Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1722 Power Transformation

Chapter 1722 Power Transformation
The black bear's hair stood on end, emitting black light, and its red eyes stared greedily at Chu Tian and said, "We are different! Do you understand? Besides, you are a small human, what do you need such a good thing for?"

Many beasts also competed, "That is, what do you want this good thing for?"

"Yes, give us the things and we'll use them for you."

"No, little guy, give it to us obediently, you can avoid suffering!" The black bear became majestic again, and the corner of Chu Tian's mouth smiled wickedly, this smile scared many beasts, but the black bear didn't take it seriously, and stepped forward. forward.

The immortal dead tree shouted, "How can you be ungrateful!"

The black bear stared, "You're a dead tree, shut up!"

Then the black bear grabbed Chutian, and Chutian smiled, "I'll use you as an experiment!"

"Experiment? What do you mean?" The black bear didn't know the meaning of Chutian's words, but he stretched out the bear's paw, and a huge force was displayed on the palm, and the palm immediately became bigger, as if a huge handprint was slapping Chutian. of.

The corner of Chutian's mouth curled up, and he stepped back a few steps. The black bear stretched out another paw, and a huge black mark flew towards Chutian. At this moment, Chutian disappeared and came behind the black bear. shock.

The black bear felt the breath and immediately turned around, but Chutian's palm shone with golden light, and then the golden light enveloped the black bear, Chutian laughed and said, "The seal of the gods and demons!"

This god-and-demon seal needs to consume [-] god-and-demon seal powers. Just now Chu Tian released all the absorbed god-and-demon seal power, and the god-and-demon seal palm on the spot was like a bound palm.

The black bear couldn't resist there, it could only struggle wildly, "Bastard, let me go!"

The creatures present were all frightened, and a voice came from the system in Chutian's body, "Ding ~ the sealing progress is 30%"

"Ding~ Seal progress 40%"

When the five breaths passed, a voice from the system flashed, "Ding~ Congratulations to the host for successfully sealing the seal. You have obtained the magic black bear. You can choose 20% of its power as defense or attack. Please choose the host."

Chu Tian was stunned, "20%?"

Chu Tian didn't understand the meaning behind the seal. After reading the detailed introduction, he realized that any creature sealed by him can convert 20% of her power into his permanent attack buff, or defense buff, or even speed buff, etc. wait.

However, the power of these blessings is related to the sealed creature, and Chu Tian knows that this black bear is of the power type, so it can be blessed to his own attack.

So Chutian ordered the system, "I choose to attack and bless!"

"Ding~ The choice is successful, the host gets 20% power attack buff of the black bear!"

A flash of power flashed through Chutian's body, and he suddenly felt that his strength had improved a lot, and the creatures present all wondered where the black bear had gone.

Chu Tian looked at these creatures and laughed, "Do you want to try?"

After Chu Tian finished speaking, he swung his right palm out, and that palm turned out to be the imprint of a bear's paw. The creatures present were even more stunned. They never expected that Chu Tian would know the palm technique of that black bear.

Seeing that this palm can become bigger when struck out, and hit the wall heavily, with a bang, the creatures present were frightened, but Chu Tian secretly rejoiced, "Not bad."

At this time, the immortal dead tree stepped forward, and then looked at everyone, "Everyone, do you have anything else to say?"

Where did those guys dare to say anything? They were all so frightened that they didn't dare to make a sound. After Chu Tian felt the power of the sealed god and demon very well, he now thought about how to get more seal power of the god and demon, and the seal of the god and demon could pass Absorb the power of gods and demons around you.

The power of gods and demons can be anything, but the power of different gods and demons naturally has a limited increase, so Chu Tian looked at those guys present, "You release all your powers and bless me."

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and the immortal dead tree looked at Chu Tian strangely, "What are you going to do?"

"I let you try, you just try!"

These guys had no choice but to unleash their power, some were from the divine system, some were from the demonic system, and then blessed Chu Tian with different powers, making Chu Tian feel like there was a strong air pressure.

But Chu Tian is not afraid at the moment, and he doesn't use the purification system, let alone being frivolous, but activates the devouring of the power of gods and demons.

On the spot, these forces converged into Chutian's body from all directions, and the system voice flashed, "Ding ~ sealing power +10"

After a while, these creatures had been exhausted, obviously excessive consumption, but Chutian only increased by two thousand, and it was all the guys together, which made Chutian sigh secretly, "It seems that collecting power is not that simple. thing."

But when he thought that this was only the first floor, and there were eight floors below, Chu Tian raised his fighting spirit and looked at all the creatures, "Do you want to go out?"

If Chutian could come in, he could also go out, so they immediately nodded, and Chutian threw them into the space, so they became his followers completely.

This made Chutian very satisfied, and then Chutian was about to go to the second floor, but the space between the second floor and the first floor was like straddling an abyss.

Chu Tian pulled out the immortal dead tree and asked, "Is this the second floor?"

"Well, it's the second floor, but to go down, you have to go through the dark void, but it's rumored that this dark void is very scary."

"How scary?"

"It can swallow people up in an instant!"

Chu Tian didn't care, instead he sent the immortal dead tree back to the space. After everything was done, Chu Tian looked at the barrier, and then the sound of Guqin surrounded and passed through the barrier.

But as soon as he went out, his whole body was floating in the void, his whole body was more frivolous than frivolity, and he was still unable to move, but Chu Tian didn't worry, he could now rely on the system to swallow the power of gods and demons.

At this time, all the power in the void gathered on him, and the sealing power of the god and demon increased little by little, until an hour later, Chu Tian saw a light spot in the darkness.

Not only that, Chutian also found that he could fly, so he started to fly down, just like a fish swimming in the water, going down little by little.

Until Chutian came outside that spot of light, it was an enchantment, and there was a layer of light in this enchantment, which was similar to the first layer, but Chutian couldn't see clearly what was behind the light, that is to say, He didn't know what the second seal was at the moment.

"No matter what, let's go in and have a look first." Chu Tian took a deep breath, and then the sound of Guqin surrounded him again, but this time when Chu Tian passed through the barrier, his speed slowed down, as if the blocking force had become stronger.

"Strange, what the hell is going on?"

Chu Tian didn't quite understand, but finally he squeezed in. After reaching the barrier, a group of shining people appeared in front of him, but these people seemed to be sleeping.

(End of this chapter)

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