallow life forms?"


After thinking for a while, Chu Tian smiled and said, "That's fine, try swallowing me."

That black bitch looked at Chu Tian strangely, "Are you sure?"


So the black swallow suddenly came to Chutian, and then there was this black swallow on Chutian's body, but Chutian saw that it was devouring his life, but with a white light from Chutian, he made it retreat quickly.

Chu Tian smiled and said, "Okay, don't eat it, if you need it some other day, I'll find it for you."

Hei Che asked curiously, "Really?"

"Well, but you have to follow me, do whatever I ask you to do."

The black eater nodded, and then Chutian put him away, and then Chutian began to track down the wind dragon bead, after all, this wind dragon bead was what that guy needed.

So Chutian left, and as for the shadow looking at the only dragon ball in his hand, he said, "Damn it, I have to go to Master Molong and tell him the situation."

I saw that shadow came down a mountain, then entered the cave, and finally saw a water pool, and this shadow knelt down beside the water pool, "My lord."

At this moment, the water shone like a mirror, and the shadow said respectfully, "My lord, I."

"How, what's the matter?"

"They all failed, and this kid also got six dragon balls, the remaining one is with me, and the other two are still scattered."

As soon as these words came out, a jet of water in the water rushed up and hit the figure, who was instantly sent flying, and the dragon replied angrily, "One piece of trash."

"My lord, I was wrong."

"Wrong? Is it useful?"

The shadow panicked, "My lord, I, I was wrong."

"Okay, I don't want to listen to your nonsense, now I want to ask, that kid, what dragon balls did he get?"

The shadows spoke one by one, and the magic dragon said angrily, "He got the wooden dragon ball?"

"Well, I got it just now."

"Damn it, the wooden dragon ball is a symbol of life, as long as he has this, it will be very difficult to kill."

(End of this chapter)

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