Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 287 You Are Too Weak! !

Chapter 287 You Are Too Weak! ! (seeking tickets)
[Thanks for the reward from 'WOLFCN - Wolf Road', thank you. 】

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, but Chu Tian frowned, "Why did you attack him?"

The man turned his head and looked over, only to see that his left face was covered by long hair, but his right eye stared at Feng Lie like a beast and said, "Because he's talking big."

Feng Lie was taken aback, but Chu Tian easily threw the cup back and said, "He didn't brag, because I would have defeated you."

The man was stunned for a moment, then looked at Chutian, "A person with a Nascent Soul can't be with me, you can brag as much as you want!"

Chutian smiled strangely, "Oh? Really? Heigu's black gold."

As soon as the words came out, the man's eyes widened, and Wang Xin was even more shocked, "What? He's black gold?"

Chu Tianen said, Wang Xin frowned, "Heigu has five out-of-body Dzogchen masters, named after five attributes, and each is good at different attributes, and their strength is very powerful."

After hearing this, Chu Tian laughed and said, "So, he still has black wood, black soil, black fire, and black water?"

Wang Xin responded, "That's right."

But at this moment, Hei Jin said coldly, "Boy, how do you know my name?"

Chu Tian said unceremoniously, "Why should I tell you?"

Hei Jin snorted, and a strong air current squeezed Chu Tian, ​​trying to make Chu Tian compromise, just when everyone thought Chu Tian would die.

Chu Tian sneered unaffected at all, "With your momentum, no matter how hard you try, it's useless!"

The people around gasped, and Hei Jin couldn't believe it, "Aren't you just in Nascent Soul Realm?"

"Yes, any questions?"

The other party didn't believe it, "Impossible, there must be some magic weapon in you."

After finishing speaking, countless gold needles gathered in front of the black gold immediately, these gold needles are not even dared to be touched by ordinary masters in the out-of-body period.

Before the attack, Hei Jin was still explaining, "If you encounter my attack, not only will your body be destroyed, but your soul will also be destroyed."

Chutian smiled and said nothing, didn't bother to pay attention, and sat back, but Chutian's ignorance made Hei Jinqi say, "Do you dare to ignore me?"

"You are too weak!"

When the people at the scene heard Chu Tian's arrogant words, they immediately made a fuss.

"Is this guy crazy? Dare to say that Hei Gu's out-of-body stage master is too weak?"

"That's right, he dares to look down on people at the Nascent Soul Realm?"

"He's going to be in trouble now."

As for the black gold running violently, the golden needles flew out immediately. When these flying needles were about to touch Chutian, a dark light on Chutian's body opened up, and this light layer was fused with three dark night beads.

The opponent's golden needles hit it, and even the protective cover couldn't be opened, only the sound of countless golden lights hitting it could be seen.

The people present gasped, and Wang Xin was also stunned. She never expected Chu Tian to be so terrifying, but Chu Tian picked up the chopsticks and said calmly, "If fighting was not banned in Ghost City, you would be lying in bed now. It's on the ground."

When Hei Jin heard this, he immediately became more aggressive, and the countless gold needles on his body became bigger and bigger, and finally all gathered at one point, and crazily hit the cover.

Chu Tian still shook his head helplessly and said, "Don't try, it's useless, if you say you are too weak, you are too weak!"

"Damn it, too weak? Too weak? I'll fuck you, you're too weak, die!"

This time the golden needles turned into black shadows and passed through the protective layer. Everyone was shocked, but Chu Tian smiled strangely, "So it's a soul attack, so it's even weaker."

I saw those black shadows penetrating into the body, and they were all received by Chutian's fifth Yuanying one by one, "Ding~ Shui Yuanying's Yuanshen power +2"

Hei Jin was completely dumbfounded, "I can't even break you with soul damage?"

"They say, you are too, weak!"

Hei Jin said angrily, "Boy, wait, I will definitely make you regret calling me weak!"

Seeing that Hei Jin left angrily, while people around were discussing, Chu Tian smiled and looked at Feng Lie and the others as if nothing had happened, "Continue chatting, don't look at me."

Wang Xin had been staring at Chu Tian in astonishment for a long time, but the news that Chu Tian blocked all the black gold attacks quickly spread throughout the city.

When Chu Tian and the others left the teahouse, people were discussing on the road, but Feng Lie said with a smile, "Brother Chu, you've become famous all at once."

Chu Tian smiled, "If you are famous, you will be famous."

But Wang Xin was worried, "This is not good."


Everyone also looked at Wang Xin curiously, and Wang Xin said, "Everyone knows your ability, and will definitely think of various ways to deal with you, and even join forces to eliminate you first, and then they will fight for the first place."

After hearing this, Chu Tian laughed and said, "What? This brawl? It can't be a group battle, right?"

Wang Xin nodded and said, "That's right, a group of people are thrown together, and the last remaining person is the first, and the others will either admit defeat or die."

Everyone gasped, but Chu Tian said naturally, "That's better, it saves me fighting one by one and wasting my time."

Wang Xin and others looked at Chutian like a monster, but Chutian laughed and said, "Is this knockout match starting tomorrow?"

Wang Xinen said, "Yes, when the time comes, we will kick out all the weak ones, leaving 50 people in each group."

Chu Tianen said, "Alright then, let's go back and have a rest."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and Wang Xin had no choice but to take them back. However, at this moment, the whole Ghost City is discussing who might win this chaos.

Chu Tian, ​​however, has nothing to do with the kind of high-pitched self. He is still thinking about ending the game early and going to the so-called Youtian Holy Palace, whether he can make a breakthrough and have the ability of 4 yuan of divine power as soon as possible.

Until the next day, at dawn, Chu Tian and others came to the City Lord's Mansion. At this moment, countless people gathered there, and each of them took their own registration form to receive an identity token.

Finally, everyone came to a teleportation formation. Chu Tian was curious about where the teleportation formation arrived. When he stepped on with Feng Lie and others, he appeared in a square in an instant. At this moment, there was a huge circular ring in the center of the square. Enchantment.

At the same time, there are countless seats beside the ring, and many people have already occupied their seats. Not only that, even the participants of each group are also getting ready in some vacant seats.

As for Chu Tian and others, they also came to an empty seat and sat down, but after a while, Yue Xie came from a distance, and at the same time looked at Chu Tian with a smile, "Boy, I thought you would not dare to come if you were timid." .”

But Chu Tian laughed and said, "Your grandfather wants to give me the pill, how can I not come?"

Yue Xie sneered upon hearing this, "Do you really think you can win the first place in Nascent Soul?"

"That's a must."

Yue Xie smiled strangely when he saw that Chu Tian was still so crazy, "Just wait, this time the Yuanying team has countless masters, among them are those carefully trained by my Yue family and Lu family."

"Really? Then I will not be soft when the time comes."

Yue Xie sneered after seeing that he couldn't take advantage at all, "Wait."

Then Yue Xie left angrily, and Chu Tian laughed secretly, until a man appeared on the stage after a while, this man was wearing a blue robe, holding a blue crystal staff, everyone saw this man and said respectfully, "Youlan Messenger."

Chu Tian was curious, "Could it be that this is the envoy who possesses the Soul Extermination Order?"

At this time, the emissary said solemnly, "I won't talk nonsense, and now we will start the knockout round from the Nascent Soul group."

Some people who have never participated in it are curious about what this knockout match is like.

[Today’s guarantee is the first update. Lao Yan, who is still working hard, is asking for votes and rewards. Now the recommended votes rank more than 30 in the whole station. It depends on everyone whether you can reach the top 30. Thank you for your support~]

(End of this chapter)

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