Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 261 This is the end, shit stirrer!

Chapter 261 This is the end, shit stirrer! (seeking tickets)
[Thank you for the rewards of '①一个孤地迣鎅佷蔂"', '゛我ぃ知道你づ', 'Crazy, Kang Xi', 'Be lenient to others', thank you.]

Seeing that Chutian stretched out his right arm and began to accumulate strength, and the momentum was still soaring, that Luo Batian was shocked, "How is it possible, his strength is still increasing."

Ghost Face Tiger was also a little surprised, "This guy."

Only Chu Tian knew that he was purifying the spiritual energy in his body at this moment. In this way, when he used his right arm to cast the Hunyuan Bangtian Palm again, the power would increase at least ten times.

So when Chu Tian hit the savage again with that palm, the savage was immediately blown away.

This time the savage couldn't get up again, Chu Tian looked at his palm and smiled strangely, "There are still two left."

Those two people had already started to flinch a little. Even though they had innate divine power at this moment, it was useless if they couldn't hit Chutian, but Chutian could attack them with that terrifying palm.

This made Lin Guang and others excited, and Qingsu sighed secretly, "He is more terrifying than before."

At this moment, not only Qing Su, but also Luo Batian and Gui Mianhu couldn't understand how Chu Tian did it.

At this time, Chu Tian had already struck out his palm again, and then the two people were also blown away one after another, and finally lay there unable to get up.

Chu Tian clapped his hands and said with a smile, "Three tricks are done!"

The blue-haired old monster had long been staring at Chu Tian, ​​but Chu Tian suddenly came to Luo Batian and slapped hard, that Luo Batian screamed and hit the barrier directly.

At the same time, Chutian stepped on him and smiled strangely, "Guan Luo, I admit that your soul is powerful, but your physical body is too weak, and you have just entered this body and have not yet fully integrated, so I am afraid that your mobility is not as good as theirs alone. A master of Dzogchen at the awakening stage."

At this moment, although Luo Batian's soul is fine, the pain in his body made him feel very uncomfortable and cursed, "Boy, take your leg away!"

Chu Tian sneered, "Why?"

Luo Batian immediately looked at the old monster, "Clan Chief Ha, he, he doesn't respect me."

But Chu Tian had already taken out a sharp dagger, and slid it casually a few times, directly crippling the opponent's hand strength and hamstrings, that Luo Batian screamed again and again.

The ghost-faced tiger who was watching from the side was frightened, and he quickly looked at the patriarch.

At this time, the patriarch said solemnly, "He has already defeated the person who should be defeated, and he is also the person we respect, so I don't care about your affairs."

These words made Luo Batian shout like a bolt from the blue, "Patriarch Ha, me."

But Chutian gestured with a dagger and smiled strangely, "Guan Luo, I know that your soul can escape from this body at any time, so I can't do any harm to your soul, but I can ravage this body at will. , This kind of pain must be very refreshing."

After finishing speaking, Chutian's dagger had already slashed across his face, and even quickly cut through his body. This kind of physical pain was unbearable for Luo Batian, and his soul quickly withdrew and reached the ghost-faced tiger.

I saw Luo Batian's soul half-materialized staring at Chutian and said, "Boy! You forced me to do this!"

When everyone was wondering what Luo Batian was going to do, Luo Batian suddenly turned into a gust of wind and rushed towards the seriously injured Lin Guang.

Chu Tian was shocked, "Damn it!"

Everyone was shocked, because they all knew that Luo Batian wanted to occupy that Lin Guang's body.

But at this time, Chutian flashed a golden light, and he was faster than Luo Batian, and he came to Lin Guang, and then his right hand directly touched the rushing Luo Batian.

Luo Batian was shocked, because Chutian didn't activate the magic weapon of soul defense, and let himself directly rush into that arm.

Then Luo Batian was even more shocked when he saw the scene in his right arm, "How is it possible, this, this is not the right arm of the demon envoy, why is it in your hand?"

