Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1724 Golden God Soul Suppressing Cauldron

Chapter 1724 Golden God Soul Suppressing Cauldron

Jianmu stared at Chutian with wide eyes. He couldn't believe that Chutian, who had gone to a dead end, came back, and this old Jiang had a serious face, "Boy, who are you?"

"Me? What do you think?" Chu Tian had a half-smile, but Jiang Lao looked at Zhou Yun and Wushuang, his face changed, "You are the one who took Jiang Tian away?"


"Where is he?"

Chu Tiancai ignored him, but looked at Zhou Yun and Wushuang, "Let's go."

Now that old Jiang was annoyed, his face turned red with anger, and then his whole body was covered with flames, as if he would spew out a flame to burn Chutian to death as soon as he opened his mouth.

Those from the Jiang family shouted to help, "Old Jiang! Old Jiang!"

Jianmu knew that going on like this would not be a good thing, so he quickly persuaded, "Mr. Jiang, if you have something to say, speak up!"

"Mr. Jian, if you talk more, I'll take care of you too!" That old Jiang replied without losing face, and the flames behind him gradually grew, forming a flaming spear. The spear crackled and crackled all kinds of powerful flames there.

Jianmu knew that he couldn't persuade the Jiang family, so he had to look at Chutian, "Young master, hurry up, Mr. Jiang is famous for his strength."

Zhou Yun and Wushuang also knew how scary this guy was, so Zhou Yun stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Brother Chu, be careful of those flames, they can turn into countless chains."


"Yes, the spear is integrated with the flame, and it can change its appearance. This is also called a fire artifact. It is said that the Jiang family's flame weapon can change countless forms."

"Spiritual soldier? I'll let it become a useless soldier!" Chu Tian replied bluntly, and Jiang Lao was even more angry, "Looking for death!"

The spear immediately flew towards Chutian, turning the area around Chutian into ruins all at once, and Chutian's frivolity enveloped the three of them, and the flames immediately became weak.

Even if the flames hit Zhou Yun and Wushuang one by one, it didn't have much effect, which made those Jiang family members look at each other in dismay.

"Here, what's going on? Why is the power of the flame so weak?"

"I don't know. Could it be that the strength of the third elder has weakened?"

"How is this possible, the third elder is a master at using this Vulcan weapon."

All of a sudden, everyone felt that Mr. Jiang's strength had weakened, and that Wushuang and Zhou Yun looked him up and down, and when he found that he was fine, that Wushuang laughed provocatively, "Damn old man, come on, aren't you very powerful? Go on, I am See how strong you are."

That old Jiang's face changed, and Jianmu and the others couldn't believe it, until that old Jiang roared, and the spear came back and turned into a huge flaming beast.

After a while, the flaming beast suddenly rushed towards Chutian and the three of them. Chutian was frivolous again, which weakened this force. That old Jiang was annoyed, "Boy, you."

"Do you want to continue? If not, it's my turn!"

"What? You still want to attack me? Kid, you can think clearly! I am the elder of the Jiang family!"

"Really? Then you can watch it!" The corner of Chu Tian's mouth curled up, and then Guqin appeared, floating behind him, and everyone wondered what this black and white Guqin was.

Zhou Yun and Wushuang also stared at this thing in amazement, until Chu Tian looked at Mr. Jiang, "Are you ready? Then let you experience it."

At this time, as soon as the sound of the guqin came out, the area where Jiang Lao was located exploded immediately, and Jiang Lao bang~, his body seemed to have been smashed countless times, and countless blood spewed out of his mouth.

This made everyone unbelievable that a dignified elder of the Jiang family was not as good as Chu Tian at this moment, and Wushuang looked at this guqin in shock, "The black and white god Tianqin!"

That old Jiang stood there tremblingly staring at Chu Tian, ​​almost falling down, "What? Black and white God Tianqin? Isn't that the first Qin in ancient times?"

Chu Tian didn't know the origin of the qin, but he knew that he controlled the qin, so he grabbed the qin and looked at the crowd with a smile, "Do you still want to try?"

The elder Jiang stepped back step by step, then took out a token in his hand, and shouted hastily, "Quick, quick! Jiang's family."

Before he finished speaking, this old Jiang spat out another mouthful of blood, and suddenly countless people from the Jiang family appeared around him. These people were wearing black armor, and a man in a black robe appeared in front of them.

This person looked middle-aged, and he was a little serious. That old Jiang said excitedly, "Patriarch, look, that ancient first piano."

This person is the contemporary head of the Jiang family, Jiang Xu. He looked at Chu Tian's guqin seriously, and said, "Young man, I want your guqin, so give it to me."

Chu Tian didn't expect that the Jiang family really had different faces, especially the patriarch, who wanted to grab his things when he saw him, and Jianmu knew that the misunderstanding was serious, so he hurried forward, "Patriarch Jiang, him."

Patriarch Jiang glared, "Does this have anything to do with you?"

Jianmu hesitated for a while and said, "Patriarch Jiang, we are all in charge of guarding this place, but we can't hurt the cultivators at will."

"It's ridiculous, the god cultivators, if it weren't for us masters guarding the Shadowless Realm, they would have died a long time ago." The Jiang Patriarch stabilized the god cultivators in the Shadowless Realm because of their credit.

This made Wushuang couldn't help but bawled, "It's really thick-skinned."

Patriarch Jiang glanced at Wushuang, "Stinky girl, do you believe that I made you speechless?"

"Come on, come if you have the ability." Wushuang is not so easy to be persuaded, and the Jiang Patriarch became cold, and a golden light appeared in his hand immediately, and this golden light waved out like a laser beam. in front of the sky.

However, Chu Tian quickly came to Wushuang, and then gathered a group of frivolous power in front of him. After the attack was weakened by frivolity, he was scattered by Chu Tian's punch.

The Jiang Patriarch was secretly startled, he never thought that this humble little guy would be so scary, then he stared at Chu Tian strangely, "Boy, who are you, why have I never heard of you."

"That's because you are short-sighted." Wushuang sneered, and Patriarch Jiang was so angry that he said coldly, "Stinky girl, can you shut up for me."

"I won't shut up, what do you want me to do?"

"Okay, then I'll see how long you can last."

Then Jiang Lao threw it, and a huge golden tripod appeared, and then the golden tripod became bigger, and then covered the three people's heads, and golden lights attacked the three people there.

Wushuang was shocked, "It's the Jiang family's Jinshen Soul Suppressing Cauldron!"

Zhou Yun stammered, "What? This is the Jinshen Soul Suppressing Cauldron?"

Chu Tian didn't know what kind of cauldron it was, and that Jianmu was also stunned. As for the Jiang family head, he snorted, "A group of little guys dare to toss in front of my Jiang family, it's really self-defeating!"

(End of this chapter)

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