Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 259 Hand in the magic weapon?dream!

Chapter 259 Hand in the magic weapon?dream! (seeking tickets)
【grateful'? ﹏? ? ? ?Mengbai's reward, it is said that he is called Mengyi. 】

I saw Chutian raised his right hand, and a Hunyuan blasting palm hit out, and the white-haired man was directly sent flying.

The savages present immediately stopped, and hurried to surround the man to see how the white-haired man was doing.

At this time, the white-haired man struggled to get up from the crowd, fixed his eyes on Chu Tian and said, "Come with us if you have the guts!"

After finishing speaking, these savages walked forward, Liekong said excitedly when he saw these people surrendered so quickly, "Brother Chu is still the best, one slap will make them be honest."

Chu Tian said solemnly, "The bodies of these savages are really durable, so it's okay."

Qingsu explained, "The savage has natural supernatural power. Although this white hair seems to have only the peak strength of the out-of-body stage, his physical body is definitely not inferior to those geniuses in the out-of-body stage of Dzogchen."

Chu Tianen said, "I found out."

But Lie Kong shouted, "Why are you still in a daze, hurry up and follow up, if you wait a little later, don't let those two get eaten by them!"

Only then did Chutian come back to his senses, "Let's go!"

I saw that these savages were not slow at all, everyone seemed to be able to teleport, and the distance of each flash was about a hundred steps, which shocked Lie Kong and Qingsu.

Chu Tian had no choice but to say, "Fly!"

Because Liekong was injured, Chutian grabbed him, and Qingsu was not bad, so she quickly followed.

Until they came to a valley surrounded by mountains, and here are many stone houses made of stones, not only that, there are spirit beast heads or skeletons hanging around those stone houses, like some kind of symbol.

In addition, in the center of these stone houses is a tall tower made of stones. Chu Tian gasped when he saw it, "It really looks like a pyramid."

Liekong wondered, "What is a pyramid?"

Chutian didn't know how to explain, but at this moment Qingsu shouted, "Look, there are many people gathered under the tower, and Kai Daofeng has fallen to the ground, but Lin Guang was attacked."

Chu Tian's spiritual sense immediately swept over and found that Lin Guang was covered in blood at the moment, and every time he wanted to make a move, he was punched flying by a big savage.

Chu Tian immediately handed Lie Kong over to Qing Su, and when Lin Guang struggled to get up, the big man stammered, "Go to hell."

At this time, the big man punched him, and Lin Guang turned pale with shock, but at this moment, he suddenly pulled him back with one hand, and quickly stepped aside.

Yerenmen, who were watching the excitement, immediately erupted, but when Lin Guang saw that it was Chutian, he said excitedly, "You, you are finally here."

Seeing that Lin Guang was covered in blood, Chu Tian immediately became angry, and unceremoniously slapped his right palm again. The big man resisted with his body indiscriminately, but his whole body was blown away and hit under the tower.

The savages at the scene immediately shouted and shouted again, until Bai Maoluo shouted to them, "Stop first."

The big man who was beaten into the air just got up feeling uncomfortable and said kindly, "I'm going to kill him."

But Bai Mao said, "You can't do anything to him."

But the big man didn't believe it, and wanted to go forward, but when Chutian was about to strike again, a majestic voice came from inside the tower, "Outsiders, you are not following the rules."

Everyone immediately looked at the tower, then half-knelt down, and then walked out from inside an old monster with loose hair and green hair all over his body.

I saw that the old monster was holding a wooden stick in his hand, and there were many people's heads hanging on the wooden stick. Lin Guang and Qingsu who arrived were frightened when they saw it.

At this time, the old monster looked at Baimao, "I told you to arrest people, why did you bring them instead?"

The white hair said respectfully, "Patriarch, I lost."

The people present immediately started talking, but the old monster stared at Chu Tian strangely and asked, "Did you defeat him?"

Chu Tian replied, "Not really."

Then the old monster said, "They committed a crime and must be punished."

"Punishment? Are you going to allow the attack like this?"

Chu Tian questioned, and the old monster snorted, "They did it voluntarily."

Chu Tian looked at Lin Guang in doubt, "What's going on?"

Lin Guang explained, "When we were arrested, they said that as long as we beat someone with the same strength as them, we can leave. If not, we will die."

Qing Su and Lie Kong gasped, but Chu Tian looked at the old monster, "You guys have natural supernatural powers, so what's the point of bullying them like this?"

The old monster said coldly, "Our family has been here for many years, and there is only one rule, that is, whoever can defeat someone with the same strength can be respected, but if he can't, he will die."

"So domineering?"

The old monster said with majesty, "This is our place, we are the masters, outsiders, why don't you accept it?"

Chu Tian sneered, "Then if I beat someone with the same strength, will I be respected by you?"

The old monster said with a serious face, "That's right."

"Then come on, you choose people, but you can take care of them. I don't pay attention to those who are out of body. If you choose people in the Nascent Soul state, then you will die by then, so don't blame me."

Those savages were enraged by Chutian's arrogance, and they all shouted to go up, and the old monster also saw the power of Chutian's palm and said, "You have another."

Chutian laughed strangely when he heard this, "What? Are you scared?"

But the old monster said, "No."

Chu Tian asked unceremoniously, "Then what you just said was farting?"

The old monster's eyes widened, obviously very angry, but he still held back his anger and said, "Boy, we never use the strong to bully the weak, and at the same time, we will not let you bully our weak."

"I said old guy, what do you want, just say it, don't talk nonsense!"

But the patriarch said, "Because, some people say that you have many magic weapons in your body, so you can't be considered an ordinary person."

"There are many magic weapons in my body?"

At this time, a laugh came, "That's right! There are many magic weapons in your body."

Chu Tian and the others looked curiously at the source of the sound. At this moment, two people walked out from the wild man, one was Luo Batian, and the other was naturally a ghost-faced tiger. The appearance of two people.

Seeing this, Chu Tian sneered, "Who did I think it was, it turned out to be you two shit-stirring sticks!"

Luo Batian smiled strangely, "Boy, I didn't expect that."

Chu Tian was indeed a little surprised by their appearance, but he looked at the patriarch suspiciously, "Why do you believe them?"

The patriarch said coldly, "Because they have gained our respect."

Chu Tian was puzzled, "Your respect?"

That Luo Batian laughed and said, "Boy, let me explain to you."

Chu Tian and the others all looked at Luo Batian curiously, and Luo Batian smiled slowly, "This tower has eight floors, and each floor is very scary, and if we successfully enter the second floor, we can get their Respect, be one of them, understand?"

After hearing this, Chu Tian secretly scolded the two for moving so fast, and that Luo Batian obviously wanted to take advantage of these savages, so he respectfully said to the patriarch, "Great Patriarch Ha, now you can ask him to take those savages first." Take out the magic weapon and compare."

The patriarch stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Hand it over."

Chu Tian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "There's no reason to hand over magic weapons."

When the patriarch saw that Chu Tian didn't hand it in, he stomped the wooden staff on the ground vigorously, and a huge barrier appeared around him, and this barrier was unusual, with many strange characters.

When Luo Batian saw it, he said excitedly, "Boy, today you either hand over your magic weapon and fight hard, or you will be trapped here forever."

[The second update of today's guarantee, hey, Yuanxiao Laoyan still has to continue to code, it's hard work, please comfort, please vote, please reward, please be popular~]

(End of this chapter)

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