Chapter 1779
At this moment, the gods and demons didn't know what was going on, but they were still fighting fiercely, but Chu Tian had already calmed down and came to the direction where the pile of blood flowed.

When he landed, he happened to see a small hole, and Chutian rushed into the hole, and after a while, he saw a pool.

This pool is like a wellhead, and the wellhead has been filled with blood, but the blood sinks a little bit, as if there is a bottomless pit below.

At this time, the magic dragon appeared not far away and said with a smile, "How about it, isn't it spectacular? Blood is flowing like a river!"

Chu Tian looked at the magic dragon, and found that the magic dragon was really a dangerous person, especially for getting so much blood without making a sound, and the magic dragon laughed when he saw Chu Tian staring at him like this, "Don't look at me like this, you Make me scared."

"I'm going to kill you today."

"No, you can't kill me." The dragon disappeared again with a faint smile, and the pool suddenly flashed red, and at this moment a blood-red token appeared.

There are several large characters engraved on this token, "God and Demon Seal."

Chutian quickly grabbed it with one hand, and the magic dragon appeared again. He stared at Chutian and said with a smile, "Boy, you move very fast."

"This is the God and Demon Seal? I won't give it to you!" Chu Tian firmly grasped the God and Demon Seal, but the dragon smiled half-smile, "Oh? Really? Then you can take care of it."

At this time, the god and demon seal began to spin in Chutian's hand, and the magic dragon was silently chanting some spell, which prevented Chutian from taking out the god and demon seal.

Chu Tian was startled immediately, and quickly concentrated all his strength on the seal of the god and demon, but the demon dragon laughed strangely afterwards, "You have been fooled."

Chu Tian still didn't understand what was going on, but the god-devil seal suddenly flashed red, and the blood in Chutian's body suddenly sucked back on the god-devil seal, and Chu Tian turned pale with shock.

The magic dragon laughed, "Little guy, how is it? Is it comfortable to be counted by me every day?"

Chu Tian was completely unable to answer at this moment, so he could only stand there stubbornly, and at the same time quickly ordered to the system, "Purify the system!"

At this time, the side effects were controlled a little bit, but Chutian still pretended to be swallowed by the seal of the gods and demons. Even after Chutian found that part of his blood had entered the token, he could feel the different side of the token.

I saw that there is an independent space inside this token, and in this space is the Nine Dragons Sword Soul, which is exactly what Chutian is looking for, not only that, there are countless spirits around this sword soul.

These souls were sleeping at the moment, as if they were doing something, until Chu Tian's thoughts penetrated, and the souls suddenly opened one by one.

Some people were surprised, "Could it be that the seal of the gods and demons has been broken?"

"Is the world going to change?"

"The Shadowless Realm is going to disappear?"

All of a sudden there were discussions everywhere, which made Chutian curious about what these spirits were, until the messages on the seal of gods and demons hit Chutian's body one after another, and Chutian became surprised after seeing these messages one by one.

Because the world of Shadowless Realm is actually a big enchantment, a barrier that blocks the outside world from the original world. Once this barrier is destroyed, the outside world will destroy this place, and more people will die here.

The person who established the Shadowless Realm and created the God and Demon Cave was called the God Demon Patriarch, and the Nine Dragon Sword was his magic weapon. It was only later that he created the Shadowless Realm to prevent the original world from being occupied by outsiders, forming a barrier. At the same time, it also caused everyone's cultivation base to be unable to move forward, so that everyone would not go out to die.

This made Chu Tian sigh secretly, "It turns out that the original purpose of the creator of the God and Demon Cave was to prevent this world from being occupied by the outside world."

Not only that, at this moment, Chu Tian seems to be integrated with the seal of the gods and demons, and he can control the Nine Dragons Sword Soul at will, and even the entire Shadowless Realm, as if he can control it.

So when he saw the war between the Gods and the Devils in the Wuying Realm, he felt a sense of sadness, and this sadness was like the complaint of the seal of the gods and demons, which made Chu Tian exclaim, "Is it you?"

An old voice came from the seal of the gods and demons, "It's me, the ancestor of the gods and demons."

Chu Tian was startled, "You're not dead?"

"I was in the outside world, fighting with foreigners, and my body was destroyed. In the end, I assembled a group of experts and created the Shadowless Realm. I thought that this way, we could live in peace, but after so many years, they actually started fighting to break through to a higher level of cultivation. stand up."

Chu Tian became serious, "Is this foreigner really so scary?"

"It's scary, and our land is just a microcosm of the Ten Thousand Realms, and there are many powerful worlds in the Ten Thousand Realms."

Chutian did not expect that there are so many worlds out there, but now he is very curious about what world his previous earth would be in, but the ancestor of the gods and demons said as if he knew what Chutian was thinking, "You come from a water blue world. sex planet."

"how do you know?"

"I have wandered in many worlds, and one of them is the same as the world you remember in your mind. Although I don't know how you got from that world to ours, from the moment you stepped into the cave of gods and demons, I I thought you were special."

Chu Tian became excited, "Then if I go out, can I find that world?"

"It's difficult. I just glanced at it at the time. If I really want to find it, I have to go to the Wanxiang mirror in Wanjie to find it."

"Vientiane Realm?"

"Yes, there is a central hub in Ten Thousand Realms, where any clansman can go there, and this Wanxiang Mirror is the magic weapon there, through which everyone can find the world they want to go to, and it is also one of the most powerful magic weapons in Ten Thousand Realms one."

Chutian didn't expect such a thing to happen, but Chutian asked puzzledly, "If you seal the world like this, it will only make people in this world want to go out even more."

"It's useless, our world is naturally weak, and the blood soul is also weak, if you go out, you will be killed by anyone."

"Blood soul is weak?"

"Yes, it is said that each world has a unique blood soul, which can be regarded as a status symbol for everyone, and the blood soul in our world is very weak, which affects everyone's explosive power, and the cultivation potential is much weaker than others. If you open the world , when foreigners come in, they will only start killing and plundering resources!"

"Plundering resources?"

"Yes, the resources in each world are limited, and if they are gone, they will be gone. Now many worlds are short of resources, so those people go to other worlds to plunder."

Chu Tian didn't expect such a thing to happen in the Ten Thousand Realms, but he can't control so much at the moment, he just wants to know where his earth is, and get rid of the dragon in front of him.

However, the seal of the gods and demons merged with Chutian, and the ancestor of the gods and demons seemed to know what Chutian was thinking, and said, "Please, this world needs peace and stability. You must find a way to calm them down!"

(End of this chapter)

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