Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1771 Send it to your door to seek death!

Chapter 1771 Send it to your door to seek death!
Li Yijian immediately pointed at Hongqiu, "Old Mu, that's her."

Hong Qiu stared at Li Yijian in doubt, "Not bad, the body that was just blown up recovered in less than a day."

Li Yijian glared angrily, "Don't be complacent, our Mu Lao will take care of you."

"Oh? Get rid of me? Just him? Forget it." Hong Qiu didn't pay attention at all, and the Mu Lao stared at Hong Qiu for a while and said, "In the Wuying Realm, a powerful ghost cultivator, I know ghosts Mother-in-law, but I don’t know who you are?”

Hong Qiu didn't expect the other party to recognize it and laughed, "Well, I don't need to explain it to you."

"Well, I don't need an explanation, but do you think it's all right?" That old Mu stared at Hong Qiu.

Hong Qiu didn't pay attention to the other party, but continued to sit on a wooden chair and watched, Li Yijian became anxious, "Damn girl, get up for me."

"Get up? Why get up?"

"We, Mu Lao, are one of the leaders of the pursuit team. His ability is not something you can fight against."

"Oh? Is that so? Then let him come. I'll see what he's going to do." Hong Qiu said while staring at Li Yijian and Mu Lao, while Mu Lao stared at Hong Qiu, "You are very Powerful, but I have a special ability to restrain ghost cultivators, even if the ghost mother-in-law sees me, she will back down."

"I don't know what ghost mother-in-law is, but I want to tell you, don't mess with me."

Seeing that the other party was so stubborn, Mu Lao took out a wooden box, and threw the wooden box on the ground, and it immediately turned into a big box, and then the big box had a hole.

This hole made a weird sound, and the sound flickered beside Hong Qiu, Hong Qiu frowned, "This is it."

"The nemesis of ghost cultivators, the all things wooden sounder, can produce unique sounds, making ghost cultivators lose themselves."

Hongqiu's face changed, but she still had to bear it, and that Mu Lao said with a smile, "Don't struggle, this voice is especially useful for ghost cultivators, and that's what our League of Gods specializes in dealing with ghost cultivators."

Hong Qiu was still not reconciled, and continued to insist, but that old Mu then shot out a ball of green light, which hit that Hong Qiu heavily, Hong Qiu screamed, and his whole body was blown away.

At this moment, Chu Tian grabbed her, and Hong Qiu apologized, "I'm sorry, I."

"It's nothing, you're just restrained by his magic weapon. After I take this magic weapon away, you can take care of him." Chu Tian said very simply, and that Hong Qiu said excitedly, "Please, my lord."

At this moment Li Yijian said to Mu Lao, "Mu Lao, that's him."

Mu Lao stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, you, an immortal god, dare to make trouble in front of me? Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

"I don't care what your strength is, but if you want to win me, you are still far away."

"What a guy, it seems that I have to put an end to your prestige." After the old Mu finished speaking, he directly shot out a green light, which immediately flickered around Chutian, and then formed a wooden stake, and Chutian was captured stuck inside.

But Chu Tian joked, "It's ridiculous, you want to trap me like this?"

After Chutian finished speaking, he disappeared from his original position the next moment, and when he reappeared, he had already come to the side of the magic weapon and took it away. The old Mu was dumbfounded, "You."

"What? Didn't expect that I could come to you to get the magic weapon all at once?" After Chutian finished speaking, he laughed strangely, and then his whole body disappeared from the original position.

Boss Mu was shocked, but Chu Tian had already returned to his original position and looked at Hong Qiu, "That's fine, I'll leave the rest to you."

Hong Qiu lost the magic weapon of restraint, and immediately waved his hands, countless ropes appeared beside Mu Lao, Mu Lao snorted, and a powerful force broke these ropes away.

Hongqiu was not reconciled, and cast more ropes again, and these ropes immediately locked the surroundings of Mu Lao. Mu Lao wanted to break through again, but found that the surroundings were very strong, so he had to get himself a green one right away. Cover, and then looked at Li Yijian, "Quick, go and invite Wu Tian."

"Five days?" Li Yijian was shocked. After all, they are the five masters of the pursuit team in the League of Gods. Usually they are rarely used. Now Mu Lao is looking for them. Obviously this woman is not simple, so he immediately flew away in fright .

This Hong Qiu stared at Mu Lao, "Do you think it's useful to find help?"

But Mu Lao snorted, "Little girl, there are many masters in our League of God, but you can't compete with them."

"Then wait for them to come, and you will hang up."

"Ridiculous, I will hang up? Can you break through my cover and talk about it."

Hong Qiu didn't believe it, and tried to attack again, but the cover was always so strong, Chu Tian glanced at it, stepped forward and put one hand on the cover, that Mu Lao stared at Chu Tian and sneered, "Boy, it's useless, it's just you Ability, how can you compete with me?"

Chu Tian didn't say anything, but stood there quietly. After going on for a long time, Chu Tian said with a smile, "Really? Well, let's see how long you can last with this cover."

Mu Lao looked at the cover at this moment, and found a strange phenomenon, that is, the cover was getting weaker a little bit, which made Mu Lao's face change greatly, "How could this be?"

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "In just a quarter of an hour, your cover will be completely broken."

Boss Mu was shocked, cursing secretly in his heart at the moment, and at the same time hoped that Li Yijian could quickly find those five people.

But a quarter of an hour passed quickly, and when the mask completely disappeared, Mu Lao wanted to sneak attack Chutian, so when the mask was small, Mu Lao suddenly rushed in front of Chutian, wanting to strike Chutian.

But Chu Tian disappeared again, that Mu Lao went straight to the sky, and that Hong Qiu went up again with a rope, this time Mu Lao turned into a big tree, and then there were countless vines around the big tree, blocking those ropes one by one , but Mu Lao laughed in the big tree, "Boy, how about it, I didn't expect that there is such a trick."

Hearing Mu Lao's voice, Chu Tian said, "Your move is very powerful, but it won't last long."

At this moment, Chu Tian took out his magic weapon and stabbed it with his sword. The sword pierced the wood, and the opponent was still complacent, "This move of mine won't hurt me, it will only hit my tree."

"It seems to be, but what about this?" Chutian's soul-eating white light penetrated into the opponent's tree, and Mu Lao who was inside immediately screamed non-stop, and then cursed, "Bastard, you, what the hell are you .”

Chu Tian laughed without saying a word, but Hong Qiu became proud, "Young master is still very good."

Mu Lao was not reconciled, and quickly turned into a green light, wanting to escape from here, but that Hong Qiu had already prepared, and immediately turned the countless ropes around him into a cage, directly trapping him in there. The cage shouted, "Let me go!"

(End of this chapter)

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