Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 236 Block?Hmph, none of you will be allowed to pass!

Chapter 236 Block?Hmph, none of you will be allowed to pass! (seeking tickets)
[Thanks to the gods of 'Jianliao Zhai', '138****8978', 'Why should I miss the old man', '151****3164', '& Obsession&Missing', thank you. 】

At this moment, not only those people were laughing at Chutian, but Luo Batian who was sitting there also sneered, "Naive, I don't even look at how powerful this formation is, it's difficult for him to pass by himself, and he wants to lead people around?"

The ghost-faced tiger did not forget to tease, "This kid has always been arrogant, and it is normal to have such behavior."

Dark Blood was staring at Chutian, as for the other people in charge who didn't know Chutian, they were curious about what was so special about the Nascent Soul selected by Nantian Academy.

But at this moment, Chu Tian suddenly lifted the arms of the two of them easily, and then leaped away from the three of them.

Everyone present was stunned.

"Can he still jump like this?"

"More than that, look, he can fly!"

At this moment, Chutian did fly, and he reached the finish line in the blink of an eye. The scene was quiet, and Qingsu and others, who had only run five or six meters, were even more stunned.

"This, how is it possible, how did he do it."

"Is there any magic weapon in him?"

"It must be, this guy must have some powerful magic weapon, which can prevent him from being affected by this formation!"

As for Chutian, he returned to the starting point in the blink of an eye, looked at the three stunned guys and said with a smile, "Do you still want to stop?"

The three of them knew that they couldn't stop Chutian and could only look at Dantu. At this moment, Dantu cursed angrily, "What are you looking at? Hurry to the finish line?"

Xilai heaved a sigh of relief and smiled strangely, "Didn't you mean the one who let them stop me?"

Dan bald stared and said, "Don't be complacent!"

It doesn't matter if Xilai is unhappy, because Chutian sent everyone to the finish line at once, and ten people stood there watching the so-called geniuses and people from major academies walk the [-]-meter formation track again.

As for the leaders of the major academies, they started talking about it, while Song Yunlin sat there and congratulated, "Congratulations, brother Xi, all passed the knockout round."

Xi Lai smiled, "This is their skill."

But Dan Tu snorted, "That kid is leading them into the next round to die!"

Xi Lai said with a smile, "At least forty places, ten of which are in our academy, if you can't win, it's a big deal to admit defeat, it's better than if you can't even beat one of you this time."

Dantu didn't know the meaning of this, but the scene of the competition exploded, because Chu Tian was blocking people from the four academies of Xihuang Academy, Beixue Academy, Dongsheng Academy, and Southwest Academy at the moment.

"Bastard, go away!"

"Step aside!"

"It's too late, let's go there!"

Chu Tian looked at the people in all directions with a smile, "I'm sorry, but I still want to block you today!"

This made them run wild even more, and Chutian still didn't forget to tease, "Didn't you say that our academy is weak? Now I will make it difficult for you to pass the first round!"

"Damn, you!"

Chu Tian let them scold him, because he earned more anger points, and Chu Tian accumulated more than 1000 anger points from dozens of people.

"Ding~ exchanged for Flame Soul Eater successfully!"

Chu Tian was overjoyed, and the people from the four major academies sitting there began to feel uneasy, because now except for their few terrifying geniuses, no one else has reached the front.

But this also let everyone quickly see that there is another hidden master in Xihuang Empire besides Xie Shuitian, and another one from Dongsheng Academy.

Chu Tian was blocking the others, and he looked at the two of them and smiled, "Let me see what's special about these two, they are even better than Xie Shuitian and Tong Shi."

So Chu Tian first appraised the young man in the Western Wilderness Empire who was wearing blue clothes and had a black belt around his waist, which looked very special.

After the system identified it, a message came, "Ding~ Gu Lie Xiong, a rare monster with strong cultivation, hostile, can be devoured, after devouring, you can get two drops of spiritual blood and a portion of ninth-grade spiritual vegetable."

"Ninth Grade Spirit Vegetables? Then, can I make another Ninth Grade dish?"

Excited, Chu Tian continued to look at the other person wearing light green shoes, and his speed was not too slow. This person was the master hidden in Dongsheng Academy.

"Ding~ Mu Suo, a rare monster with strong cultivation, hostile, and can be devoured. After devouring, you can get two drops of spiritual blood and a piece of ninth-grade spiritual vegetable."

Chu Tian smiled secretly when he saw the spiritual vegetables again, "It seems that this time there are not only spiritual blood, but also spiritual vegetables, as well as powerful spiritual power and experience that can be transformed."

Just when Chutian was proud, Xilai said in a voice transmission, "Don't play too much, you won't be able to pass the level later."

Only then did Chutian look back at the finish line, and when he found that there were already more than 30 people there, Chutian smiled, then looked at those who were blocked and said with a smile, "Everyone, I won't play with you anymore, you take your time here." scold me."

This angered those people even more, and Chu Tian laughed loudly and reached the finish line at No. 40.

Those who were still on the track cursed one after another, and Dantu clenched his fists, "Damn it."

At this time, Vice President Qian announced the results, "Nantian Academy is the best, ten people passed."

Lin Guang and the others shouted excitedly, and then the leader of the Qian Vice President continued to synchronize.

Dongsheng Academy, Tongshi, Musuo.

Xihuang Academy, Xie Shuitian, Gu Liexiong.

North Snow Academy, undercover.

Beixi Academy, Qingsu, and the other six.

There are six in Nandong Academy, six in Tianhai Empire, and six in Northeast Empire.

In this way, except for the eight academies where people were promoted, there was only one academie, Southwest Academy, where no one entered.

This made Dantu even more annoyed, and when Chu Tian came down, he still looked at him with a smile and said, "I'm sorry, no one from your academy was allowed to enter!"

Dantu glared at Chu Tian angrily, "Boy, please remember, I will never let you go about what happened today."

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "It's worth it for me to make you the bottom of the academy."

This made Dantu so angry that he had nothing to say, but Xilai looked at Chutian and said with a smile, "Thank you."

"Ding~ heroic value +10, total heroic value 50"

Chu Tian didn't expect to have heroic value in this way, and said with a smile, "Senior, you're welcome."

Xi Lai smiled, as if venting his aggrieved breath, while Dantu complained for a while and then snorted, "Boy, let me tell you! The next round is the real competition, and we'll wait for Xihuang Academy and the others to come back." Break up your people one by one!"

This immediately made Lin Guang and others a little worried. After all, they were considered to be included in the next round, but Chu Tian said with a smile, "The next round is the next round. Anyway, it has nothing to do with your academy."


Chu Tian smiled without saying a word, and at this moment, Vice President Qian looked at the crowd, "It turned out that forty people have already been decided, and now the ID tokens of these 40 people will be drawn for a duel, and the victors will enter the next round. Those who fail are eliminated.”

As soon as these words came out, many people were eager to fight, and many people in the academy hated Chutian deeply. Those few geniuses wanted to draw lots to Chutian, so that they could deal with him well at that time.

[The second update of today's guarantee, it's a new week, Lao Yan continues to shout~]

(End of this chapter)

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