At this moment, only Chutian can hear this voice, because everyone is wondering where that Luo Batian has gone, but Chutian stands there motionless, but consciously teases Luo Batian who is in the independent space in his arm, " I have to thank you for giving me this arm."

Luo Batian seemed to understand something instantly, "You, you refined this arm."

Chu Tian smiled strangely, "It's almost the same meaning."

Luo Batian was shocked immediately, "Let me out!"

Chu Tian sneered, "You came in by yourself, can you blame me?"

Luo Batian was not reconciled, he wanted to go out, but at this moment this arm was completely sealed by Chutian, unless Chutian let him go out, no matter how strong Luo Batian was, he would not be able to break out of this space.

This made Luo Batian roar angrily, "Let me out!"

"Just obediently enjoy the long years until one day, when I have the ability to seal your soul, I will seal you again!"

The manager of a academy in Luoba Paradise Hall, but was trapped by a Nascent Soul and shouted frantically, "No, let me out!"

But Chu Tian didn't bother to pay attention to him, instead he laughed inwardly, "This is what happens to a shit-stirring stick."

But Chutian still has one more to deal with, and that is the ghost-faced tiger.

So when Chutian came back to his senses, the ghost-faced tiger asked a little bit puzzled, "Where's Luo Batian?"

"He, I sent him to a very distant place, how about you? Do you want to reunite with him?"

The ghost-faced tiger retreated step by step, and at this time Chu Tian suddenly came behind him and sneered, using the same method to seriously injure the ghost-faced tiger, and after the soul of the ghost-faced tiger escaped, it flew towards the tower in fear.

Those savages were shocked, and the blue-haired patriarch also frowned, but the ghost-faced tiger had disappeared.

As for Chutian who was about to attack, suddenly a group of savages stood in front of Chutian. Chutian frowned, "Why did you block me?"

The old monster said from behind, "This tower has eight floors. If you want to enter, you must first start the assessment from the first floor, and then you can step into the second floor, and so on, to reach the eighth floor."

But Chutian said bluntly, "Then take me to the first floor."

But the old monster stared at Chutian contemptuously, "Outsiders, our tower is also called the Soul Refining Tower. If you don't have a strong enough soul, you will die if you enter! Even they can only reach the second floor, and you, the first floor." It is impossible to step into the floor."

Chu Tian was puzzled, "Soul Refining Pagoda?"

"That's right!"

Chutian has the Immortal Soul Armor, so he is not afraid to laugh and say, "But I still want to go in."

The old monster stared at Chutian for a long time and said, "You want to send you to death, I will help you."

After speaking, the old monster walked up ahead, and Qingsu came to Chutian's side and worried, "Are you really going in?"

Chu Tianen said, "This ghost-faced tiger is inside, I must catch him."

Hearing that Chutian was going to catch the ghost-faced tiger, Qingsu said in disbelief, "But he is very strong, you."

Chu Tian smiled strangely, "I have already thought of a way to deal with these guys, so as long as I catch him, I will make him unable to escape!"

Qingsu showed a look of disbelief, and the old monster had already arrived at the lower stone door of the tower. After the stone door was pushed open, there appeared a ladder, and then he pointed to the ladder and said, "Here you can enter the first floor, outsiders, please."

Chutian had no choice but to look at Qingsu and the others, "Wait here for me."

Qing Su and the others had no choice but to nod, but when Chu Tian was about to go in, the old monster said, "Ten hours, if you don't come out, it means you died inside, and I will activate the Soul Refining Tower at that time The ultimate formation, reduce you and that guy inside to ashes."

As soon as these words came out, Qingsu and the others were shocked, but Chutian laughed strangely and went directly to the steps and disappeared there.

[Add more chapters, Yuanxiao is still desperately adding more, just to ask for votes and popularity, everyone feels sorry for Lao Yan, vote for rewards for popularity, go for it! 】

(End of this chapter)

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