Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 234 A Group of Guys Came Looking for Revenge!

Chapter 234 A group of guys came looking for revenge! (plus more)
[Thanks for 'the restraint of prosperity, the freedom of abjection', 'Chaoyang', 'initial heart', 'one love in this life? ', 'Jieao', 'Suyan Hongru', 'I am both good and evil. ', 'Tong Baicheng XXXXX' for the tip, thank you. 】

Dantu immediately became a little annoyed, "Boy, believe it or not, I'll shoot you to death."

"Come on, don't shoot me, you are a pig!"

Chutian knew that people couldn't do anything casually here, but no one cared about their words. Sure enough, this Dantu was so angry that he finally looked at Xilai, "I said Xilai, the Nascent Soul person you are looking for is not here to let him Cursing people?"

Xilai knew that Chutian's mouth was powerful, but he hated Dantu himself, so he said calmly, "There is no rule here that you can't talk!"

Dan bald gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, okay, you'd better pray that he doesn't pass the knockout round, or he won't know how to die."

At this moment, all the people behind Dantu glared at Chu Tian, ​​as if scolding their father, but Chu Tian really laughed, "What? I scolded your father? You are so angry."


These people immediately began to scold, the more angry some were, the more anger points Chutian earned, and this was Chutian's goal.

Until a group of people came, the leader was the ghost-faced tiger from the Western Wilderness Empire, who was also accompanying Mr. Pang's family, and now he was followed by Xie Shuitian and others.

When Dantu saw them, he immediately became polite, and Ghost Face Tiger asked, "What's wrong? It's such a mess."

Dan bald said with a smile, "It's just a guy with an unclean mouth who is scolding me."

Ghost-faced tiger immediately looked at Chu Tian and smiled strangely, "This is it."


Ghost Face Tiger then stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Little guy, we meet again."

"Yeah, we meet again."

The ghost-faced tiger said with a deep smile, "I saw your demeanor last time in the competition, but this time it's different, you are all the elites among the elites, the geniuses among the geniuses."

But Chu Tian laughed and said, "Did you say that the person behind you ranked third a hundred years ago?"

The ghost-faced tiger looked at Xie Shuitian and smiled, "It seems that someone is not convinced by you."

Xie Shuitian said disdainfully, "A person in Nascent Soul Realm is not worth my shot. Anyone in our academy can take care of him."

Everyone expected what Xie Shuitian said. After all, this person is extraordinary, but Chu Tian said, "Then you'd better not make a move, otherwise you will only be able to watch the people in your academy fail miserably one by one." .”

Behind Xie Shuitian, the others started to clamor.

"Little guy, come on, see if I don't blow you away with a single punch."

"Little guy, I don't even look at you, what kind of cultivation is it, dare to say a fiasco?"

"Nowadays, people are so thick-skinned that they dare to be so rampant when they are only in the Nascent Soul realm."

The more fierce these people scolded, the happier Chu Tian was, and Xie Shuitian gave him a blank look, "Boy, it seems that you have completely angered them. I'm afraid you won't be able to pass the first round."

Chu Tian smiled, "What? Do you want to block my way?"

Xie Shuitian smiled and said nothing until the people from Dongsheng Academy also arrived. This time it was Luo Batian who took the lead, followed by Tong Shi and the others.

When Luo Batian saw Chutian, he became angry, "Boy, we meet again."

All the people present were curious about the origin of Chutian, who was only in the Nascent Soul realm, as if he had offended most of the empire.

But Chu Tian said with a smile, "Guan Luo, long time no see."

Seeing that Chu Tian was still smiling, Luo Batian snorted, "Just wait, I will definitely make you regret the enmity last time."

"Oh? Just rely on the baby stone behind you? I'm afraid you will be disappointed."

Tong Shi immediately stared, "Boy, what do you mean?"

Chu Tian smiled, "Yesterday in the pool, you couldn't do anything to me, do you think you can beat me?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was curious about what happened to Chu Tian and Tong Shi in the pool, and Tong Shi became angry, "That's why I was restricted there yesterday."

