Invincible cultivation system

1775 - Soul Breaking Power

1775 - Soul Breaking Power
That Lin Qingtian looked at the general next to him, "Go, get this old man away, no one is allowed to enter here."


The god will walk towards the old man step by step, and then only three steps away, the god will say to the old man, "Old man, our leader said that there are no outsiders here, you should go."

"The smell of wine is so strong here, why do you want to leave?" The old man lay there with a big smile and refused to leave, and now the god will be unhappy, "If you don't leave, then I will do it, and you will Ruined."

The old man looked at the general with a smile, "Young man, don't be so impulsive, or you won't know how to die."

"You still dare to threaten me?" The old man was displeased, and then he stepped over, and the old man waved his hand casually, a strong smell of alcohol wafted out, the god general was blushing from choking, and even covered his neck with his hands, his face was very ugly Staring at the old man.

The old man smiled slightly, "How is it? Do you feel comfortable?"

"You are really hateful."

Lin Qingtian, who was there, saw that the man hadn't chased the old man away, and shouted, "What are you doing? Why haven't you chased the old man away."

The general turned his head, his whole face was flushed, everyone present was curious about what happened, but Hong Qiu looked at the old man in doubt, as for Lin Qingtian, who was displeased, waved his hand, and a flying needle went out.

The flying needle hit the general, and the general recovered immediately, and then panted, "I'm suffocating."

Lin Qingtian became unhappy, "You old man, who the hell are you, and why are you making trouble here?"

"Me? I'm just waiting for a drink here."

Hearing the drunkard's words, Lin Qingtian was even more unhappy, "It seems that if I don't give you some color, you really think you are very good."

"It's okay, it's okay." The drunkard laughed, and Lin Qingtian shouted, "Come on, trap him for me."


At this moment, two people walked out, one of them swung a punch, and those two fists immediately turned into two ropes, directly entangled the drunkard under the rockery, but the drunkard slipped away from there slipperyly, reached the other side and said with a smile, "Can't you make money with peace?"

"Harmony makes money? What do you think you're doing?" Lin Qingtian's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and the drunkard smiled, "Young man, don't be angry."

Lin Qingtian snorted, suddenly countless flying needles had landed on the drunkard, and the drunkard disappeared all of a sudden, all the people present were wondering who this drunkard was, and he could even avoid the attack of their leader.

Those who watched the theater outside were even more curious about the origin of this drunkard, why he was here, and what the drunkard was doing there.

Lin Qingtian was also shocked by the other party's ability, and then calmed down and asked, "Who the hell are you?"

"They say I'm waiting for a drink."

Lin Qingtian became more and more unhappy, especially since he was the leader of the League of Gods, he couldn't know the identity of the other party, let alone do anything to him.

At this moment, Chu Tian came out, holding a jug of wine in his hand and said with a smile, "Here."

Throwing the wine over, the drunkard suddenly reached in front of the wine jug, grabbed it carefully, and then looked at Chu Tian with a smile, "Boy, how do you know I need it?"

"Because I'm waiting for you."

"wait for me?"

"Yes." Chu Tian knew that the person he wanted was here, and that Hong Qiu seemed to understand something. As for the drunkard, he was puzzled, "Little guy, what do you want from me?"

"Well, I don't know if you can help me?"

"Say, what do you want me to do?"

"I need you to pass me the same ability, but let's talk about it later, leave here first."

The alcoholic wanted to leave curiously, "What about your other drinks?"

"Don't worry, I've packed everything." After Chu Tian finished speaking, he looked at Hong Qiu, "Let's go."

Hong Qiu hummed, and then the three turned around to leave, but the Shenmeng people were stunned, especially because they felt that they were superfluous, and Chutian didn't pay attention to these people at all when they came here.

This Lin Qingtian suddenly ran away, "Boy, you are causing trouble here, and you want to leave now?"

"Trouble? It's obviously your people who want to make things difficult for me, but I want to leave now, why? Do you want to stop me?" Chu Tian asked back, and this Lin Qingtian snorted, "I am the leader of the League of Gods, if you leave like this , how can I be the ally?"

"It's ridiculous, what do you care about me?"

That Lin Qingtian got annoyed, "You boy, I've been waiting for you for so long, yet you dare to ignore me like this, well, then I don't want to be polite to you either."

As a result, Chu Tian said, "Let's go."

The three of them suddenly disappeared and left the city, Lin Qingtian was furious, "Chase."

Lin Qingtian led a group of people to chase after him, but found that the three of Chutian were missing, which made Lin Qingtian curse, "Find them for me in the Shadowless Realm."


As for the three of Chu Tian who are far away at the moment, when the drunkard landed, he said with a smile, "I don't like fighting and killing, so I bring you here, is there any problem?"

Chutian originally just wanted to leave the city, but this guy was stronger, and took them away with a single force, and when he reappeared, he was in a strange bamboo forest, and there was only one small hut around.

Chu Tian returned to his senses and said with a smile, "I have no objection, it's just that I want to ask senior one thing, but I don't know if senior agrees."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

"That, attracting spirits, do you know?" Chu Tian asked him, and the drunkard looked at Chutian in surprise, then looked him up and down and said, "So you have been hit by attracting spirits."

"Yes, senior, you know?"

"Well, I only need to look a little bit, and I will know, but whoever won you is so powerful."

"A scary guy." Chu Tian said, but the drunkard hesitated and said, "It's not easy for him. If you really want to solve it, I'm afraid you will have to spend a lot of effort."

"I can learn anything as long as I can solve it."

"Okay, then you come with me, as for you, just play here." The drunkard looked at Hong Qiu, Hong Qiu hummed, and the drunkard waved his hand, Chu Tian followed him to a mountain.

Seeing that the mountain was gloomy everywhere, Chu Tian asked curiously, "What kind of place is this?"

"This is called Yinshan, a place where the soul can be bound, and if you want to practice my ability, you must be here, otherwise your soul will easily float away, and even leave the body, never to return."

Chu Tian became curious, "Oh? What kind of ability is the senior's ability?"

"It's called the power of breaking the soul. It can break open your own soul, and it can also break open the soul of others, and then take away any traces left in it, and the magic of attracting spirits is planted in the soul, no matter what you can't do it." Things to clean up, but with the power of breaking the soul, you can break open and get out."

Chu Tian suddenly felt incredible and said, "Thank you, senior."

(End of this chapter)

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