Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1703 The Magic Banner

Chapter 1703 Hundred Demon Banner

Just when everyone thought hope was coming, that Jiang Tian roared, and all the corpses were blown away, and where he was standing at the moment, a large golden shield fell down.

I saw that there was a tall man on the golden shield, and it was diamond-shaped, revolving around that Jiang Tian at the moment, and everyone was shocked and turned pale when they saw it.

"Golden Ling Aegis!"

Wushuang also said with a look of disbelief, "The Jinling Aegis is the Jiang family's powerful protective shield, how could it be in his hands?"

At this moment, not only Wushuang, but also many people couldn't figure out why the shield was on Jiang Tian's body, and Jiang Tian touched the blood on the corner of his mouth with one hand, and pointed at Chu Tian with the other, "Boy, I haven't bled for a long time."

"If you mess with me again, I will not only make you bleed, but I will also let you be buried here." Chu Tian didn't pay attention to the shield at all, but said this directly.

"What? How dare you say let me die? Kid, do you know what kind of magic weapon my Jinling Aegis is?"

"No magic weapon is useless in my eyes!"

"Haha, boy, you are so crazy, if you don't believe me, ask everyone, what is this thing!"

Chu Tian didn't pay attention, but those people started to chatter.

"No one can break the protective barrier released by the Aegis."

"The enchantment power of Aegis will rebound!"

Under the discussion of the crowd, Chu Tian knew that this magic weapon was nothing more than a fetish that could not break through defenses and would bounce back, but he didn't take it seriously, and looked at that Jiang Tian, ​​"I'd like to see your tortoise shell, How strong."

Hearing this, Jiang Tian was even more angry, wishing to kill Chutian directly, so he rushed towards Chutian, and when he was close to Chutian, the shield suddenly turned into a huge cover, trapping Chutian directly. inside.

Everyone saw that the shield was spinning around Chutian, and the shield that was formed surrounded Chutian with glittering golden light, preventing him from escaping.

"Haha, let me see how you break it."

Everyone thought that Chutian was going to be trapped inside, but at this time Chutian put his hands on the barrier, and then turned on the gravity-swallowing force, and the power from the barrier was sucked into his body little by little.

The originally glittering enchantment immediately began to gradually weaken, and Jiang Tian, ​​who was watching there, couldn't believe it and said, "Impossible."

Then Jiang Tian crazily injected power into the shield in the space, only to see that the enchantment lit up again, but it dimmed again after a while.

This made the people present curious about what happened, why the barrier lit up and went dark again, and Wushuang also looked at it in surprise and said, "This guy, how did he do it."

At this moment, the barrier suddenly broke, and Chu Tian grabbed the shield with one hand and laughed, "This thing is mine."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian put it in the space, that Jiang Tian was dumbfounded, until Chu Tian turned into nothingness and came to him again, that Jiang Tian immediately fled in fright.

Everyone present immediately cheered, "We are free, we are free!"

However, Jiang Tian's voice came from a distance, "Boy! Just wait, my Jiang family will definitely not let you go!"

Chu Tian didn't bother to pay attention to what he said, but looked around, "Okay, everyone can leave."

The crowd dispersed in a hurry, fearing that they would encounter some trouble later, until the crowd disappeared, that Wushuang teased, "These people are really cowards."

Zhou Yun defended them, "As long as you are alive, it doesn't matter so much."

"Anyway, you gods are cowards." Wu Shuang looked contemptuous, but Zhou Yun was displeased, "It's as if you are not a god."

Wushuang wanted to say something but stopped abruptly, Chu Tian said something, but looked at Zhou Yun, "Go, go out first, and then find the No. [-] teleportation array."


Wushuang followed behind puzzled, "I said, are you really going to the God and Demon Array?"

"of course."

But Wushuang threatened Chu Tian, ​​"You have offended the Jiang family, and as far as I know, the No. [-] formation is guarded by two protoss, including the Jiang family. If you go, won't you be in a trap?"

"Whoever blocks me, I'll take care of him!" Chutian replied domineeringly, making Wushuang wonder if this Chutian really has this ability, or is he just talking casually.

As for Zhou Yun being reminded by Wushuang, he still looked at Chu Tian cautiously, "I think what she said makes sense, there is Jiang's family there."

"You take me there, you go, and leave the rest to me."

Zhou Yun thought that Chu Tian was afraid of death, so he immediately said, "I said, my life is yours. If you take risks, I will definitely follow."

Chu Tian didn't know what to say, so he could only continue walking until they walked out of the forest, and they saw a trail, but there was a big black flag planted on this trail.

At the same time, there is a white word on the banner, "hundred".

Seeing this, Zhou Yun and Wu Shuang's eyes widened, apparently seeing something terrible, but Chu Tian looked at the flag calmly, and then said, "Come out."

At this time, a black mist in the flag dispersed, and then a figure appeared, only to see that the figure was wearing a black robe, and his hands were spread out, as if wearing a bat suit.

Not only that, but there was also a blood-red mask on his face, which made people even more curious when he opened his mouth.

"Three little dolls, it's unlucky for you to meet me today." The man let out a sinister and strange smile.

Wushuang quickly looked at Chutian, "Why are you in a daze, let's go!"

Zhou Yun and Wushuang were about to leave, but the figure was very fast, and quickly ran around the three of Chu Tian, ​​and in an instant a black mist formed a large formation, trapping the three of them here.

At the same time, in this big formation, countless innocent souls can be seen barking their teeth and claws.

Wushuang turned pale when he saw it, "Hundred demons, ghosts."

Zhou Yun trembled when he heard this, "What? Is he a ghost?"

"Well, someone who specializes in absorbing people's cultivation, swallowing people's flesh, and sealing people's souls into the Hundred Demon Banner."

This sounds very scary. I thought Chu Tian and the others would be frightened, so the ghost laughed outside, "I didn't expect that there is a little baby who knows me."

Wushuang hurriedly returned to his senses and said respectfully, "Senior, the three of us are small in flesh and low in cultivation, it won't do much good for you to eat it, why don't you let us go."

Seeing Wushuang like this, Zhou Yun hurriedly said, "Yes, senior, she is right."

Only Chutian stood there calmly, and the ghost said with a smile on his face, "I have eaten many people, and they all beg me just like you, but what happened? I instead Very happy, because I like to eat like this, haha."

This remark made Wushuang and the two of them so frightened that their souls would fly away, while the ghost said in the same way as he satisfied his inner desire, "The old man is here!"

After finishing speaking, the ghost rushed into the barrier, turned into a phantom and charged towards Chu Tian who was at the front.

(End of this chapter)

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