"That's right, you are restricted, but if you are not restricted, you still can't do anything to me."

Tong Shi's aura immediately increased, "Do you want to come first?"

Chu Tian was not afraid, but a group of people came along, and one of the women said, "It turns out that you are bullying people with one soul."

Everyone looked over, and it was a middle-aged woman who came with a group of people, and that Qingsu was among them. Obviously, Qingsu told them what happened yesterday to the person in charge of the academy.

So this middle-aged woman didn't like Dongsheng Empire when she saw it.

Luo Batian smiled and said, "Isn't this the real Shen who is known as the painting fairy?"

Shen Zhenren stared at Luo Batian with a strange smile, "Luo Batian, yesterday your people were dishonest."

Luo Batian laughed strangely, "Oh? What do you mean?"

"Yesterday, my apprentice was practicing in the pond, and he was unable to move for a while, but you, Tong Shi, wanted to take advantage of her danger to solve her, so that you could win the first place."

As soon as these words came out, the scene was immediately lively, Luo Batian said with an ugly face, "How could such a thing happen."

Tong Shi also immediately defended, "That's right, I don't have one. If there is, Miss Qing, can you still stand here?"

Qingsu immediately explained, "That's because of Mr. Chu's help yesterday."

Everyone immediately looked at Chutian again, wondering what happened, while Tong Shi continued to argue, and the scene was very lively for a while.

Until a voice came, "What's the fuss about this! Did you come here to watch a group of juniors quarrel?"

Everyone looked into the distance, and when they saw the dark blood, everyone was shocked.

Xilai frowned, "Northern Snow Academy, why is he leading the team?"

Dark Blood stepped forward and said coldly, "I'm sorry, I'm leading the team at Beixue Academy this time, I'm afraid some people haven't seen me, but let me introduce myself, my name is Dark Blood."

Light Dark Blood, this name can make a lot of people present feel cold, but Chu Tian looked at Dark Blood with a smile, "Dark Guard, I didn't expect you to come here, it's interesting."

An Xue stared at Chu Tian, ​​"If I don't see you die, how can I feel at ease?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and a person walked out from behind Dark Blood. The person was expressionless, but many powerful people could feel that there was something wrong with this person.

Until Shen Zhenren frowned, "Diversified gods are one."

Chu Tian hurriedly let the system appraise it, only then did he discover that there were four primordial spirits in this body, and these primordial spirits were exactly the four people he cleaned up last time.

Dark Blood said coldly, "That's right."

Xi Lai frowned, "Dark Guard, I'm afraid this is not good."

Dark Blood explained, "They have already cultivated the ability to unite multiple gods, and now they have merged into one, and they are one person. There is nothing wrong with it."

But Chutian laughed and said, "I thought who it was, it turned out to be the four people I took care of in Nantian Kingdom last time, but I was wondering, could it be four in one? They became the elder brother of Antu?"

As soon as this remark came out, many people started discussing it, and that secret person, that strange person who was four people in one, stared at Chu Tian and said, "Chu Tian, ​​don't worry, I will definitely meet you when the time comes." Let you know how terrible we are."

Chu Tian smiled and said, "I'll wait."

At this moment, Vice President Qian appeared. He looked at the crowd and said, "Today, the President, the other Vice Presidents, and the elders have something to do. For the time being, I will be in charge of the first round. I don't know if you have any opinions?"

Naturally, there were no people there, and then the leader of the Qian Vice President asked everyone to sit in the designated seats and wait for other empires, and soon people from different empires appeared one after another.

When the last empire, which was also the fifth powerful overseas empire, the Skysea Empire appeared, everyone present was stunned.

[Adding chapters today, adding more than one month in a row, I haven’t had a good Spring Festival, I’m tired, I just ask everyone to vote and reward, so that Lao Yan’s hard work is not in vain, at least it means that everyone feels good and is willing to fight Appreciate and vote, thank you. 】

(End of this chapter)

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