Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 284 Damn, I'll do it, too weak!too weak!

Chapter 284 Damn, I'll do it, too weak!too weak! (plus more)
[Thanks for 'drunk? .酒' for tipping, thank you. 】

I saw Chu Tian standing in the Immortal Mansion excitedly ordering the system, "Open the Fairy Illustration Book!"

"Ding~ Fairy Hall is activated!"

Chu Tian was puzzled, "Fairy Hall? What Fairy Hall?"

At this time, a voice from the system flashed, "Ding~ Please choose a place to place the gate of the Fairy Palace!"

Chu Tian didn't expect that there was a gate to the Fairy Palace, so he quickly pointed to a place in the empty space of the Immortal Mansion and said, "Here."

With a bang, a huge stone gate appeared at the place Chu Tian was pointing at, and there was only one stone gate.

Not only that, but it stood there like an ancient stone gate. When Chu Tian looked back and forth in shock, he found that the gate was as wide as an arm and gasped, "This, what is this?"

"Ding~ The gate of the Fairy Palace, only the host can enter!"

Chu Tian couldn't wait to laugh and said, "Could it be that the fairy is inside?"

However, the system didn't answer, so Chu Tian had no choice but to come to the front door by himself, and then planned to push, but as soon as his hands touched the door, his whole body was sucked in.

When Chu Tian staggered and was about to fall, he quickly stood still, because he was standing on a staircase that was going down tens of meters, and he immediately cursed, "Damn, this door is in the In the air, this is too anti-human design!"

However, after Chu Tian cursed a lot, he looked around and there was a cloud of mist, as if he had come to some fairyland. At the same time, the system voice flashed, "Ding~ because the host is too weak, it can't introduce fairy energy."

"Too weak? Can't introduce immortal energy? What are these clouds?"

Chu Tian touched it depressedly, and it felt a little wet, like the morning fog, and then sighed, "It's really disappointing, I thought I came to a fairyland."

At this time, the system voice flashed, "Ding ~ Fairy Palace is in front, you can use the six fairy illustrations to activate it."

Hearing the sound, Chu Tian hurried down the stairs, and then a cobblestone path appeared, and there were gardens, ponds, and rockeries around this path, which can be said to be a beautiful fairyland.

The most important thing is that there are many attics in these four places, and in the center is a huge palace. There is also a plaque hanging on this palace, "Fairy Palace."

Seeing these three big characters, Chu Tian murmured happily in his heart, "Isn't it true that a fairy can be summoned?"

Looking forward to it, Chu Tian hurriedly walked into the main hall. At this time, there were nine huge stone statues standing in front of him, and each stone statue was a different woman. The most important thing was that the whole body was surrounded by clouds and mist, especially the details. cover up.

"Damn, move stone statues? What the hell?"

"Ding~nine fairies, six pictures can activate fairies to enter the fairy hall, please choose!"

Chu Tian almost cursed, "What do you choose? The nine look exactly the same, and you can't tell them apart."

"Ding~ There are detailed information under each fairy, please check the host."

Only then did Chutian feel a little better, and then hurried to the front of the nine stone statues, and found that there were detailed information on the stone platform at their feet.

For example, the first stone statue said, "This fairy, from the fairy world, has skills, can draw, is beautiful, and is first-class."

Chu Tian took a deep breath, "Come from the fairyland? Is there really such a place as the fairyland?"

He wanted to summon them quickly, but when Chu Tian thought about the other eight, he might as well take a look first.

I saw the words written on the second stone statue, "This fairy comes from the world of the undead. She has the ability to summon undead souls. She is beautiful and first-class."

"My god, from hell?"

Now Chutian trembled a little, because he was a beautiful ghost, but he didn't know if it was really first-class beauty. Thinking of this, Chutian looked at other things.

As a result, the last seven showed that their origins were not good, their skills were not good, and their beauty was ominous.

Chu Tian was perplexed, "I'll do it!"

This means that Chutian can only choose from the first and second stone statues first. After all, he doesn’t know whether the last seven are good or not, so Chutian began to think, "Is this undead world too scary? Should I go first?" Call the Immortal Realm to take a look."

So Chu Tian pointed to the first stone statue, "That's her!"

"Ding~ Consume six Fairy Guidebooks, activate Fairy Fairy Statues, and leave one Fairy Guidebook."

Then the cloud and mist of the first stone statue became heavier, until the system flashed a voice again, "Only by injecting primordial power can the fairy be summoned."

Chu Tian cursed, "Damn, tell me earlier!"

So Chutian began to inject Yuanshen power, and it was all inspired from the four Nascent Souls who already had Yuanshen power, but the system kept flashing, "Ding~ Yuanshen power is too weak!"

"Ding~ Yuanshen power is too weak, the summoning failed!"

"Ding~ Summoning failed!"

Then the stone statue returned to calm, and Chu Tian looked dumbfounded, "Nimma, the primordial spirit is too weak?"

At this time, the system flashed, "Ding~ After identification, this fairy needs to inject 4 yuan of divine power for a quarter of an hour before she can be attracted!"


The system fell silent and Chu Tian shouted everywhere, "Damn, don't play dumb for me."

At this moment, a clear voice came from the first stone statue, "Your primordial power cannot sustain me from the fairy world."

Chu Tian took a few steps back in shock, "You, when can you talk?"

At this time, the clear voice explained calmly, "I saw you when you opened the space-time tunnel just now."

"What? See me?"

"Well, I'm in the fairy world now, and I can see you!"

Chu Tian was stunned, "Oh my God."

At this time, the voice also asked curiously, "Who are you, and why is it you who are my fairy fate?"

Chu Tian was puzzled, "What fairy fate?"

The other party hesitated for a while and said, "I told you, you don't understand, anyway, it's Xianyuan."

Chu Tian had no choice but to put away his curiosity, and hurriedly asked with a smile, "We are destined, so how about I take you down to the earth to have fun when I have enough power of primordial spirit?"

"Okay, but I should rest, otherwise I will consume a lot of energy to communicate with you like this."

Chu Tian was a little disappointed and said, "Huh? Just leave like this?"

"Wait until you have enough primordial power to open the space-time tunnel, let me come over, I'll wait for you!"

Soon the voice completely disappeared, and Chu Tian seemed to be dreaming, "Xian Yuan, fairy? Could it be my wife from the fairy world?"

Thinking of this, Chu Tian couldn't help but giggle, "Maybe it's true."

At this moment, Chutian was not to mention how happy he was, because he always thought that the summoned things were illusory, but he did not expect that this time the fairy summoned was a living person, and it was really a fairy world, and the other party even talked about fairy fate.

"Haha, wait, when I have enough primordial power, I will definitely bring you here from the fairy world!"

But soon Chutian was a little depressed. If he wanted 4 yuan of divine power, at least he would have to wait until he had awakened. He sighed helplessly, "It's really not easy to summon a fairy."

When Chu Tian sighed, Feng Lie's sound transmission stone moved, "Brother Chu, brother Chu, where are you? Hurry up, something serious has happened!"

[The second update today, I think many readers are going to hit me, but Lao Yan wants to say that the fairy is a real person, and the next time I bring it down, it will be a real person, don't believe it, haha, don't shoot me, this is all a story setting Definitely need it~ Well, Lao Yan continues to ask for tickets and rewards~]

(End of this chapter)

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