Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 243 Damn nothingness, it's chilly now

Chapter 243 Damn nothingness, it's chilly now (Gageng)
[Thanks for the reward of 'It Doesn't Matter Language', thank you]

Qingsu turned around and looked at Chutian with weird eyes, "Someone told me, and it was today."

Chu Tian asked in surprise, "Who?"

"You do not know."

After finishing speaking, Qing Su ignored Chu Tian's doubts and continued walking icily, disappearing directly into the darkness.

Chutian also hurriedly followed, and after entering, he found that the squeezing force here was stronger. However, Chutian has a purification system, so he naturally didn't take it seriously until he walked out of the dark place and entered a cloud filled with 01:30 transparency. There was a scream.

Chu Tian was surprised, "What's wrong?"

"You, don't come here!" Qingsu panicked.

Chu Tian wondered, "Why can't I go there?"

That Qingsu said tremblingly in the piles of clouds that resembled white clouds, "Look at the clothes on your body."

Chu Tian looked at him in surprise, and frowned, "The clothes have become transparent?"

This made Chutian anxious, and he quickly sat down in the knee-high water and said depressedly, "Hey, what's going on."

"The land of nothingness."

Qing Su looked a little terrified while talking, Chu Tian was puzzled, "Nothingness?"

"Well, anything that is not physical will turn into nothingness."

"Damn it, doesn't it mean that you have to practice here?"

Qingsu was a little nervous, "Well, but we are separated by a certain distance, with these clouds and mists, it shouldn't be a problem."

When Chu Tian saw the other party, he thought it was okay, so what could he do? Anyway, he was a man, and his lower body was in the water, so he said with a smile, "That's right."

Qingsu then said hurriedly, "You, you must promise not to come to my place."

Chu Tian said awkwardly, "I said Miss Qing, do you think I'm like that kind of person?"

However, Qingsu didn't say a word, she could only sit cross-legged and practice, and Chu Tian found that the spiritual power here was indeed very good, but what Chu Tian wondered was where it was and why the spiritual power was so good.

Just when Chutian couldn't figure it out, the fire in Lieyanjian was ready to move. Chutian asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

"Here, there is a powerful soul staring at you!"

Chu Tian turned pale with shock, "What? Is it true or not?"

"Well, it's above your heads, and you can't see him, but he can stare at you."

This made Chutian anxious, which meant that he was completely exposed to unknown people, so he hurriedly asked, "Is it an enemy or a friend?"

"It seems to be very fierce, and it is estimated that I will hunt you down."

"What is it?"

"A spirit beast with wings and a unicorn."

Chutian didn't see it with his own eyes, so he didn't know what was going on, but he sent a voice transmission to Qingsu, "Miss Qing, did anyone tell you that this place is dangerous?"

Qingsu hesitated, "The people who told me here said that this was once the place where the Emperor Nine Alliance sealed a powerful beast soul."

Hearing this, Chu Tian asked in surprise, "Then you are not afraid that this powerful beast soul will attack us?"

"Senior said that this beast soul is sealed and its attack power is very low. Even if it attacks us, we can handle it."

Chu Tian said depressedly, "But we are so naked now."


Chu Tian said helplessly, "Forget it, I just hope that the spirit beast doesn't come to attack us."

But as soon as the words fell, there was a lion-like roar in the air, and Qingsu was shocked, "What's going on?"

At this moment, the surrounding mist suddenly dissipated, when Chutian saw Qingsu sitting cross-legged facing him more than ten meters away.

At the same time, the two objects on her chest were just covered by the horizontal line, but at this moment she said with a flushed face, "You, you close your eyes!"

Chu Tian hurriedly closed his eyes and said with an embarrassed smile, "But my consciousness is still there."


"Don't get excited, I opened my consciousness to see the beast soul in the sky."

Qingsu raised her head and stared at the beast soul, only to see that there were countless chains on the beast soul, but it had a pair of black wings on its body, and its body was like a huge black lion with a single horn.

Seeing this, Qingsu was shocked and said, "The rumored black Tianshi."

"Hei Tianshi? Is it very powerful?"

"Of course, during the war between the righteous way and the evil way, Hei Tianshi was one of the beasts of the Demon Sect. It is said that the body was weakened later, but the soul was immortal. I did not expect to be imprisoned here."

At this time, black smoke was coming from the nostrils of the black sky lion, and at the same time, black fire was spitting out from the mouth, and suddenly rushed towards Chutian and Qingsu, and Qingsu's pen immediately drew a huge shield in the air to block it.

But the raging black fire was terrifying, it directly destroyed the shield, and after the black sky lion roared a few times, the black fire sprayed Qingsu directly.

But Chu Tian disappeared in the blink of an eye, and came behind the black Tianshi. "Stop struggling, these chains are trapping you."

The black sky lion snorted, "But it's enough to kill you humble human being."

Chu Tian laughed and said, "Don't be so angry, maybe we can cooperate."

"Do you think I will bow to you humans?"

Chu Tian laughed and said, "Don't you want to be free?"

"Freedom? That's an extravagant wish!"

Chutian smiled, "If you want, I can set you free."

"Tell me what you want to do."

"It's very simple, I want you to be my fighting spirit."

"What battle spirit?"

After Chu Tian explained, the black Tianshi said, "You, a little human, want to seal me? It's ridiculous."

Seeing that the other party was not convinced, Chu Tian smiled and said, "To be honest, you are now trapped by these chains, and your strength has been greatly reduced, but I can really seal you."

"Do not believe!"

Seeing that the other party didn't believe it, Chu Tian smiled and said, "Well, just watch."

I saw Chu Tian began to cast the spirit sealing technique, and the black Tianshi immediately began to shrink a little bit, which made Hei Tianshi furious, "Damn it, let me go."

Chu Tian smiled strangely, "With a beast soul as powerful as you as my new battle soul, my strength will definitely increase greatly."

Hei Tianshi was obviously not reconciled, but finally disappeared there, leaving only piles of chains behind.

Just when Chutian was proud, voices came from a distance, "Who let Hei Tianshi go!"

Chu Tian was shocked, he didn't expect these locks to be human locks, he hurried to Qingsu and said, "What are you looking at, run away!"

【Today we will add another update. This is also the second update today, and it is also the fifth update today. This was written by Lao Yan desperately. It is now in the early hours of the morning. It is just to thank everyone for their rewards recently. Thank you, everyone. I hope that everyone will continue to vote and reward and work hard to stand up, thank you. 】

(End of this chapter)

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