Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 224 Decomposition?Super perception broke you!

Chapter 224 Decomposition?Super perception broke you! (seeking tickets)
[Thanks to 'Awen', 'Jieao', 'Book Friends 1773413455', 'Tmall' for their rewards, thank you. 】

After hearing Mozhen's words, Anxue closed his eyes and said coldly, "Every one of my apprentices has been carefully trained, and anyone can easily defeat him without me doing anything."

The queen mother who had already sat aside couldn't wait to laugh and said, "Then let's start."

But the king said, "Although this is an agreement between the princess and the queen mother, we still have to ask the parties if they are willing to accept it."

The queen mother laughed strangely, "What? Does he still dare to disagree?"

The king didn't say much, but looked at Chutian, "Chutian, you can choose whether to compete or not. The decision is in your hands."

This Xuelin was afraid that Chu Tian would repent, so he hurriedly said, "Boy, accept it if you have the guts, go home and hide if you don't!"

It is obviously impossible to take advantage of Chutian, so Chutian smiled back, "I said little prince, how about we have a game first?"

If Xuelin hadn't been blocked repeatedly by the queen mother, she would have rushed up to start the game with Chutian first, but Anxue slapped her palm, and then walked out of the five of them.

These five people are all in tight black clothes, like assassins in the night, not only that, but there is also a ribbon of a different color tied to their foreheads.

Chu Tian took a glance, and found that the five people still had different spiritual powers, then laughed and said, "Shall we come together?"

Those five people looked at Chutian coldly, and finally looked at Anxue, obviously they only listened to Anxue, as for Anxue took out five small sticks of different lengths and asked them to draw lots, and said at the same time, "The longest one goes first. "

The five immediately began to draw lots, but Chu Tian laughed and said, "In my opinion, it's better to have five together. It's too troublesome to do it one by one."

Anxue rolled his eyes, "Although I think you are very strong, I don't think you can beat anyone here."

"Oh? Really? Then don't regret it."

Dark Blood ignored it, and when the five people drew lots, the person who got the long hair suddenly smiled and looked at the other four people, "It seems that the four brothers, I can only let me deal with this person first, and you don't need to take action."

The other four were immediately a little disappointed, as if they had lost something if they didn't solve Chutian by themselves.

As for Dark Blood exhorted, "Dark Earth, be careful."

The man named Antu said to himself, "Master, don't worry, you taught me the way of assassination, coupled with my earth system defense, he can't hurt me at all."


But Chu Tian couldn't help laughing and said, "Start?"

At this time, Dark Blood created a barrier with a cloud of airflow, and then said to the two, "Go in, until one loses."

Chu Tian didn't expect that Anxue could create such a powerful enchantment by himself, but he still entered it easily, which made Anxue secretly startled, "I haven't opened it yet, why did this guy go in?" gone."

This detail surprised many people present, but Chu Tian looked at An Tu who was standing outside, "Okay, come in."

The dark soil rushed into it after the barrier was opened, and then the brown air flow flickered all over the body. After a while, it was as if the whole body was covered with soil.

The queen mother who was sitting there laughed and said, "There is a play to watch."

Xue Lin was even more excited, "Antu, finish him within ten moves, and I will definitely reward you when I go back."

But Antu smiled confidently, "Little Prince, it doesn't take ten moves, I can make him immobilized within three moves."

Xue Lin was overjoyed, "Okay."

Chutian shook his head helplessly, "The tone is really crazy!"

In Antu's hand, a brown dagger flashed and said with a smile, "Boy, watch it."

At this time, the dark soil immediately disintegrated, turning into a brown airflow that permeated the barrier. The people present gasped, and a guard exclaimed, "What a terrible disintegration technique."

One of the four people standing there laughed and said, "This is the first step of my master's assassination technique, which is disintegration, and the second step is to stick to the body, and the third step is to make the opponent unable to fight back, which is death. "

The other three were also smiling, and the Queen Mother applauded, "Dark Blood really deserves to be the number one assassin of the Beixue Empire."

The Sixth Prince and others standing there became worried, and Mo Zhen said anxiously, "Boy, you can't lose!"

Chu Tian remained motionless, but Xue Lin said with a smile, "Princess, it is impossible for him to resist this assassination move."

Mo Zhen wanted to rebel against the Shadow Demon Sect with Chu Tian. Although she was occupying the princess's body at the moment, she didn't want Chu Tian to lose, so she began to worry.

As for the king's question to Guard Xue on the side, "Do you think he can resist it?"

Xue Huwei was a little dignified, "This dark blood assassination method, few people can break it, especially in the case of disparity in strength."

The lord immediately frowned, and in the barrier, the brown air flow had filled the entire barrier, and it was impossible to determine where the dark soil would strike.

But Chutian still stood there motionless, not only that, but also closed his eyes, and at the same time, the weapon soul in Lieyanjian said to Chutian, "It's in the upper left corner."

Chu Tian asked secretly with a smile, "Is it still there?"

"He's moving around as if he's going to attack you at any moment."

Chu Tian said with a satisfied smile, "Continue to help me pay attention, if he dares to rush over, let me know."


Chu Tian laughed secretly, "I have a powerful soul fire that has eaten fairy fruits, so I'm still afraid of your disintegration technique? It's ridiculous."

At this moment, no one knew that Chutian's weapon soul was so powerful, and that he could sense the direction of other people just through perception, and Chutian could even know what the other party was going to do through fire.

However, Antu in the dark laughed strangely, "Boy, are you not afraid of this?"

As for Chutian who remained motionless, Antu finally couldn't help but sneer, "I'll give you a blow first!"

Antu held the dagger and quickly gathered a little bit, rushing towards Chutian, just as he was about to touch Chutian, Chutian suddenly opened his eyes, and a wooden bow appeared in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, the wooden bow condensed an arrow, rushed out, and passed through the opponent's body.

In the end, the dark earth fell heavily on the ground and screamed in pain, "Ah, my primordial spirit!"

Chu Tian aimed at the opponent's soul with a precise blow, and Mu Ketu just let this dark soil guard against it accidentally, and the soul was penetrated directly. Now he is not only suffering physically, but also stabbing his soul. pain.

The people present were stunned, and Dark Blood's eyes widened even more, while the other four brothers shouted one after another.

"Dark Earth, what's wrong with you?"

"Dark Earth, get up quickly."

"Dark Earth, he's here."

As for the king who was sitting there heaved a sigh of relief, Mo Zhen said excitedly with a smile, "Okay."

The queen mother became serious, but Xue Lin shouted unwillingly, "Antu, get up, what are you doing!"

But at this moment, Chu Tian stepped on An Tu and looked at Xue Lin with a smile, "His primordial spirit has been penetrated by me, so it's good to be able to move, and he still wants to get up?"

[The second update of today's bottom guarantee, the recommendation tickets and rewards are topped up~ The more popular the better, the motivation to add updates, thank you everyone. 】

(End of this chapter)

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