Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 278 Breaking ground on Tai Sui's head?court death!

Chapter 278 Breaking ground on Tai Sui's head?court death! (plus more)
[Thanks to 'Millennium Fate', 'Gluttonous Feast', 'Hello, stranger! ','? ? ? ? ?hansome? ? ? ? ? ' Thank you for your tip. 】

That Wang Xin turned around, saw Chu Tian's eyes and said, "Don't pay attention to him, let's continue chatting."

After Chu Tian said, Wang Xin smiled and said, "The outer soul in my body is very strong, but it is also trying to devour my inner soul little by little, so I need you to help me weaken the power of the outer soul, just Similar to how you attacked me today."

Chu Tian took a deep breath, "Aren't you in great pain?"

Wang Xin sighed, "It's better than breaking out and becoming an idiot in the future."

Chu Tian said solemnly, "Is there no other way?"

Wang Xin said after pondering, "There is a mountain in my house this month. It is rumored that there is a magic weapon in that mountain, which makes it produce unique requiem tea leaves. This magic weapon may help me, but you know, I don't like it. This month, so I might as well choose the painful way."

Chu Tian had no choice but to grit his teeth and said, "Then let me try."

Seeing that white light appeared in Chutian's hands, Wang Xin was obviously pale, but she could only hold back and said, "Come on."

Just when Chutian was about to attack, that Wang Xin put aside his Ghost Token so that Chutian's attack could come in.

Soon the white light penetrated into Wang Xin's body little by little. At this time, Wang Xin continued to sweat, and even his forehead was covered with sweat. When he vomited blood again, Chu Tian quickly put it away, and asked with some pity, "Wang Xin Are you okay, miss."

Wang Xin panted there, "No, nothing, just tired."

Chu Tian couldn't bear to ask, "Then how is your outer soul doing now?"

"It is weakened a little, but if it is done once a day at this rate, it will take tens of thousands of times to do it."

Chu Tian took a deep breath, "Ten thousand times?"


After pondering, Chu Tian said, "Then let's go to Yue's house."

Wang Xin asked with a pale face, "Why?"

"Go and see that mountain."

Wang Xin shook his head and said, "People from the Yue family can't let us pass."

Chu Tian smiled, "That's easy. Didn't the Yue family invite me this year? I'll just go. I'll find a way to investigate when the time comes."

When Wang Xin heard this, he immediately vetoed it, "This month's family wants you to go, nothing more than trying to find a way to defeat you."

"I have a ghost order, can they still attack me at will?"

Wang Xin frowned and said, "This month's house, there are certain places where the ghost order is invalid. I don't know the specific place, but I think this month's evil asked you to go, just to lure you."

"Then go have a look."

Wang Xin shook his head, "You don't have to get involved in this trouble."

Chu Tian was about to say something, when the sound transmission stone moved. He opened the sound transmission stone curiously, and when he saw the scene inside, his expression changed.

Wang Xin was curious, "What's wrong?"

Chutian's momentum soared immediately, and Wang Xin, who was sitting there, was secretly startled, "Does he only have Yuanying?"

At this moment, Chu Tian cursed, "These people are really despicable!"

Wang Xin wondered, "What's wrong?"

"People from the Yue family used some kind of poison to poison all my friends, and then took them away. That Yuexie threatened me. If I don't go within three days, I will collect their bodies!"

Wang Xin was shocked, "Soul-eating poison."

Chu Tian immediately regained his composure and asked, "What soul-eating poison?"

"It is rumored that an expert has recently come to the Yue family. This expert has created a poison that can invade other people's bodies and control the inner and outer souls of that person for a period of time. In this way, they can take them away."

When Chu Tian heard this, his eyes flickered with anger, "These people really used all means to deal with me!"

Wang Xin also said apologetically, "It's all me, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't offend the Yue family."

But Chu Tian shook his head, "When I entered the city today, I got into a fight with Yue Yinlong, the little son of the Yue family, so even if it didn't happen, he would think of this way to deal with my friend, and then lead me there."

When Wang Xin heard this, he immediately comforted him, "You must be impulsive, this month's home is not a good place, many people never return."

But Chu Tian asked in puzzlement, "Why can't the Ghost Order protect my friend?"

Wang Xin shook his head helplessly and said, "It is said that this poison is specially designed to break through the ghost order, and it is specialized in external souls! Let people guard against it accidentally."

"Then why don't they attack us directly?"

After pondering, Wang Xin said, "If I'm not wrong, his poison is only effective for people with weak soul defenses, but you and I, I'm afraid they won't be able to break through it for the time being."

Chutian nodded after understanding, but Wang Xin was afraid of Chutian's impulsiveness, so he continued to persuade, "This has to be done slowly."

But Chutian's eyes flashed with anger, "They dare to be so shameless and dare to touch my people, then I'm welcome!"

"what are you going to do?"

Chu Tian said coldly, "I want to know the exact location of the Yue Family."

Wang Xin worried, "But."

"Miss Wang, please, this time it's about my friend's safety."

Wang Xin had no choice but to say, "I'll take you there, after all, that place is hard to find."

Chu Tian said gratefully, "Thank you."

Wang Xin also knew that human life was at stake, so she hurriedly took Chutian away from Gloomy Soul City and went straight to some nearby mountains.

Finally, he stopped in front of two mountain peaks, and there was a path five people wide between the two peaks. Looking from Chutian's position, there was a stone staircase hundreds of meters away.

Wang Xin pointed to the steps of the stone platform and said solemnly, "The stone steps here can lead to Yue's house, but."

"But what?"

At this time, many people flew out of the mid-air of this road, and Yueyinlong laughed there, "However, the Ghost Token will be temporarily invalid here, that is to say, if you want to pass here, it depends on your ability to pass through." It's no use, haha."

Wang Xin was shocked, because at this moment, Yueyinlong and many people were already above the out-of-body stage, and Yueyinlong himself had already completed the out-of-body stage.

Seeing Yueyinlong, Chutian said coldly, "Let my friend go."

Yueyinlong sneered, "Let it go? Boy, do you think it's possible?"

"What do you want?"

Yueyinlong smiled strangely, "It's very simple, walk into this aisle, and I'll consider whether to let him go."

Chu Tian's eyes widened, and Wang Xin said, "Yueyinlong, don't push yourself!"

Yueyinlong laughed loudly, "This is the territory of my Yue family, I can do whatever I like, what can you do?"

Wang Xin looked at Chu Tian, ​​"Don't be impulsive, let alone go in, otherwise the ghost order will be invalid."

However, Chutian walked a few steps and entered that place. The effect of the ghost order immediately lost its effect. Those people quickly stepped forward to surround Chutian, and at the same time trapped Chutian with their momentum, preventing him from leaving for half a step.

Wang Xin turned pale with shock, and Yueyinlong laughed immediately, "Boy, you are very affectionate, but you think you can save them when you come? Ridiculous!"

"Let go!"

Yueyinlong clicked his tongue and said, "You don't look at your own situation, and you still ask me to let you go? I said boy, do you still think that now is the past, with the protection of the Ghost Order, and I can't do anything to you?"

Chu Tian said bluntly, "You really can't do anything to me!"

[The second update today is also the fifth update today. Someone asked Lao Yan if he had a lover. Yes, Lao Yan wants to raise a small lover and a big lover. Hey, it’s hard work, continue to code and win everyone’s recommendations Tickets and rewards, don't forget to vote when you vote, if you give it a try.More later! 】

(End of this chapter)

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