Chapter 1792
When that Qingrong heard what Chutian said, he immediately ran away and looked at Chutian, "Boy, say it again!"

"I said, wait for the idlers, don't bother me, what's the problem?" Chutian looked at him and said again, now Qingrong was unhappy, and fixed his eyes on Chutian, "Brother, you also see Now, it's not that I want to argue with him, but he wants to argue with me."

Qingrong was about to attack again, the old man looked at him, "Junior Brother, step back, leave this to me."

"Brother, you."

"The sacred tree is the most important."

Qingrong was furious, but he knew that if he forced a shot, he would not be able to take down Chutian, so he stared at Chutian, "Boy, just wait for me, I won't make it easier for you."

"Come on, I'm not afraid of anyone."

Now Qingrong snorted and turned to leave, while the old man looked at Chutian, "What are you thinking?"

"I was wondering if someone would hit me when I treated the sacred tree."

The old man shook his head, "Don't worry, no one will hit you."



"Okay, then I'll start." Chu Tian sat down and continued to study the sacred tree. In fact, he could fix the sacred tree right away, but he didn't. Instead, he looked at what was hidden in the sacred tree.

So after he closed his eyes, bursts of green lines appeared in front of him, and these lines released bursts of green starlight, and flashed in his body.

"What does this green starlight mean?"

Chutian there wanted to know, so he continued to explore, and soon these green stars were like a painting, Chutian was curious, "What kind of painting is this?"

Chu Tian, ​​who studied there for a long time, seemed to think of something, and began to think quietly.

Soon Chutian felt a drop of spring water gradually condensed in his body. This spring water was somewhat similar to the immortal seed, but it was a little different. "This is it?"

Chutian's consciousness infiltrated, and at the same time let the system identify it. At this time, the system heard a voice, "Ding ~ Immortal Spring Eye."

"Immortal Seed? Immortal Spring? What's the relationship?"

Chu Tian didn't understand, but he could know that the Immortal Spring could absorb the energy around him, and then gather streams of spring water to flow in his body, and the spring water surged there like a gaseous state, which was extraordinary.


Not only that, the blood in Chutian's body began to be affected everywhere, and Chutian felt that his whole body was affected, but he didn't know what changed until he opened his eyes slightly.

The tree in front of him was alive and started to sprout. The old man beside him became excited, "Sprouted, sprouted."

However, there was no spring water in this spring, which made the old man pause after being excited, "It's strange, the sacred tree is alive, why there is no spring yet."

Chu Tian wondered in his heart whether this spring might be related to his own immortal spring, but at the moment he occupied this spring.

Just when Chu Tian was curious, that Qing Rong appeared again, he had been staring at this place for a long time, and when he saw that the spring did not come out, he was overjoyed, "Brother, you saw it too, he is here to make trouble."

The old man frowned, "Impossible."

"Brother, regardless of the possibility or impossibility, the spring has not come out anyway, so you can hand him over to me now."

The old man hesitated, obviously he was still a little unwilling, but that Qingrong became persistent, and came to Chutian in a blink of an eye, wanting to kill Chutian before the old man thought it through.

Chu Tian retreated to one side and said with a smile, "What? After running out of people, you want to kill someone?"

Qingrong stared, "Anyway, you are worthless, who will protect you."

"Really? Then I won't tell you about the spring."

As soon as the words came out, the old man immediately asked curiously, "What? Do you know what's going on?"

But Qingrong said, "Senior brother, don't listen to his lies, he is fooling you."

The old man said solemnly, "Trust him again."

"Sorry, I won't help you guys anymore." After Chu Tian finished speaking, he leaped to leave, but this Nine Clouds Gate was unusual, and there were even weird formations everywhere.

Chutian stepped into the rest on the spot, and the surroundings became white mist, that Qingrong laughed there, "Boy, there is nothing special about our Nine Clouds Gate, it is just cloudy and foggy, once you step in, it will be difficult to leave. "

Chu Tian looked around, and sure enough, the cloud was very strange, and he couldn't find a way out, but he also said to those around, "Then you don't even want to take me down."

"Hmph, I can find you by breath."

"Really? Then I really want to see how you find me based on your aura." Chutian immediately hid his aura and left from his original position. That Qing Rong immediately couldn't find Chutian's whereabouts.

Chu Tian calmly searched for a way to leave, but he saw a stone cave as he walked. Outside the cave, Chu Tian was puzzled and chose to go in.

After about a while, I saw a stone gate with a sign saying no entry.

"Entry is prohibited? Then I still want to go in and see what's going on." Chu Tian began to push the door, and a powerful force from the door knocked him away.

Chu Tian took a deep breath, "It's a bit powerful."

But when Chutian stepped forward again, he used the system to devour the divine power, and after the divine power was swallowed up little by little, Chutian pushed the door open.

The door was slowly opened bit by bit, and what was printed in front of Chu Tian was a pile of clouds.

"Damn, it's cloud again, what are you kidding?"

Chu Tian didn't understand the value of these clouds and mists, but he continued to move forward, and soon he lost his way. There was fog and fog everywhere, and he couldn't tell the direction at all.

"I'm going, do you really want to stay here forever?"

Chutian was not reconciled, and at this moment he felt a faint aura, and then he walked along the aura, and soon the aura was getting closer and closer, until after a while, Chutian walked through the fog and stood in front of his eyes. There is an ice bed, and an old turtle is lying on the ice bed.

The old turtle was spitting out clouds, which seemed strange, which made Chutian unable to resist, "You can't be the one who is spitting clouds, right?"

"Who are you to come here?" The tortoise was surprised.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is, are you really the one who spits out the clouds?"


"That's right, just take you down."

The tortoise immediately turned into an old man, dragging a tortoise shell on its back and staring, "Who do you want to take down?"

Chu Tian stared at him strangely, "Well, aren't you a turtle?"

"I have already become a spirit, how can someone like you understand it."

"Um, well, that's the same, as long as you can take me away." Chu Tian took out the magic whip, which is specially used to deal with beasts, and the old man became serious when he saw this thing, "Young man, you, what are you up to."

"I want to surrender you, what? Do you have any questions?"

"You, be careful, I will make you come and go!" The old man became angry.

(End of this chapter)

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