Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1790 Madness Will Pay The Price

Chapter 1790 Madness Will Pay The Price
The main hall of Jiuyunmen is built in several big mountains, and there are many thick air currents in these four mountains. These auras are stronger than those seen anywhere in Chutian.

However, there was a huge barrier around them. When they came under the barrier, they were guarded by special people. Anyone who entered or exited had to have an identity token, especially outsiders, who had to be checked specially.

At this moment, Chutian was arranged in a small hall at the foot of the mountain, and there was a young man in this hall, sitting in the middle of the hall, looking at Bai Yunke who came, and asked, "I said Bai Lao, didn't you say you found something new?" world."

"Oh, this one, a mistake."

"Mistakes? My people said, you deliberately didn't want to invade that new world, and even sealed that world for the people there, what? Are you going to reverse?" The young man asked with a serious face.

At this time, behind the young man came out the Fan Jian, who looked at Chu Tian and the two of them, "Old Bai, I told Young Master Qing."

Chu Tian didn't know who this Young Master Qing was, but Chu Tian knew that his cultivation base was not very high, but his status was not simple. When Bai Yunke saw this person, he had to hold back and said, "Young Master Qing, I will take him Come here to make him one of our elders."

"Hey, outsiders still want to become elders? I said, old man, are you out of your mind, or haven't you taken medicine recently?" The young man stared, and the people around him looked at each other in blank dismay.

But Bai Yunke continued, "Master Qing, according to the rules of our sect, if we find someone who can be used, we should accept him and not be hostile to him."

"Hey, you still talk about the rules of the school, are you trying to use the rules to suppress me?"

"I'm just talking about the facts." Bai Yunke continued to insist, and the young man couldn't help but get up, "Bai Lao, don't think that you can be so crazy because you are an elder from an outer sect."

"Young Master Qing, I will discuss the matter."

The young man finally broke out, and he immediately shouted, "Come here, arrest this outsider, and take Lao Bai to the law enforcement gate."

As soon as he said this, several people in black robes walked out behind the young man, like law enforcement officers, and seeing that they were about to approach Chutian, Chutian said, "I don't care what your status is, it's best not to mess with me. "

"Hey, the tone is not small." The young man glared, and those black law enforcement robes were all in the blood realm, and he didn't pay attention to Chu Tian, ​​who was in the shadowless realm.

So as soon as the young man waved his hand, these people went up, but Chutian was so fast that he dodged out of their sight.

The young man cursed unhappily, "You trash, a bunch of trash, look at you, what have you done?"

Those people immediately wanted to strike again, but Chu Tian unceremoniously reached one person first, and hit that person heavily with ten thousand beast fists, instantly countless beast souls rushed towards that person.

This person was shot flying on the spot, and the people present were dumbfounded. They never thought that a person who was only at the Shadowless Realm would be so terrifying.

As for that Fan Jian was dumbfounded, he always thought that Chu Tian threatened them because he didn't have the ability, but now that he saw it with his own eyes, he was glad that Chu Tian didn't kill him before.

But the young man was annoyed, "Come on."

Bai Yunke was anxious, he looked at Chutian, "Chutian, don't beat them to death."

"Let me teach you a lesson for those who don't know how to respect their elders." Chu Tian started to attack again, and all the low-level divine blood disciples were beaten away one by one.

But Chu Tian secretly sighed in his heart that although these people couldn't take him down at the god-blood level, the power he played didn't do much to them, it just knocked them away a little.

"It seems that the flesh of the people in the blood realm is very hard."

At this moment, the young man ran away, took out a pen and threw it outside.

The stroke that pierced the sky disappeared there. Chu Tian didn't know what it was, but everyone present knew it, especially that Bai Yunke's face changed drastically, "This."

"I have already notified the inside of the door that there are enemies coming, boy, just wait for your death."

Chu Tian ignored it, but that Bai Yunke's expression was ugly, until a while later, a person suddenly fell down, his face was flushed as if he was drunk, but he asked normally, "What's the matter?"

The young man became more respectful when he saw this person, and immediately said, "Elder Lu, Elder Bai is colluding with outsiders to make trouble here."

Bai Yunke immediately explained, "Elder Lu, I saw a talent outside and wanted to recommend him to be an elder in our sect, but who knows."

As for this Elder Lu, he is a member of the Law Enforcement Sect and has a certain prestige. At this moment, he knew what was going on as soon as he heard it, and then looked at the young man, "Youth, why did you make things difficult for him? .”

The young man cursed mentally, but he pretended to be calm and said, "Elder Lu, let the disciples who went out with you tell me what to say."

Elder Lu looked at everyone, "Tell me."

The young man stared at Fan Jian, "Say, tell me about the situation you encountered."

That Fan Jian had no choice but to tell the story. After Elder Lu heard it, the young man immediately said, "Our sect lacks resources, but Elder Bai gave up a good resource place. Tell me, can I not be angry?"

Elder Lu looked at Bai Yunke, "Tell me what you think."

Bai Yunke told the story, and finally said, "He has the ability to bring the dead back to life, so I want him to see the dead tree, maybe he can make it live, so that our Jiuyunmen Shenquan can be restored to life." It won't dry up."

As soon as the words came out, the people present were startled, but the young man didn't believe it. "He can also bring back the dead tree? Don't be naive."

Elder Lu was naturally shocked at the moment, so he looked at the young man, "No matter what, let's try first. If he really has such ability, there is nothing to lose if he becomes our elder."

"But." The young man was obviously angry, and Elder Lu looked at Chu Tian, ​​"Young man, let's go and try."

But Chu Tian clapped his hands, "I don't want to go."

As soon as these words came out, Bai Yunke became anxious, "Why?"

The young man laughed loudly, "Boy, are you scared?"

Elder Lu frowned, "If you are like this, we will doubt your ability."

"Doubt is your business, but whether to go or not is my business."

"Why?" Elder Lu was a little unhappy at first, and Bai Yunke was anxious, fearing that Chu Tian would offend him, but Chu Tian said, "I agreed to come to Bai Lao because he helped me, and I have already I'm coming, but your people stop me, if I just listen to you, then I'm nothing?"

Elder Lu looked serious, "What do you want?"

"It's very simple, abolish this guy's cultivation base." Chu Tian wanted to see what kind of ability this young man had to be so crazy here.

(End of this chapter)

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