Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 273 Don't Want to Chapter [-] What You Got!

Chapter 273 Don't want to go back what you got! (plus more)
Chu Tian smiled and looked at Yueyinlong, "You often rob others, you must have collected a lot of wealth."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked. They didn't expect Chu Tian to set his sights on Yue Yinlong and rob him instead.

This month Yinlong laughed strangely in order to let Chutian adjust his level independently, "What? Want to rob me?"

"Yeah, otherwise I won't adjust like this. When the time comes, I can get the pass. If you want to kill me again, it's impossible."

Yueyinlong immediately agreed, "Tell me how much you need."

Chu Tian smiled, "Hand over all the valuables on your body."

Yueyinlong stared and said, "You."

Chu Tian smiled strangely, "Hurry up."

Yueyinlong had no choice but to take out an interspatial bag and throw it to Chutian. Chutian picked it up and frowned after looking at it, "There are so few, you think I'm a fool."

Yueyinlong stared, "What do you want?"

"Hurry up, wait for the time to come."

Yueyinlong gritted his teeth and threw another one, but Chutian couldn't be satisfied. Seeing that the time was about to pass, that Yueyinlong directly threw countless interspatial bags, and they were all used by him to rob others.

After looking at it, Chu Tian smiled with satisfaction and said, "It's all right."

Chen Shi hurriedly asked, "So, you agree to adjust the level."

Chu Tianen said, "Yes, and give me the highest grade."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned, and Fatty Du and the others were even more dumbfounded. The red lady shouted, "Little guy, the highest level is level nine. I'm not joking. I'm afraid my soul will perish by then."

But Yueyinlong laughed loudly, "He has already said it, he can't change it, what are you still doing in a daze, hurry up."

Chen Shi excitedly asked everyone to act quickly, and soon they injected different powers into those stone pillars, and even added some weird air currents. After a while, these stone pillars became even more terrifying, and the soul attack power that hit Chu Tian was even more powerful.

"Ding~Golden Yuanying Yuanshen Power +10"

"Ding~Golden Yuanying Yuanshen Power +10"

After a while, Chutian Jinyuanying Yuanshen power is also full, which means that after the fire, wood, and gold are all full, Chutian should be blessed by the earth-type Yuanying, but the surrounding power disappears, and at the same time Chutian has a piece of ghost in Chutian's hand. City pass.

It was made of a special piece of red wood, and Chu Tian smiled wryly when he saw this, "That's the end."

Chen Shi and the others were stunned for a long time, and Yueyinlong became angry on the spot, "How is it possible, you, how come you are not dead?"

Chu Tian smiled, "What? Do you want me to die?"

Yueyinlong gave all the robbed things to Chutian all these years, just wanting Chutian to die, and then take them back when he turns around, but now he has completely become Chutian's queen and said, "Boy, give it back to me, I can let you I will do better in Ghost Valley in the future."

Chu Tian smiled strangely, "There is no reason to take back what you have obtained."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian jumped down, and Fatty Du and the others were overjoyed, as if they had avenged their revenge, while Yueyinlong glared and said, "Boy, don't think that you are a big deal just because you got the pass."

Chu Tian laughed and said, "It's really amazing, what? Are you going to kill me? Come on."

Yueyinlong gritted his teeth angrily, and then Chutian looked at Fenglie, "It's your turn."

Feng Lie said worriedly, "I'm afraid."

Chu Tian comforted and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I will help you."

Feng Lie was puzzled, "You help me?"


Feng Lie looked at Chu Tian curiously, and Chu Tian smiled at Feng Lie and said, "My Nascent Soul enters your body."

Feng Lie was shocked when he heard that the Chutian Yuanying was about to enter his body, and Chutian put one hand on Fenglie's shoulder, and the earth-type Yuanying slipped into his body in an instant, and could be retracted freely. There is an extra baby in Lie's body.

As for Feng Lie, his eyes were stunned when he saw that Chutian was fine without the Nascent Soul, and Chutian had nine Nascent Souls, so if one was removed, nothing would happen.

Not only that, Chutian also smiled strangely, "Go."

Feng Lie immediately understood and said excitedly, "Okay."

As for that Yue Yinlong snorted immediately, "I don't believe your friend can resist."

I saw that Chen Shi was also transferred to level [-] for Feng Lie, and Feng Lie laughed unceremoniously after knowing that Chutian Yuanying was in his body. The baby was sucked.

Yueyinlong was dumbfounded, "How is this possible."

Chen Shi was stunned, while Fatty Du and the others showed envious expressions. As for Feng Lie, he grabbed Chutian with one hand, and the earth element Nascent Soul returned to Chutian's body immediately.

Chu Tian then looked at Fatty Du and the others with a smile and said, "It's your turn."

Fatty Du and the others shook their heads when they heard that, especially this time Yueyinlong was here, he would definitely adjust the difficulty, but Chutian looked at the five of them through sound transmission, "Don't worry, I will help you, whoever goes first."

Hearing that Chutian would help, they looked at each other, and the Uncle Duan said, "Anyway, I'm not afraid, come!"

Chu Tian laughed and watched Uncle Duan pat him on the other shoulder a few times, that Uncle Duan looked at Chu Tian in shock, but Chu Tian smiled and said, "Go, don't worry, I'm here."

Uncle Duan was already stunned, but Fatty Du and the others wondered what happened to Uncle Duan and why he suddenly became stupid, but Chu Tian laughed strangely.

Until that Uncle Duan came back to his senses and laughed, "Haha, good."

That month, Yinlong didn't understand why Uncle Duan suddenly went crazy, but he said happily, "I couldn't kill you last time, but I will definitely kill you this time."

Uncle Duan was protected by Chutian Yuanying, so he said with a smile without fear, "Come on, if you can't kill me, hit the wall."

Uncle Duan's sudden domineering tone made Fatty Du and others even more puzzled, and Yue Yinlong quickly looked at Chen Shi, "Hurry up, adjust the level."

Chen Shiensheng immediately adjusted Uncle Duan to a fourth level. After all, his original level was lower than the fourth level, but just when Fatty Du and others thought that Uncle Duan would not be able to hold on, that Uncle Duan was laughing and scolding. Yue Yinlong, "Don't think that because you are the son of the Yue family, no one can take care of you."

Yueyinlong said coldly, "I'll see how long you can last."

But Uncle Duan laughed, "Dream, I'll be fine, if you have the guts, you can also adjust to the highest level for me."

Yueyinlong was stunned, but Chen Shi was the first to come back to his senses, "Level nine."

Fatty Du and the others were shocked, thinking that Uncle Duan would be overwhelmed immediately, but Chu Tian laughed and said, "This guy is using my ability to pretend to be aggressive."

Feng Lie sighed a little, "I should have known, I yelled like that just now, give me the highest level, how grand."

Chu Tian laughed and said, "I forgot to tell you."

Feng Lie regretted it for a while, until Uncle Duan won the pass and walked down in full view, that Yue Yinlong was stunned, "How is it possible, how is it possible."

Fatty Du and the others hurried forward to ask what happened.

[Add more chapters, so sleepy, this is the fifth update today, Lao Yan felt that his eyes were going to float, so he went to sleep, I hope to come together tomorrow morning, there are so many recommended tickets, so many rewards, so many popularity, let me Let's dream, hehe. 】

(End of this chapter)

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