Chapter 1739

That Dugu Tianming was so angry that he cursed all kinds of things in the dark, while Chu Tian looked around, "Shouldn't it be time to come out?"

"Come out as soon as you say it? Who do you think you are?"

"If you don't come out, then I'll come find you."

"It's ridiculous. The place where I practice is a place where there is a near-death place. Except for me, everyone who enters will die."

But Chu Tian replied, "Then I want to learn."

"Oh? But you don't even know where the entrance is, so you want to find me? It's ridiculous."

At this time, Chutian opened his Tianyantong, and soon found a staircase in front of him, and this staircase led to a gate, as for this gate, it was carved from black stone.

At the same time, there is a dragon head on the stone gate staring outside.

"It should be here." After Chu Tian finished speaking, he jumped and disappeared from the original position. When he reappeared, he had already arrived on the stairs. There was a shocked look from the stairs, "Boy, how did you find this place?"

"Don't worry about how I found this place, you just need to know that I can easily find you!"

That Dugu Tianming didn't believe it, and even cursed, "Boy, you really don't know how to live or die."

But Chutian ignored him, still stood on the steps, and soon came to the stone gate, and the dragon head spit out a cloud of white mist.

That Dugu Tianming laughed suddenly, "Boy, this white mist is called Bone Biting, it can soften your bones instantly."

Chu Tian stood there motionless, and the white mist entered his body and turned into nothingness one by one, without the so-called bone-biting. This made Dugu Tianming secretly shocked, "How is it possible, boy, why are you okay?"

"Why should I tell you?"

That Dugu Tianming was anxious, "Hmph, that's just the beginning."

Chutian opened the stone gate at this time, and what was imprinted in front of him was an underground palace, and there were organs everywhere in this underground palace. When Chutian just stepped in, there were countless strange sounds around him.

These voices seemed to confuse Chutian, and Chutian's spirit was very strong, those voices could not disturb him at all, not only that, Chutian also easily found the training place where Dugu's destiny was.

There were flames everywhere, and Dugu Tianming sat cross-legged on a rock and glared at Chutian, "Boy, who are you?"

"Don't you think it's boring to ask this question?"

Dugu Tianming is at the critical moment of cultivation and cannot move around at will, so he can only ask, "Why did you come to my villa."

"Find someone."


Chu Tian made out the appearance of Wushuang and Dugu Tianming, who was surprised when he saw this, "They are not with me."

"But the shopkeeper said he was taken away by your people, do you still want to quibble?"

"It was taken away by me, but it was taken away by someone else."

"Pick it up?" Chu Tian stared at Dugu Tianming strangely, Dugu Tianming hummed, "That's right, he was picked up by the ghost mother-in-law in the city."

"Ghost mother-in-law?"

"Yes, she likes these two women, so she took them away."

Chu Tian was dubious, "Do you think I'm a three-year-old?"

Seeing that Chu Tian didn't believe him, Dugu Tianming said, "Boy, I don't need to lie to you!"

"How are you going to prove it?"

Dugu Tianming was in a hurry, and he was even a little angry, "Boy, I'm telling you the truth, if you don't believe me, you can go to the place where the ghost mother-in-law lives."

"Let's go together." Chutian replied him, so angry that Dugu Tianming became annoyed, and even wanted to fight with Chutian, but Chutian was very calm, "Let's not talk nonsense, let's go."

But at this moment, Dugu Tianming shouted, and his whole body disappeared. Chu Tian frowned, opened his Tianyan, and found that this guy had merged with the surrounding flames.

"Do you think that if you merge into these flames, I won't be able to find you?"

These words irritated Dugu Tianming, and he said angrily, "Boy, if you have something to say, speak up."

"Say? I'm sorry, I don't have time to fight with you." Chu Tian replied, and Dugu Tianming could only say angrily, "Even if you do it, you can't kill me."

At this moment, Chu Tian stretched out his hand and began to absorb the surrounding flames. After the Dugu Tianming found that the flames were slowly decreasing, he became angry, "Boy, you are such a rascal."

"Okay, I don't want to listen to your nonsense, I just want to ask you, do you want to continue?"

Dugu Tianming knew that he couldn't compete with Chu Tian at this moment, so he took a deep breath and said again, "Okay, I'll take you to find the ghost mother."

"Let's go then."

Chu Tian asked Dugu Tianming to lead the way, and Dugu Tianming's whole body loomingly led Chu Tian away.

When people saw Dugu Tianming on the street, it was like seeing a plague god, but at this moment, Dugu Tianming was attracting Chu Tian there, as if he had unspeakable anger, but he dared not express it.

As for Chu Tian's knowledge that Dugu Tianming's strength is weak at the moment, although he doesn't know the reason, he knows that it is impossible for the other party to escape at least for now.

So Chu Tian let Dugu Tianming lead the way without worry, but Dugu Tianming scolded Chu Tian in his heart at this moment, but he didn't dare to say anything more.

After going on like this for quite a while, Dugu Tianming came to the door of another hut. The hut was tightly closed at the moment, but there was a small window at the door, and Dugu Tianming knocked on that small window a few times.

At this moment, the small window opened, and an ugly young man inside saw Dugu young man wondering, "Master Dugu, why are you here?"

"I'm looking for your mother-in-law."

"Mother-in-law left for something." The man replied, Dugu Tianming was shocked, "What?"

"Really, I just left the day before yesterday."


"Ghosts going down town."

Dugu Tianming's expression changed drastically, "What is she doing there?"

"Say, take those two babies there."

Dugu Tianming immediately turned to look at Chutian, "You heard it too, it's not that I didn't take you to look for it, it's that she has already taken him away."

"You think I'll listen to you?"

"I'm serious, you can see his answer."

"Take me to the ghost town!" Chu Tian turned cold, and Dugu Tianming said angrily, "The ghost town is full of death, so I won't go there to die."


"Yes, there are only ghost cultivators who dare to go there. We gods and demons go to seek death."

Chu Tian was not afraid of dying, but he was worried about those two people, so he said coldly, "You still have to take me there."

Dugu Tianming stared, "Boy, believe it or not, I will fight you hard."

"If you dare to go all out, I'll make you die." Chu Tian became cold, and Dugu Tianming gritted his teeth, but he didn't dare to continue to argue, he could only hum, "When you get there, you will know how terrible it is."

Chu Tianming didn't take it seriously, and this Dugu Tianming had already led the way. After a while, they left the city, and Dugu Tianming said while walking, "Boy, you are very powerful, but this ghost going to the city is really not You can go!"

(End of this chapter)

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