Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1777 War 1 is about to start

Chapter 1777 War is imminent

Hong Qiu didn't quite understand, "What is the law of the gods?"

The drunkard explained, "The law of the gods is to gather all the gods and people, and the more gods and people are gathered, the greater the damage. For example, this alliance of gods gathers everyone's power together, and finally falls here. will be razed to the ground.”

"Is it so scary?"

The drunkard hummed, about a while later, a terrifying force came, the huge force fell directly, and with a bang, the surrounding area was instantly razed to the ground.

The drunkard was protecting him and Hongqiu with a jug, but the drunkard was obviously seriously injured, bleeding from his mouth and nostrils, that Hongqiu was shocked, "Are you okay?"

The drunkard smiled wryly, "I thought I was indifferent to life and death, but I was actually scared just now."

Hong Qiu panicked, but Lin Qingtian in the air laughed and said, "What are you doing? Reminiscing about the past?"

Hong Qiu shouted to Lin Qingtian in the air, "We will not compromise with you."

Lin Qingtian laughed strangely, "No compromise? Well, we can do it again."

At this time, the power in the air gathered again, and the drunkard looked at Hong Qiu, "I'm afraid we are going to die here."

Hong Qiu was a little unwilling, "It's really not reconciled to die like this."

"Then what can I do." The drunkard sighed helplessly, obviously he couldn't avoid the method of the gods, and that Lin Qingtian laughed, "Die, die, go die."

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of that Lin Qingtian at a very fast speed, and then knocked him away with a single punch.

Everyone present was shocked, and the drunkard said in surprise, "He actually came out."

Hong Qiu was puzzled, "Isn't he practicing there?"

"I don't know." The drunkard showed doubts, Hong Qiu was even more curious, and at this moment Chu Tian took out the Soul Eater Sword, stared at the guys present and said with a smile, "Everyone, are you coming?"

Lin Qingtian was shot by Chutian, and he stared at Chutian unwillingly, "Boy, don't be complacent, we will kill you!"

"Kill me? Just you guys? In my opinion, forget it!"

That Lin Qingtian looked at Chutian angrily, "Okay, boy, you can continue to be proud, and today I will let you know how good we are."

I saw that those people were going to charge up again, but Chu Tian had already appeared in the Ten Thousand Beast Armor, and then cast the Ten Thousand Beast Boxing Technique, and countless beast souls flew in the air.

Everyone present was frightened, and Lin Qingtian was directly hit by countless beast souls, and was sent flying on the spot.

Chu Tian calmly floated in the air and stared at Lin Qingtian, "How is it? Do you want to continue?"

Lin Qingtian looked at Chutian angrily, "Boy, don't be complacent! We will kill you sooner or later!"

At this moment, Lin Qingtian and others fled in panic, they never thought that Chutian would be so difficult to deal with, but Chutian calmed down, returned to the two drunkards and said with a smile, "You two, good."

The drunkard looked at Chu Tian strangely, "Have you learned your soul breaking power?"

"I learned."

The drunkard was surprised, Hong Qiu was surprised, "So, you can get rid of this magic spell?"

"Well, and I can also find the person who casts the magic spell on me."

The two were stunned immediately, especially the drunkard, he was the first to learn the power of breaking the soul, but he hadn't encountered the magic of attracting spirits, so he didn't know how amazing the magic of attracting spirits is, but listening to Chu Tian's words at this moment, he had to He laughed and said, "It seems that you have really learned."

Chu Tian smiled slightly, then looked at the two of them, "You two, I'm afraid I have to say goodbye."

The two knew that Chutian was going to do his own thing, but that Hongqiu hesitated, "Can I go with you?"

"The place I'm going to is dangerous, and that guy is very cunning, and even hides well, it's inconvenient to take you with him."

Hong Qiu understood Chu Tian's meaning, so she nodded and said, "That's fine, the drunkard and I will retire first."

After Chutian nodded, he bid farewell to the two, and the drunkard looked at Chutian who disappeared, "He is not simple."

"What do you mean?"

"It took him thousands of years to learn it in just a few days. Do you think he is an ordinary person?"

Hong Qiu didn't expect the gap to be so big, and the drunkard looked at Yinshan, "Let's go in, those guys can't find us only if we hide inside."

"it is good."

Then the two disappeared, and in the Shenmeng, that Lin Qingtian was sitting on the Shenmeng hall at the moment, staring at everyone with a very ugly expression, "Everyone, what do you think?"

No one dared to speak. After all, they were defeated by one person today, and that person didn't even have Shadowless Realm. Thinking of this, they were very depressed.

That Lin Qingtian saw that everyone ran away without saying a word, "You are a bunch of trash, the majestic League of Gods, you can't even take down a single person. If this spreads to the League of Gods, won't we be ridiculed to death?"

Everyone didn't dare to say anything, but at this moment a spy came and said, "Report."

Lin Qingtian was furious, "What's the report? Didn't you see that there was something serious?"

The spy said embarrassingly, "Leader, the Demon League's army suddenly gathered in one place, as if it was for something."

Lin Qingtian frowned suddenly, "What?"

"It is rumored that there is a seal of gods and demons in the Shadowless Realm."

The seal of the gods and demons shocked everyone at once. After all, the seal of the gods and demons is a terrifying magic weapon rumored in the shadowless world. It is rumored that whoever gets it can surrender the shadowless world. No one knows how to surrender, but there are also It is rumored that if you get it, you can open up new worlds and have greater cultivation breakthroughs.

So Lin Qingtian got up immediately, "Where is it?"

"The Mountain of Gods and Demons in the Center of Gods and Demons!"

"Let's go, gather all the masters and go to the Mountain of Gods and Demons, and we must not let them get it."


All of a sudden, the entire Shenmeng became lively, but Lin Qingtian couldn't forget that Chutian in his heart, and cursed angrily in his heart, "Boy, wait, I will let you know how powerful I am sooner or later."

Then Lin Qingtian packed up his mood and left, while Chutian was walking in the Shadowless Realm at the moment, and his spirit guided a direction that was the area where the magic dragon was.

All he has to do now is to rush to that place, find the real magic dragon, and then take care of him.

As for the Demon Dragon, he was standing on the top of a mountain at the moment, looking at the demonic energy and air around him, he smiled and said, "The center of the gods and demons is the place where the air and demonic energy are the strongest."

At this time, a black dragon landed behind the demon dragon, and then lay down there, "Master, are you sure that this demon seal is in the center."

"I've made sure, it's here."

"But it is rumored that there is a powerful seal in this seal of gods and demons, even if the alliance of gods and the alliance of magic can't open it."

The magic dragon smiled strangely, "There is one person who can."


"He is coming, and he probably wants to kill me."

"Could it be the kid you cast the magic spell on?"

"Yes, but he has already broken my magic spell, but with my personality towards him, he can't wait to come and kill me, so he will definitely come here!"

(End of this chapter)

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